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May 13, 2021

All Certified Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Year-End Checkout for Traditional Schools/Year-Round Schools

The items listed in the attached memo need attention as you prepare to close out the 2020-21school year.

Any questions or concerns that arise should be directed to your school’s Teacher Specialist for clarification.

May 13, 2021

Attendance Secretaries

Administrator of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Entering Attendance in Skyward for the Last Six (6) Days of the School Year

Please see attached memo.

May 6, 2021

Building Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Scott Festin, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Reporting Hiring on the Enrollment Dashboard

In previous school years, building administrators submitted an “FTE Staffing Worksheet” form to Planning & Enrollment to report their hiring using 0050/FTE allocations. This form has been discontinued.

All administrators must report their hiring using 0050/FTE allocations on their Enrollment Dashboard. This report must be completed with current hiring by Friday, May 7, 2021. If changes in hiring or funding sources for staff are made, these changes should immediately be noted on the Enrollment Dashboard.

When entering hiring numbers, be sure to use the “2021-22” tab to enter all totals!

Elementary Schools: Enter hiring in rows 42-52. Use the correct columns (columns I through M) for the funding source used.

Middle Schools: Enter hiring using 0050 in rows 44-55. Enter hiring using alternative funding sources in rows 61-72. Please note that some rows require you to enter the number of individuals and some rows require you to enter the number of periods.

High Schools: Enter hiring using 0050 in rows 44-61. Enter hiring using alternative funding sources in rows 67-81. Please note that some rows require you to enter the number of individuals and some rows require you to enter the number of periods.

Again, building administrators should have their school’s hiring updated on the “2021-22” tab of the Enrollment Dashboard by Friday, May 7, 2021. Changes that take place after May 7 should be noted on the dashboard without delay. Thank you to all schools who have already completed their hiring updates.

Please contact Planning & Enrollment (x88183) with any questions or concerns.

Due to student demand, JSD has added a second location for Code to Success. This six-week, summer coding camp will be held at Fort Herriman Middle School. Classes are Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM during the six weeks from June 14 to July 23. The program is open to current 7th - 12th grade students.

Please post the flyer (image file) on your website and use the video as part of your school announcements.

Students can register online at

Please contact Kami Taylor if you have questions.

Link to Flyer (image format)
Link to Video (youtube video)

Please advise your staff that Insurance Open Enrollment for this year will be May 15 - June 15.  Let your staff know that they need to get a confirmation that they have gone in and updated or verified that everything is correct.   Attached are the Open Enrollment Highlights.

Insurance Open Enrollment May 15 - June 15 for a September Effective Date.

InfinityHR/Arcoro ( ) will be used for all benefit eligible employees to make benefit elections offered at Open Enrollment and for newly eligible employees. All benefit eligible employees should log into the online system to verify dependents, beneficiaries and benefit elections.  Included in the attached Open Enrollment Highlights are online enrollment instructions.

The following changes may be made during the open enrollment period.

  • Enroll in a new insurance plan
  • Change or cancel an existing insurance plan
  • Add or cancel members from an existing plan
  • Flexible Spending election (new elections must be made each year you wish to participate)

May 5, 2021

All School and District Administrators

Administrator of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Behavior Survival Training for Administrators

A required training is scheduled for all administrators that will provide, within a restorative MTSS framework, background information pertaining to why problematic behaviors occur, basic information about behavioral resources that are available, an understanding of basic behavioral concepts, and strategies for effectively dealing with crisis behaviors.

Positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) are a cornerstone of any restorative MTSS culture. This training will provide the background and understanding to adequately and appropriately manage behavior issues in a supportive environment.

The training will take approximately four (4) hours and will be provided on three different days with five (5) different sessions to choose from (you only need to attend one session – all sessions will provide the same content). All sessions will be held in the auditorium at Elk Ridge Middle School (3659 W 9800 S, South Jordan, UT.).

Please select one of the following dates/times to attend:

Tuesday June 8:                7:30-11:30am, or 12:00-4:00pm 

Tuesday June 15:              7:30-11:30am, or 12:00-4:00pm 

Thursday June 17:            7:30-11:30am

Click HERE to register for the Behavior Survival Training for Administrators or go to

April 29, 2021

School Principals and Administrative Assistants

Administrators of Schools

Principal Year-End Check Out Materials for 2020-21

Attached is the list of all forms and items to be completed for principal check out.

  • Items highlighted in yellow will be reviewed at check out with your Administrator of Schools.
  • Items highlighted in green require you to bring the requested items to your checkout.
  • Forms provided by the District for principal check out are included with this JAM.
  • You should turn in one completed copy of each form and keep a copy on file in your school for easy reference as you prepare the check out for the next school year.

If you have any questions, please contact your Administrator of Schools’ administrative assistant.

