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Facility Coordinators

Meet John Graziano, our new Facility Coordinator for the north area schools.

Previously, Doug Smith was your coordinator, but Doug retired and has turned the reins over to the very capable hands of John. He is making his way out to each of the schools he provides support to. Please be sure to let John know how he can help you with any of your facility needs.

North Area Coordinator
801-567-8864  Office
801-514-3854  Cell

  • Columbia Elementary
  • Copper Canyon Elementary
  • Elk Meadows Elementary
  • Falcon Ridge Elementary
  • Fox Hollow Elementary
  • Hayden Peak Elementary
  • Heartland Elementary
  • Jordan Hills Elementary
  • Majestic Elementary
  • Mtn. Shadows Elementary
  • Oakcrest Elementary
  • Oquirrh Elementary
  • Riverside Elementary
  • Terra Linda Elementary
  • Welby Elementary
  • West Jordan Elementary
  • Westland Elementary
  • Westvale Elementary
  • Elk Ridge Middle
  • Joel P. Jensen Middle
  • Sunset Ridge Middle
  • West Hills Middle
  • West Jordan Middle
  • Copper Hills High
  • West Jordan High
  • Valley High
  • Auxiliary Services
  • District Office
  • JATC North
  • South Valley
  • River's Edge


In their meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 the Board of Education voted to finalize school boundaries. The only elementary schools on a year-round calendar will be Blackridge, Fox Hollow and South Jordan. All other schools will be on a regular traditional calendar. The Board also finalized a new permit policy and procedures. All current information can be found at More information coming soon.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

All Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Research Project

The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.

Project Title:     Teachers’ Perceptions on Access to General Education and Functional Skills Curricula to Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Applicant:     Olivia Coleman, University of Utah

The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. Participation in the study is at your discretion. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243.

The researcher will contact principals asking them to send out an email recruiting special education teachers and general education team leads/department chairs to participate in the study.

Thank you for your assistance.

Adolescents and Pornography Use Forum

Kendee Hamilton
Therapy Utah

Hosted by Student Intervention Services

October 16, 2018
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Jordan School District Auxiliary Service Building
Presentation Room
7905 South Redwood Road
West Jordan

All Administrators Invited

(Invite any staff you feel would benefit) - See flyer below

September 11, 2018

All Principals

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services

14th Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
All Schools, Traditional and YRE

Please see attached memo.

Skyward has finally sent a release with the approve and reroute for check requests! As a result we wanted to send out some notification and instructions on what you will see and what you will be allowed to do now. Attached is a one page guide showing screenshots of the new reroute capability and some explanation of how it works.

We are trying to update and improve our processes and believe this will be a big benefit to everyone involved in the check disbursement process. If you have any questions about this please let us know.

As you approve your check requests you will now see the third option to approve and reroute a check to another department. So, as you review your check requests please take note of the budget you are charging or notes your admin assistant may have put on the request as these will provide direction of where to reroute requests.

Admin Assistants:
This is great news as you will no longer have to send in paper NPOs for payments out of the Foundation, Special Ed, Title I, etc. We would ask that you work with your principal in some way (note in request, verbal reminder, etc.) to let them know where a given request should be routed to.

DO Departments:
This will change how you see payment requests coming from the elementary schools. Please work with your different department heads to make them aware that checks will now be coming to them through Skyward. As shown in the directions they should see the yellow exclamation icon notifying them of tasks needing to be completed. They will need to check this to review and approve any requests being charged to their respective areas.

The following are new administrative assignments:

  • Bobbie Nixon, intern facilitator at Herriman Elementary School, appointed assistant principal at Bastian and Herriman Elementary Schools.
  • Megan Cox, teacher specialist at Blackridge Elementary School, appointed assistant principal at Golden Fields and Rose Creek Elementary Schools.
  • Jerri Mausbach, assistant principal at Oquirrh Elementary School, appointed assistant principal at Oquirrh and Southland Elementary Schools.                                                             .
  • Amy Adams, assistant principal at Herriman and Riverside Elementary Schools, appointed assistant principal at Riverside Elementary School.
  • Candie Checketts, assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon and Rose Creek Elementary Schools, appointed assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary School.

August 13, 2018

District Administration

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services

1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
Year-round Schools, Tracks A, B, C & D (August 13, 2018 count)

Please see attached memo.

August 16, 2018

All Principals, Directors and Supervisors

Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified

Hours Increase to Select Part-Time Classified Positions

With the increasing difficulty in recruiting and retaining qualified part-time classified assistants, assistants working in designated positions are now allowed to work up to 25 hours/week, with principal/director approval. School funds must be used to pay the additional hours worked.

Positions Eligible for 25 Hours/week

  • Classroom Assistants
  • Office Assistants 


  • Only approved funding sources may be used to increase hours.
    • Classroom Assistants (i.e. In-Lieu Funds, Trustlands or Title I)
    • Office Assistants (i.e. In-Lieu Funds) 


  • All hours worked must be in the same job title. Positions may not be combined (i.e. office/classroom or classroom/Special Education) to avoid pay discrepancies between positions.
  • Assistants who work 25 hours/week will not be allowed to substitute teach.


  • Classroom assistant (17 hours “0050” plus eight hours Trustlands)
  • Classroom assistant (15 hours Title I plus 10 hours In-Lieu Funds)
  • Office assistant (17 hours “0050” plus eight hours In-Lieu Funds) 


  • Submit a change form to HR to increase hours up to 25/week (.625 FTE).
    • The change form must indicate which budget(s) will be used and the percentage for each budget.
  • All hours worked will be paid according to the budget percentage entered in Skyward, regardless of the percentage of time worked out of each budget during the month.
  • Only one position will be used in TrueTime. TrueTime must be used to track all hours worked.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 801-567-8150.

Cc:      Cabinet

Utah Retirement Systems will be available for one-on-one retirement planning sessions at the Jordan School District Main Office on Friday, September 5, 2018. Check in at the front desk. See the instructions below to register for an appointment.  Counseling sessions are available at other locations that are also listed on the URS website.

  1. Go to
  2. Log into your myurs account by clicking on LOGIN in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the Education Tab.
  4. Click on “Individual Retirement Planning Sessions”.
  5. Find the session that works best for you.  Select the session to reserve your appointment.
  6. Please be sure to bring your estimated annual salary, any retirement plan balances outside of URS, and your Social Security statement (get yours at

July 9, 2018

Secondary School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
June LeMaster, Administrator, Human Resources
Brent Burge, HR Administrator, Classified

Shift Differential

As part of JESPA negotiations for the 2018-2019 contract year, the shift differential was increased effective July 1, 2018 as follows:

Swing Shift – The employee’s shift must begin between 12:00 p.m. (noon) and 10:00 p.m.  The employee must work a full eight hours. The additional rate of pay is $0.50 per hour.

Graveyard Shift – The employee’s shift must begin between 10:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m.  The employee must work a full eight hours.  The additional rate of pay is $1.00 per hour.

Only classified, benefit-eligible employees are eligible for shift differential.  Please follow the current process to submit for shift differential pay.