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January 17, 2019

Special Education Staff

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Kristin Norris, Teacher Specialist-SLP/A, ESY Coordinator

Extended School Year (ESY) Qualification Procedures and Timelines

Attached are the guidelines for determining a student's eligibility for Extended School Year Services. Please review these Time Sensitive documents carefully.

Friday, January 4, 2019

All Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2018-19 UEPC School Climate Survey Preview Links

Jordan District is administering the 2018-19 UEPC School Climate Survey between February 4h and March 15th, 2019. The Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department submitted the licensed educator faculty lists you verified back in November 2018 to the Utah Education Policy Center. UEPC is now finalizing surveys for your school. Please conduct a final preview of the survey by Friday, January 18, 2019, to review the list of licensed educators at your school to make sure the list is complete and accurate.

Please follow the links below to preview the surveys:

Faculty and Staff:



When you get to the list of educator names for each survey, please read through the list carefully. If there are any names that need to be changed (for example, names are misspelled or not what the educator uses, educators have been added or replaced, etc.), please contact Ben Jameson ( with the necessary changes. If possible, please provide CACTUS ID numbers for educators that need to be added.  Also, please email Ben Jameson if there are no changes that need to be made.

UEPC will make changes to individual school surveys through Friday, January 18, 2019.  Once the surveys go live, UEPC will not be able to make any changes to your faculty lists. 

2019 Outstanding Educator Nominations open!


Applications open Tuesday Jan. 1, 2019 and are due by 11:59 pm Monday, Feb. 4, 2019

  1. Go to

  • Click on PRINCIPALS NOMINATE HERE link on front page
  1. At the bottom of the page you will see:

  • Application
  • Past Recipients List (Past Recipients are not eligible)
  • Scoring Rubric
  • Nomination Examples 

**Review the Rubric & Application Examples**       

  1. Select candidate (Approved by Principal)

  1. Write application:

  • Nomination can be written by Principal, a member of school staff, or a committee but must be approved by Principal.
  • A well-written application should be 3-5 pages in length, include anecdotal examples and comments from co-workers, students, parents, and/or community members as well as data appropriate to Rubric with its relevance explained. (See examples on the JEF website) 
  • Please make sure nomination is no longer than 5 pages
  1. Review nomination using Rubric (Application will be scored using Rubric)

  2. Submit – Applications should be submitted no later than February 4th


February 19, 2019 is set aside for “District Day on the Hill” at the Utah State Capitol. This is your chance to showcase the great things happening in your school. If you have any student-led interactive displays or performances you wish to spotlight, in the Capitol Rotunda, this is a great opportunity. Please contact Mike Anderson, x88167 or Nadine Page, x88186, if you are interested in attending. Applications are due by January 12, 2019.

Thank you!

December 19, 2018

All School Principals
All School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Jason Mott, Accountant / Internal Auditor

Quarterly School Financial Report for October, November, and December 2018

Each school is asked to report the quarter end account balance and transaction detail with the Apple Volume Purchase Program and return with your bank reconciliation.  If your school has no Apple account, please so indicate and return.

Please include the account balance with Apple on the reconciliation sign off form and print a report or screen shot(s) of the balances and quarterly transactions from Apple’s website.  If you need assistance, please contact your Curriculum Technology Specialist – Bonnie, Deana, Harrison, Nancy, Jay, and Raimee.

Please photocopy the selected elements and send to Accounting by January 25, 2019.

Please include:

  • The signed attached memo to Accounting
  • A copy of your October, November, and December 2018 Reconciliation Worksheets
  • A copy of your October, November, and December 2018 Bank Statements
  • A copy of your October, November, and December 2018 Skyward Balance Sheets
  • A copy of your October, November, and December 2018 Outstanding Check Reports
  • Screen shot(s) of your December 31, 2018 Apple Volume Purchase Program transaction history and balance

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Jason Mott at (801)567-8388.

Thank you.

Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools
Laura Finlinsoon, Administrator of Schools
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Doree Strauss, Administrator of Schools

December 19, 2018

Secondary School Principals
Secondary School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Jason Mott, Accountant/Internal Auditor

School Bank Account Balances for December 31, 2018

Please send the following information for each bank account balance as of December 31, 2018 to Accounting by January 25, 2019.  If you have multiple bank accounts, please list each account separately.

School Name
Name of Bank
Type of Account (checking, savings, money market)
Account Balance

The balance requested is the balance from your December bank statements, not Skyward.  This information is required annually and will be used to complete reporting requirements for Utah Money Management Council.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Jason Mott at (801)567-8388.

Thank you.

Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools
Laura Finlinsoon, Administrator of Schools
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Doree Strauss, Administrator of Schools

Classroom TECC kits have been delivered to every school in JSD.  A hearty kudos to Mark Raines, Dave Erickson and Brenda Veldevere for their efforts in making that happen.  Included with the delivery of the classroom TECC kits were the following two forms.

  • Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Kits Distribution Checklist - indicates how many kits were delivered to your school and identifies where the kits should be distributed.
  • Your School’s TECC Kit Assignment Sheet – is an accountability form that indicates which classroom number each kit is assigned to, as well as the teacher’s name and signature.

Thank you to those schools that have distributed the kits and submitted Your School’s TECC Kit Assignment Sheet to Judy Bird at Facility Services.  Those of you that have not yet submitted Your School’s TECC Kit Assignment Sheet to Judy, please do so by Friday, January 11, 2019.  You may either email a copy of the distribution form to Judy at or send the form via district mail to Judy Bird, Facility Services, at the ASB.