We appreciate the efforts you’ve made as you plan for summer school. Reach out if you have questions or need resources. Please review the following informational items regarding summer school

  • SUMMER SCHOOL SCHEDULING -- Remember to identify one individual to set up your school’s summer school program in Skyward. Please complete this form before Friday, May 7.
    • Summer School Supplies – Because this is a federal grant that will be audited, we need to be very detailed in regards to all orders. If you purchase supplies for summer school, please code all charges directly to the ESSER II program budget. (Contact Noreen Samowitz for budget information.) Schools can use up to $300 for supplies.
    • Preparation – Participating teachers can be paid for 1 day (8 hours) of preparation.
    • Recruiting – Teachers can be paid for 1 day (8 hours) to identify students for participation in summer school and for recruiting students.
    • Timesheets -- Schools are responsible for recording, tracking, and submitting timesheets. Have teachers fill out a timesheet with descriptions such as: Summer School Prep; Summer School Recruiting; Summer School Instruction, etc. Please code Summer School timesheets to the ESSER II program budget. (Contact Noreen Samowitz for budget information.)
    • Crossing guards will not be available for summer school. Please plan accordingly.
    • Information regarding buses (Middle School only) should be available within 2 weeks.

April 22, 2021

All Administrators

Administrators of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Behavior Survival Training for Administrators

A required training is scheduled for all administrators that will provide, within a restorative MTSS framework, background information pertaining to why problematic behaviors occur, basic information about behavioral resources that are available, an understanding of basic behavioral concepts, and strategies for effectively dealing with crisis behaviors.

Positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) are a cornerstone of any restorative MTSS culture. This training will provide the background and understanding to adequately and appropriately manage behavior issues in a supportive environment.

The training will take approximately four (4) hours and will be provided on three different days with five (5) different sessions to choose from (you only need to attend one session – all sessions will provide the same content). All sessions will be held in the auditorium at Elk Ridge Middle School (3659 W 9800 S, South Jordan, UT).

Please select one of the following dates/times to attend:

Tuesday June 8:
7:30-11:30am, or

Tuesday June 15:
7:30-11:30am, or

Thursday June 17:

Click HERE to register for the Behavior Survival Training for Administrators or go to

In preparation for summer school, administrators are asked to identify one individual (registrar, administrative assistant, etc.) to set up your school's summer school program in Skyward.  This individual will 1) attend a training session by Information Systems, 2) enroll participating students in the summer school entity, 3) create the summer school courses in the course master, and 4) enroll students in the course.  It will be necessary to have this individual available before and during both summer school sessions.

In order to prepare for a training session, please complete the following form before Friday, May 7. The form asks for the courses that will be offered, the number of sections of each course, and the teacher for each section.

If your school has surplus PPE corrugated plastic sheets, please email Kris Wishart in Purchasing, Please provide how many you have and she will schedule to have them picked up from your school.

This is only for the corrugated sheets - no other PPE surplus items will be picked up at this time.

We are thrilled to announce that Junior Achievement of Utah will be hosting the JA Inspire Career Expo event this year on Tuesday, May 11th from 8am - 3pm!  

This virtual career fair is open to all 9th - 12th grade students in Utah. Students will have access to over 60 local business and higher education career exhibits, in addition to live panel discussion and webinars.

JA provides prep curriculum for this event which correlates with Utah CTE, FCAS and CCA courses. JA Inspire also includes webinars, panels discussions, and resources highlighting the importance of soft skills in the workplace, in connection with the Utah Portrait of a Graduate Competencies.

The event is free for students, and they can earn prizes for visiting booths, watching videos, and participating in panel discussions.

Please share the flyer below with teachers and students who would benefit from this experience.

Every elementary and middle school in Jordan District has an opportunity to receive schoolwide access to Second Step on our District's Project AWARE Grant for the 2021-22 school year. Second Step's evidence-based K-8 curriculum includes weekly lessons, advisory activities, home links, reinforcement strategies, school-wide announcements, and more! The lessons are easy enough for any person to teach with minimal prep time and the digital platform makes this even easier. Second Step is now fully digital and any school that joins will be able to grant full access to the content to anyone in their school.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity at your school, please take 5 minutes to fill out this brief form that outlines our promise to you as you continue to find ways to support your student's social and emotional needs. If you have questions, reach out to McKinley Withers,, 801-448-1404.

March 25, 2021

Jordan District Administrators, Directors

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Administrators of Schools

Time Schedule for the Last Day of School

Please review the entire memo carefully for your school dismissal time, and convey that information to your students and parents. Once again, we extend our appreciation to the administration and employees who work in the Transportation Department for assisting in the transportation adjustment required to accommodate these changes.

Public Law:
R277 Education, Administration
R277-419-2 Definitions
R277-419 Pupil Accounting
R277-419-4 Minimum School Days

“School day” means a minimum of two hours per day per session in Kindergarten and a minimum of four hours per day in grades one through twelve, subject to the requirements described in Section R277-419-4. All school day calculations shall exclude lunch periods and pass time between classes but may include recess periods that include organization or instruction from school staff.

Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation
Jana Cruz, Director of Nutrition Services
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Thursday, March 25, 2021

All Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021 USBE School Climate Survey Response Rate Links

Principals are encouraged to use the following links to monitor the response rates for the student and adult USBE School Climate Surveys.

As a reminder, all students in grades K-12 should have time scheduled during the school day to take the school climate survey.

An email went out on Monday, March 22, 2021, inviting all school employees to take the climate survey for their school. Evaluation, Research & Accountability will send out emails reminding school employees to take the survey.

An email will be sent out soon inviting all parents to take the climate survey for each school at which they have a student enrolled. Principals will be notified when this email has been sent to parents. Once the initial parent invitation has been sent, principals are encouraged to post the link to the adult survey on their website and send out reminder Skylerts to parents to take the survey.

Response Rate Links:

Parent Survey Response Counts:

Teacher and Staff Survey Response Counts:

Grades K-12 Student Survey Response Counts:

Grades 3-5 Student Survey Response Counts:

Grades 6-12 Student Survey Response Counts:

Thursday, March 11, 2021

All Schools

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2020-21 USBE School Climate Survey Links

Jordan School District will be administering the USBE-mandated school climate survey this year in place of the stakeholder survey that has been administered in previous years.  The school climate survey window opens Wednesday, March 17th and closes on Friday, May 7th.  Surveys are administered to all students in grades K-12, parents, school employees and school resource officers (SROs).

To prepare for, and conduct, the 2020-21 USBE school climate survey, please make sure the following activities are completed for each of surveys:

Student Survey
There are three student surveys: One for students in grades K-2, grades 3-5 and grades 6-12.  Links to the student surveys have been sent to each school tech to load onto computers.

Principals are asked to disseminate the USBE School Climate Survey Teacher Script attached with this memo to their teachers.  After the survey window opens, schools should provide time during the school day for students to take the survey.  Principals may consider designating a homeroom class as the time that students take the school climate survey.

Here are the links to the student surveys:

Grades K-2:

Grades 3-5:

Grades 6-12:

Adult Survey
After the survey window opens, individual licensed faculty, classified staff, and administrators will receive an email from the district with a link inviting them to participate in the school climate survey.  Principals may consider notifying teacher and staff that such an email will be forthcoming.  Principals are also encouraged to provide time in a faculty meeting for employees to take the survey.

A Skylert will be sent to parents inviting them to take the school climate survey.  Principals are encouraged to post the adult survey link on school websites and send out reminder Skylerts inviting parents to take the survey.

Please note that there is a Spanish version of the adult survey available.  Respondents simply click on the English box in the upper right corner of the survey and select Spanish instead.

Here is the link to the adult survey:

Please see the JAM dated February 25th for survey administration details, the length of the survey, parental opt out forms and the school climate survey question items.

Please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243 or with questions.

The Utah State Board of Education School and Student Safety Office has informed the District that regular fire evacuation drills (going outside) are to resume as of March 1, 2021. You can no longer substitute evacuation instruction in lieu of an actual exercise. Please practice Covid-19 safety precautions during all drills.

Questions, contact:  Lance Everill, Emergency Operations Manager 801-567-8623,

Thursday, March 4, 2021

All Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Kim Gibson, Licensed Administrator, Elementary
Wyatt Bentley, Licensed Administrator, Secondary

Pedagogical Performance Assessment Parental Permission Forms

To become a teacher licensed by the State of Utah, student teachers, intern teachers, and teacher candidates must submit to a pedagogical performance assessment (PPA) (see R277-502-3-(4)).  A PPA assesses the basic competencies of all newly licensed Utah teachers regardless of their university preparation program, thus ensuring that all K-12 students have access to competent teachers.  The PPA requires the teacher candidate to submit the following:

  • A video of the teacher candidate providing instruction to students
  • Written commentaries and analysis of the instruction
  • Student artifacts and work samples from regular classroom activities

Whenever students are part of a video recording or their classroom work is given to a third party outside of the school district, we are required to obtain parent signed permission (see R277-487-3).  As of the date of this memo, there are two state-approved programs that provide a pedagogical performance assessment product:

  • ETS provides the PPAT
  • Pearson provides the edTPA

ETS uses their own permission form, which satisfies the requirement to obtain signed parent permission (sample copy attached with this memo).  Pearson, and perhaps other vendors that are eventually approved by the state, rely upon districts to use their own forms.  As such, a new Teacher Pedagogical Performance Assessment (PPA) for Pre-service Teacher Candidates parent permission form has been created to fill that need.  This form is attached with this memo and should be used unless the ETS form is being used.

All permission forms for a pedagogical performance assessment should be kept, either physically or digitally, on file by the school for three years.

For any questions about teacher candidate licensure or pedagogical performance assessments, please contact Wyatt Bentley at 801-567-8215 or or Kim Gibson at 801-567-8216 or   For any questions about permission forms or student data privacy, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243 or