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Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent

The September Assistant Principal meetings will be held on September 17 (8:00-11:00am) and September 19 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. All assistant principals and intern assistant principals are invited. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30 am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered. Both sessions will provide the same information. Please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc to sign up for which day you would like to attend. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801-567-8182 (x88182).

August 22, 2024

Teaching & Learning Consultants
Secondary & Elementary Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Sharon Jensen, Student Support Consultant

Safe School Hearing Committee 2024-2025

District Safe School Hearings are essential to a student’s due process. Safe School Hearings are held weekly and are chaired by the Student Support Consultant, Sharon Jensen, and consists of a committee made up of school and district administrators.

Please find your Safe School Hearing Committee assignment(s) at this LINK

Should you have any questions or conflicts regarding your committee assignment(s), contact Janie Hyde, Administrative Assistant, Student Support Services. 801-567-8326.


Middle and High School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Brandee Bergum, Consultant in Teaching and Learning

The first submission deadline for this year’s Secondary Literature Selection meetings is September 4, 2024. Any full length novel that a teacher would like to use in the classroom must be on the district’s approved list. Teachers may send submissions to the attention of Brandee Bergum in Teaching and Learning. Submission directions and forms can be found here: Secondary Literature Selection Process Our secondary approved lists can be found here: JSD Approved Literature Lists

Lit. Selection Dates 2024-25

Book Submission Deadline Middle School Meetings High School Meetings
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024 Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024 Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2025 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025 Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025 Tuesday, March 4, 2025 Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 Tuesday, April 29, 2025 Wednesday, April 30, 2025

August 22, 2024

Building Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars
Secondary Attendance Secretaries

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Scott Festin, Planning Consultant, Student Services
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Student Services

2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops

As mentioned in a previous memo, 2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops, processing for 10-day drops may begin on September 3 and 4. Planning & Enrollment will begin preparing “Done.0” FTE allocation recommendations for Cabinet shortly thereafter. Please note the following tasks that MUST BE COMPLETED BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2024.


  • Ensuring hiring totals are updated on your school’s Enrollment Dashboard. Each year, once Done.0 has been issued, multiple schools require adjustments due to forgetting to update hiring totals. This impacts the availability of funds to address critical needs throughout the District. If hiring totals are not accurate on the Dashboard AND in Skyward, the school may need to fund positions through alternative budgets.
  • Ensure that hiring does not exceed the 2.0 allocation issued in February 2024. Even if enrollment has increased above projections, schools are not authorized to hire above 2.0 without the express consent of the Superintendent and Cabinet.
  • Hiring also should not exceed qualified FTE totals based on enrollment as of Day 10.
  • ELEMENTARY: Many schools have not recorded hiring for their BTS instructor. Total FTE for the position should be entered in column E of row 33; budgets paying for that FTE should be recorded in row 76.

Admin Assistants / Attendance Secretaries / Registrars

  • Work with teachers to try to generate accurate attendance for the first ten days. At the secondary level, if a single teachers does not record a student absence during the first ten days, Skyward will not identify the student as continuously absent.
    • The “Suspect or Questionable Attendance Report” (located in Office > Attendance . Reports > Verification Reports) may be beneficial in identifying teachers who are not accurately recording attendance. Run the report for a specific day of school and select the “Validate Limited Student Presence” option. This will identify students who have been marked absent in most periods but have a small number of periods where the student was marked present. The report will also identify the teacher who may not have accurately recorded attendance.
  • Review the previous memo on 10-Day drops, 2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops, and be ready to run reports, withdraw students, and report completion of drops.

August 22, 2024

Assistant Principals
Safety Personnel
School Safety Specialists

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

SRP/Incident Command Training – Administrators/School Safety Specialists

To ensure current and best practices in school safety are implemented uniformly across the district, training in both the Incident Command System and Standard Response Protocols is required annually. This training is required for all principals, assistant principals, district administrators, district safety personnel and assigned school safety specialists. This is an opportunity to receive the most up-to-date instruction and gain clarity on how both systems work cohesively to improve safety for students, staff, and guests. Trainings will be held on:

  • Thursday, September 5th, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM at JATC South
  • Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at JATC South
  • Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM at JATC South
  • Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at JATC South

Please sign up for one of the training sessions using this link.

Should you have any questions please contact Matt Alvernaz, the District Safety Coordinator, at or by phone at (801)567-8623.

August 20, 2024

District Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Scott Festin, Planning Consultant, Planning & Enrollment
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate for All Schools

Please see the attached document.


Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Kaye Rizzuto, Consultant in Teaching and Learning

September has been designated by the Utah State Legislature as American Founders Month in HB 179. All public schools are asked to do something to honor the American Founding Fathers and the Constitution. September 17 is designated by Congress as Constitution Day.

Elementary Teachers have access to resources that fit their social studies standards. All 5th and 6th grade students will receive a “Why I Love America” pamphlet that teachers can use as a resource. One of the lessons on the resource page for 5th and 6th grade teachers is a lesson specifically about the pamphlet.

Secondary social studies also have lessons and activities that they can do during the month. The resources for American Founders Month can be found on the district website.

Administrative Assistants

June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources

Check out the information regarding a scholarship opportunity. Valued at up to $2,500! Apply by December 15, 2024.

All School and District Administrators

June LeMaster, Administrator Human Resources

Current JSD administrators are eligible for principal assignment consideration at any time, however Cabinet will conduct an optional interest interview every four years for current administrators in the district.

DATE:  December 3rd
TIME:  To Be Determined
LOCATION:  Executive Conference Room, District Office

Application Window Closes November 15th

See the flyer below for all the details on how to apply.


Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent

October 20th is this week! Please make sure all items are completed before fall recess! Thank you!

Upcoming Timelines for School LAND Trust and SCC Items:

All items can be found in the 2024-25 Beginning of Year Documents


August & September

  • Hold First Meeting
    • Orientation for new members and schedule member training
    • Collect member contact information and set meeting schedule for the year
    • Assign review of required website information and Rules of Order & Procedure
    • Elect a Chair and Vice-Chair

October 20, 2024

  • Review the current School LAND Trust Plan, implementation of the Prior Year's Plan, and the Teacher and Student Success Act Plan (TSSA)

August Items from the State LAND Trust Office:

Important Training

  • Click on this LINK for a video (3 min) to complete important training on information regarding council membership, elections, and Rules of Order and Procedure.
  • Click this LINK to access the School Community Council timeline for important due dates and program requirements. (This document is also attached below with JSD due dates listed)

Helpful Resources

  • Click this article and checklist to review regulations regarding council elections. School council elections must done in compliance with Utah Code and Rule.
  • Councils must review their Rules of Order and Procedure annually and update, as needed. Click this video and template to check for compliance.

Program Updates

  • Amendments to current plans are getting an upgrade and are unavailable. We will send a notification when they are ready.



Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent

One more training to be held this year. Hope to see you on Zoom!

All new principals and new SCC Chairs need to attend one of the SCC Trainings for this year. Two trainings will be held in a Zoom format. For specific questions or topics you would like to have covered, please submit them through email to Nadine Page ( before the meeting dates. For any other questions contact Nadine Page, or 801.567.8182 (x88182).

October 30, 2024 - 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting     LINK

October 9, 2024 - 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Previously held

School Administrators

Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

Your ELD lead will have four meetings this year. The two Task force meetings are for a school team, including the administrator over compliance to also attend.

Our department will only pay for one sub for the ELD lead.

Administrators, the two ELD meetings are optional for you, but please encourage and support your ELD lead in coming and providing time in your faculty meetings after for your ELD lead to share the information.

ELD Lead

  • Nov. 13 | Juniper Elementary|12:30 - 1 p.m. Secondary PLC | 3 - 3:30 p.m Elementary PLC
  • March 26 | JATC South | 12:30 - 1 p.m. Secondary PLC | 3 - 3:30 p.m Elementary PLC

Task Force

  • Sept. 25 | ASB Auditorium | Secondary 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. | Elementary 1:30 - 3:30 p.m
  • Jan. 29 |ASB Auditorium | Secondary 7:30 - 10:30 a.m. | Elementary 12:30 - 3:30 p.m

The sub code is 7628 for half-day sub only. For additional information or questions, please reach out to your Language Teacher Specialist at

Administrative Assistants

Katie Bastian, Director of Nutrition Services

After many years of successful Pan Sales, Nutrition Services is saying goodbye to our annual Pan Sale. Unfortunately the kitchen supply company that we have worked with will no longer be able to provide us equipment to sell to the public. We want to thank you and we appreciate all the support to our Pan Sale over years!

Administrative Assistants

Spencer Campbell, Principal of Kelsey Peak Virtual

Thanks for the opportunity to help train the administrators and admin assistants. The average Zoom attendance was 35 people per session, and attendees were administrators and administrative assistants throughout the district, including building-level employees, HR, the district office, teaching and learning, and other auxiliary offices. It was helpful on multiple levels. I sent out PD certificates to those who attended for re-licensure. Again, thanks for the opportunity.

2024 Recordings Folder Link

August 1, 2024

All Special Educators and Service Providers

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

SCRAM for 2024-25 School Year - October 1 Count

Please read this Memo carefully as several items have been modified/updated to include new procedures implemented with our new Embrace program. Once you have read through the memo, use the process you have in place at your school to include all service providers to share the report and make the necessary corrections. It is important to verify every student on the report. Scram reports and corrections are due no later than Monday, September 9, 2024.

Please work together as a team and only return one copy of the report with all corrections for each school. For the 2024-25 school year our procedure will be to submit SCRAM electronically through Embrace AND continue to submit the paper version as we have been doing. This will ensure that our system is consistent and our reporting is correct. By working together through this process, we should be able to ensure we have enough data to determine if we can just use the Embrace SCRAM system the following year.

Please be sure to submit SCRAM within one week of holding an IEP meeting or making changes. If you have questions, please contact the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school or Jen Warkentine at (801) 567-8207. Thank you for your conscientious efforts to complete this critical information. Please remember that special education funding is contingent upon the accuracy of this data.

August 15, 2024

All Principals

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Providing a Consistent Space for Itinerant Service Providers

As the school year begins, please be mindful that the itinerant service providers assigned to your school require a consistent and viable space to work with the students that they are assigned to in your school. These service providers include OTs, PTs, Hearing & Vision, etc. The services that these professionals provide are required by students’ IEPs and 504 plans and aid in students being able to engage more effectively in instruction and other related activities. These providers serve students in multiple schools each day and have very tight schedules. If they are required to spend time locating a space to serve students each time they arrive at a school, or if they are unexpectedly moved from a space, it can greatly affect their ability to provide these required services to each of the students that they are assigned to.

Please be sure to work with your itinerant service providers at the start of the school year to identify a consistent viable space where they can serve the students at your school. If you need to change that space during the school year, please notify the itinerant service providers well in advance.

Also, as you plan for the year and additional staff to your school, please keep in mind that Speech Language Therapists are an integral part of your faculty and need space to work with small groups and individual students.

We appreciate your support in these efforts.