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The holiday season is here! We are all excited to celebrate and relax with our families and friends over our long winter break. This is a great time to talk to students about traditions they do celebrate with their families--whether they fall in this month or not. Enjoy the season!

The full newsletter can be found at the link below.

The following are reminders to keep in mind when completing evaluations. 

Full UETS-based JPAS -- Teachers on a full UETS-based JPAS will upload student performance information (SLO) and stakeholder input in place of completing the interview portion of the JPAS. Teachers can upload the documents directly from their computer by logging into Perform and choosing “My Folder” -- “Evidence” -- “Add Artifact.” Teachers are asked to name the file and can then choose to upload a document from the computer or add a URL. 

  • Student growth can be recorded on the form that was previously sent out in this issue of JAM. Please review the instructions and make sure teachers have the form for uploading. If any other documentation is being used, please  ensure  that the document includes: 
    • The core standard
    • A growth target
    • Pre assessment information (include dates and scores)
    • Post assessment information (include dates and scores)
    • A summary of student growth
  • Stakeholder input could include climate survey information, copies of emails or descriptive phone logs. The intent is to show personalized communication with parents.

Administrators may access evidence by logging into Perform and  selecting “My Staff” -- “Staff” -- the individual teacher’s Folder -- “Evidence.”  (No action is required.)

The first cycle for provisional and probationary teachers is due December 21, 2022.

Adding Observation Data into Perform (Action Required)

  • Forms must be entered into Perform the day of the observation or at the latest the next day. This is to ensure that policy and procedure are followed and evaluations do not end up out of compliance. 
  • Summative Score Form
    • This form will generate the score for you to view before meeting with teachers. You simply click on Go to Form next to the summative form and then click on Save Progress. This will generate the score so administrators may prepare for the professional development meeting. 
    • This form should not be submitted until the end of the professional development meeting with the teacher. This is due to the goal requirement. 

School districts are required to keep special education records five years past the student’s twenty-second birthday.  In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Jordan School District must notify parents and afford them the opportunity to receive special education records before destruction of those records can occur.

As of January 31, 2023, such notice will have been advertised to parents for students whose birthdates are prior to September 1995 (i.e., students who are 27 years of age).  Any records for students over the age of 22 will be stored off site until they are ready to be destroyed when the student turns 27 years of age.

Please see the attached memo for instructions for storage and destruction of Special Education Records.

Per H.B. 162 which was passed in the last legislative session and became a requirement as of July 1, 2022, which "requires local school boards and charter school governing boards to provide period products in certain restrooms within all school facilities". It has since been codified and details can be found in 53G-4-413.

All schools in the district should have received an initial distribution by the central warehouse the second week of school. Instructions were also given to each school location on how and where these products should be made available. Please refer those questions to your applicable Area Administrator of Schools.

Period products are now available to order through Skyward inventory. The cost to schools will be $0 until current supplies last. After which a cost will be automatically populated once the initial allotment of period products has been exhausted. They can be found only in the Custodial warehouse under the following:

#2306796 - Pad Period Product; (400 pads per box)
#2306797 - Tampon Period Product; (480 tampons per box)

Your custodian will stock the appropriate amount for each school, similar to paper towels, toilet paper and hand soap is supplied in your restrooms. There are sufficient quantities for the foreseeable future. Please do not try to order a large quantity of supplies to keep on hand, as we want an accurate count of how much of the product is actually being used in our schools. If you have any questions, please direct them to the Purchasing Department.

The Central Warehouse has KN-95 masks available to any district employee that would like them. They come in boxes of 40 for adults and 100 for youth. If you would like a box, please go through your school/department administrative assistant to place an order through Skyward inventory. The details are as follows:

Mask KN95 Adult - #5800861; 40 Masks per box
Mask KN95 Child - #5800862; 100 Masks per box

Warehouse personnel will deliver to the front office on your regularly scheduled stockroom order day, so please indicate in your notes who is requesting them. You can also request a will call pick up if that is more convenient for the employee to pick them up at the ASB. 


For schools that are considering the purchase of a new Apple TV, you will want to be aware that any model you purchase MUST have the Ethernet option included. An Ethernet port is required to permit setup of the Apple TV on the district’s network. Apple TVs without an Ethernet port will not be able to be used.

Currently, Apple has only two models of Apple TVs available. One is a WiFi only model at $129.00. The other is a WiFi and Ethernet model @ $149.00. Purchases of the WiFi only model have been blocked, so you will only be able to acquire the WiFi and Ethernet models through district vendors. If you choose to acquire Apple TVs through other means, please ensure you are purchasing the model that includes an Ethernet port.

Christmas for Kids provides a little bit of Christmas cheer for students in Jordan District that would otherwise go without during the holiday season.

These deserving students are carefully selected by school counselors, administrators and Jordan School District specialists due to extreme need and personal circumstances.

Please consider giving your time and resources this year to support a deserving middle or high school student in Jordan District!

