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September 28, 2020

Employees in the District Office, Auxiliary Services Building, and Transportation Facilities

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Shelley Nordick, Administrator of Teaching and Learning

Halloween Activities

 Some departments and buildings have had a tradition of employees bringing their children and grandchildren into the building on Halloween for trick-or-treating. This activity has many merits and benefits to our groups and teams.  However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to maintain safety for all employees and their family members, we will not be having these types of activities this year.

We know this may be a disappointment to many who look forward to this each year.  However, many employees and/or those they go home to each evening have health concerns that make such activities unwise during a pandemic.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the cancellation of these Halloween activities, please communicate them through your supervisor to their Cabinet level supervisor.

As a general reminder:

  1. do your best to maintain a six foot distance between yourself and others;
  2. always wear a mask when you are around others and/or when you move about the building;
  3. wash your hands thoroughly and regularly; and
  4. never come to work if you feel ill or exhibit symptoms as indicated in the attached document

Please use the following links to access the State COVID-19 Manual in a multitude of languages, along with other flyers and information sheets produced the the State Health Department.



OTHER LANGUAGE RESOURCES for COVID-19 are available here. The COVID-19 Manual is translated into Arabic, Farsi, French, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Thai, and Vietnamese. Portuguese is coming soon. This site also has many of the other COVID flyers and information sheets produced by the State Health Department:


A revised agenda for the optional training sessions for office and administrative staff of schools and District departments is attached.  The October 1st and 15th sessions will be held in the morning and the October 5th session in the afternoon (same information presented at each session).  If you would like to participate in one of the sessions, please send an email to Jeri Clayton at and let her know which date you would like to sign-up to attend.  Attendees of each session will receive an email the day prior to the training with instructions for connecting to the Zoom meeting.

The District ordered and has now received 1,000 Chromebooks for the purpose loaning these Chromebooks out to schools for short-term needs. Primarily the purpose of the short-term loan of the Chromebooks is for students in quarantine to use when the school does not have sufficient numbers for quarantined student use.

If your school has such a need for a temporary short-term use of additional Chromebooks, please call Mark Sowa at 801.567.8392 (x88392) to make arrangements. With only 1,000 Chromebooks to loan out, it is imperative that every school return the loaned Chromebooks as soon as possible with the intent of not being out longer than one month so we can assist other schools experiencing temporary increases in demand due to quarantines. Any device not returned will need to be reimbursed to the loaner program.

You are invited to share the following parent outreach information with your school community as you see fit.

  • Jordan’s Health and Wellness team will be conducting a mental health screening event on October 7th. You are invited to forward this flyer to parents in your community as you see fit.
  • Jordan’s Health and Wellness team has been conducting Tuesday Wellness Tips live meetings for parents to attend a virtual “lunch n’ learn” for less than 30 minutes every Tuesday at 12pm. You are invited to forward this flyer to parents and families in your community as you see fit.

Our District has access to quality training covering the following topics:

  • Understand the impact that trauma, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, has on our students.
  • Learn proactive strategies and tools to implement with students in all grade levels.
  • Gain insights into the “language of trauma” and how to successfully de-escalate students.

Any staff member can sign up who is interested and will be able to earn credit for attending. We invite you to share the registration link and flyer with individuals in your school who could benefit from this training.


For those who will be having a "Say Book to the Flu" event this year, please see the attached flyer. Note that the flyer provides an active link allowing the recipient to view current Say Boo schedules by District. Thank you for your patience as we have adapted our process from individual District flyers in an attempt to respond to changing needs within your buildings.

Instructional Coaching Institute (ICI)
Supports for Administrators

The Instructional Coaching Institute is intended to create a united vision and purpose in Jordan School District in order to better support teachers. Meetings are held weekly at the ASB from 11:00-1:30 with the exception of a few that will be held virtually due to limited space availability. All district and school instructional leaders are considered part of the Instructional Coaching Institute and attend meetings. This includes:

  • Instructional Coaches
  • Title I Coaches
  • BYU/UVU Facilitators
  • T&L Specialists
  • T&L Consultants

This weekly communication is intended to inform you about topics and discussions that will be covered in the weekly meetings as well as on updates from Teaching and Learning. If you would like to attend and receive the information alongside your coach(es) you are welcome to do so or can join virtually. Parts of the meetings will be recorded and available after the meeting as well. Links to join virtually or to watch the recordings can be found inside the link below.