Feel free to contact Judy with any questions you may have at 801-567-8858.

Thanks for your cooperation and have a happy holiday season.

Middle and Elementary School Principals:

Our office has received several inquiries regarding the process and timeline for schools to begin working on their Safe Routes Utah plan (formerly SNAP) as a result of the boundary changes.

We recognize that while some of our elementary schools were not affected by MOAB, many of our schools were.  In consulting with Info Systems and the Department of Transportation, those schools that were not affected by MOAB may begin working with their School Community Councils to approve the 2019-20 Safe Routes Utah plan (we’ve actually had a few schools already submit their plans).

Schools that were affected by MOAB can expect to have revised attendance boundaries ready by January 7, 2019.  Revisions to your school’s walk boundary will come from the Department of Transportation and should be ready by mid-January.  Due to the time required to complete this process, we will extend the deadline for submitting Safe Routes Utah plans to Friday, February 8, 2019.

Once you receive the revised attendance and safe walking boundaries for your school, we would encourage you to begin meeting with your SCC to develop your school’s 2019-20 Safe Routes Utah plan as soon as possible.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Elementary School Principals
Middle School Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

RISE Summative Technology Readiness Check

Each year, school computer specialists and test coordinators work together to ensure that all the computers used for RISE testing are in good working order and updated with the latest testing browser.  If you are thinking of doing more testing on your wireless network, it’s crucial to check that your network can accommodate all those tests going on at the same time.  Please contact your school’s computer specialist and make arrangements to complete this check by Friday, December 21, 2018.

Please include the following in your RISE Summative System Readiness Check:

  • Verify that the Nextera Secure Browser has been installed and functions in every computer lab that will be used for RISE testing.
  • Utilize the same computers and labs during the readiness check that will be used for the RISE Summative testing.
  • Position mobile testing labs in those locations within your school where they will actually be testing.
  • Include several students with each lab using the text-to-speech tool.
  • Use as many computer labs during the readiness check as you will on the peak testing day in your RISE Summative testing schedule (i.e., if you will be utilizing 14 computer labs on your busiest day of testing, conduct your readiness check with 14 labs).
  • Conducting a RISE Benchmark or Interim test across multiple labs will satisfy the requirements for a readiness check.
  • Once the readiness check has been completed, please enter the completion requirements on the RISE test coordinator checklist tab on your school’s Opt Out shared Google sheet.
  • If you find that your network cannot accommodate the number of devices used, please adjust your RISE Summative testing schedule accordingly.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

All Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Self-Reported Indicators for the 2017-18 School Accountability Report Card

Please see memo below. Submissions for self-reported indicators are due on Friday, February 22, 2019.

December 6, 2018

All Principals

Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services

Volunteer Hours

Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Insurance Services.

Workers’ Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools. It is important that this information be accurate and complete.

PTA figures must be separate from other volunteer hours.

Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period from August 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018.

Please complete this form and return it to
Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services by
December 21, 2018.

December 3, 2018

All Elementary, Middle, and Traditional High School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Derek Anderson, Director of Budgeting

December 2018 Budget Transfer Request

If you would like to transfer budget between your postage, supply, textbook, technology supply and equipment budgets, please complete the following, sign and return to Derek by January 4, 2019. If Derek does not receive this back from you by January 4, 2019, Derek will assume no transfer is requested. The next opportunity to make such a transfer is June 2019.

Don't forget to opt out of your district printed W-2 by going to Skyward's Employee Access by midnight on December 16, 2018.

Opt out and win one of many prizes! A drawing for the prizes will be held on December 17th and employees will be contacted if they win.


All Elementary and Middle School Principals:

It's that time of year, once again, to start the process of developing your school's Safe Routes Utah Plan (formerly known as SNAP Plan). The Safe Routes Utah Plan form is attached, as well as a link to your school's municipal representative. Due to recent changes to JSD boundaries, your school's municipal representative would like to be included in the initial planning process. As you work with your school's safety team and school community council, please invite your municipal representative to the planning/SCC meeting.

The Safe Routes Utah Plan is a fillable form that must be downloaded.

Safe Routes Utah Plans for schools in the cities of Bluffdale, Herriman, Riverton and South Jordan are due by Friday, January 18, 2019.

Safe Routes Utah Plans for schools in the City of West Jordan are due and will be signed at the Auxiliary Services Building (ASB) auditorium, Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.

Don't hesitate contacting Ron Boshard at or at ext. 8-8876 with any questions you may have. For assistance with your school's Safe Routes Utah mapping software, contact Stacy Allen. Her contact information is included on the Municipal Representatives document (refer to link).

Municipal Representative List 

Thank you for all you help in identifying families to receive a Thanksgiving Heroes meal. There are PLENTY and I really mean PLENTY of meals available. Don't leave anyone out. At this point, you can send us 50 or more families and they would get a Thanksgiving meal.

  1. Can you get your numbers to Steven Hall, JEF office by Friday Nov 9 at noon. By numbers we mean numbers not forms. JEF needs numbers by Friday noon so food can be ordered.
  2. The forms can come later, Monday to Wednesday, as long as we have the numbers by Friday noon.

To date, only 25% of the allotted Thanksgiving dinners have been filled for our district. What a blessing it will be for our most deserving children to have a meal on Thanksgiving day. Thanks for you help.

November 5, 2018

All Middle and High School Head Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Dan Ellis, Director of Accounting
Jason Mott, Accountant/Internal Auditor

2018 W-9 Forms 1099 Information