Helpful Links

  • Weekly Agenda/Zoom Link/Recording
  • Weekly T&L Updates
    • Assessment
    • Online Program
    • Literacy
    • Math
    • Science
    • GT
    • ELS
    • Other

Cultivating SEED in Diverse Environments
UTSTA 2020-21 Yearlong Virtual Conference

The virtual Utah Science Teacher Association (UtSTA) conference starts in October. This is a great opportunity for teachers to become familiar with and expand their understanding of the new SEEd standards. Funding will need to be provided through individual school however a grant opportunity is available. You can easily apply for a grant to attend this conference.

Please see flyer below for information on how to apply for a grant and registration information.


September 17, 2020

Administrative and Office Staff of Schools and District Departments

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Business Department Training for District and School Office and Administrative Staff

Please see the memo and agenda below for information about the optional training being conducted by the Business and Auxiliary Services Departments.

The Assistant Principal meetings will be held in the ASB Presentation Room in-person and also virtually. It's expected that you will attend one of the meetings each month. The room will hold 20 people. In-person slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. After those slots are filled please sign up for the virtual slots. This will provide room for a total of 50 people per meeting. The course number is: #101627. There are two section numbers for each meeting. Listed below are the JPLS section numbers for the September and November meetings. The access information for the virtual meeting will be provided for those who have signed up in JPLS before the date of the meeting. If you have any questions regarding signing up in JPLS please call Chris Westra at x88657. Other questions may be directed to Nadine Page at x88186.

September 17, 2020
Assistant Principal Meeting
1:00-3:30 pm
ASB Presentation Room
20 In-Person Slots -- Section # 116444
30 Virtual Slots -- Section #116445

September 22, 2020
Assistant Principal Meeting
8:00-10:30 am
ASB Presentation Room
20 In-Person Slots -- Section #116446
30 Virtual Slots -- Section # 116447 

November 5, 2020
Assistant Principal Meeting
1:00-3:30 pm
ASB Presentation Room
20 In-Person Slots -- Section #116448
30 Virtual Slots -- Section #116449

November 10, 2020
Assistant Principal Meeting
8:00-10:30 am
ASB Presentation Room
20 In-Person Slots -- Section #116450
30 Virtual Slots -- Section #116451

Getting a flu shot is an easy way to help protect you and your family.
No cost to you with your insurance card.
Two district clinics have been scheduled for flu shots this year (see attached schedule).
Clinics have also been scheduled at most schools.  See your individual school for dates and times.
You can also go to your physician, or any pharmacy that accepts PEHP insurance.

September 10, 2020

Administrative and Office Staff of Schools and District Departments

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Business Department Training for District and School Office and Administrative Staff

Optional training will be provided by the Business and Auxiliary Services Departments on October 1, 5, and 15 via Zoom or Google Meet. This training opportunity is for school or department personnel including principals, assistant principals, administrative assistants, clerks, aides or others with responsibilities correlating with the Business or Auxiliary Services Departments. Please see the memo below for detailed information.


Please save these dates for the first two Assistant Principal meetings:

September 17 - 1:00-3:30 pm
September 22 - 8:00-10:30 am

November 5 - 1:00-3:30 pm
November 10 - 8:00-10:30 am

More information will be coming next week in JAM regarding in-person and virtual meetings and how to sign up for a time.

Utah Education Network is working to provide a ZOOM Pro Plan for Educators.  Within the next two weeks you will receive an email (sample below) from ZOOM with an invitation to approve a request for a new account through UEN. If you would like the Pro Plan for Zoom, you will have 30 days to approve the request. Please share this.