Visit our website for more information and to register to chaperone or donate.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Testing Ethics Reminder – Parents Should Not Proctor State Assessments

Principals are asked to share the following information with their faculty at their earliest convenience.

This is a friendly reminder about a few less known but important aspects of the state’s testing ethics policy:

  • All state assessments must be proctored under the supervision of a licensed educator.
  • Unless they are an employee of Jordan School District, parents should not be proctoring any state assessments.
  • Unless they are an employee of Jordan School District, parents should not be allowed in the classroom where students are taking a state assessment. In addition, the public is not allowed to view secure test items or to observe testing sessions.
  • All educators, education support professionals, and administrators who participate in state assessment administration and/or proctoring must complete the annual testing ethics training. As part of their crucial concerns and policies checkoff, licensed employees have completed this training already. School administrators must complete testing ethics training with any ESPs that will participate in any way in the administration of state assessments (see JAM memo dated 8/18/2022 for procedures and training materials).

Testing ethics violations are to be immediately reported to Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability so that an investigation may be initiated. Please contact Ben Jameson with any questions.

November 21, 2022

School Psychologists and School Psychology Interns

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

December School Psychologist Guidance Meeting

A meeting for school psychologists and school psychology interns has been scheduled for Friday, December 2, 2022, from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Auxiliary Services Building (7905 South Redwood Road). We will start at 12:00 p.m. with a luncheon. You have the option of participating in our pot-luck luncheon, or bringing lunch for yourself if that’s your preference. Dr. Doug Goldsmith, Licensed Psychologist in private practice, will provide us with a presentation that addresses depression and anxiety in children and teens.

Part-time Staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


November 22, 2022

School Counselors

Mike Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Stacee Worthen, Counselor Consultant

November/December 2022 School Counselor Trainings

School Counselor Training and Professional Development for November/December 2022

The following are dates that school counselors will be attending for Jordan School District training.

November 30, 2022 (8:00am-2:00pm) -- USBE Updates and Essentials (Counselors & Administrators up for renewal) -- JATC South

December 9, 2022 (7:30am-9:00am) -- Secondary Counselor Singleton PLC, JATC South

December 9, 2022 (1:30pm-3:00pm) -- Elementary Counselor Singleton PLC, DO Rm 129

December 14, 2022 (8am-11:30am) -- Counselor Collaborative, DO Rm 129

December 15, 2022 (Session 1: 8am-10am; Session 2: 10:15am-12:15pm) -- Q3 In-Service, JATC South

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Stacee Worthen at or (801)567-8309.

Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Insurance Services.

Worker's Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools. It is important that this information be accurate and complete.

PTA Figures must be separate from other volunteer hours.

Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period August 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022.

Please complete this form and return it to Bonnie Brennan, Director of Insurance Services, by December 22, 2022.

Please see the attached letter and flyer regarding opportunities to receive a free COVID-19 Omicron Booster.

The County Health Department would like you to consider posting the attached flyer in your employee breakroom, on a community bulletin board, or in any common or high-visibility space in your building or facility.

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Martin Luther King Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Martin Luther King January 16, 2023 Dec. 2 – Dec. 12, 2022

Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-2023

The December Assistant Principal meetings will be held on December 8 (8:00-11:00am) and December 13 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. All assistant principals and intern assistant principals are invited. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30 am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. Please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc to sign up for which day you would like to attend. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801-567-8182 (x88182). Thank you!

  • The WIDA testing  Window is open from Jan. 5th – Mar. 3rd
    • Make sure all students have been identified as a language learner and been given the screener so they can take the WIDA during this testing window.
  • Admin workshops for compliance (District Office, rooms 122 & 123)  
    • Dec. 1st, 9 AM-12 PM
    • Jan. 5th 9 AM-12 PM
    • Jan. 12th 9 AM-12 PM (D.O. room 129 A)
  • ELD Quarterly meeting
    • Thursday, Dec. 8th, 1 PM-3 PM
  • Title III Compliance due
    • Friday, January 13, 2023

November 17, 2022

Assistant Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars
Secondary Attendance Secretaries

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

School Choice Permit Allocations and Procedures

The open enrollment permit window opened on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

Permit seat totals can be found on each school’s Enrollment Dashboard. Open the “2023-24” tab and scroll down to the permit section.

A calendar of required tasks and completion dates is available at this link. As a general rule, the following are the requirements for schools to remain compliant and provide the best response to applications:

  • At least weekly, schools should verify applications in the 2023-24 school year workspace and prepare them to be processed and moved to the waitlist.
  • At least monthly, schools should verify applications in the 2022-23 school year workspace and prepare them to be processed and moved to the waitlist.

Schools should verify all outstanding applications prior to leaving for Winter Recess and verify any applications received during Winter Recess as soon as possible in the morning on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, so that the lottery can be run that afternoon. Once the lottery has been run, schools may immediately begin offering seats (if available). Seats not accepted within two weeks should be revoked (after attempting communication with the parent) and reoffered to the next student in line on the waitlist.

The calendar of required tasks and completion dates also reflects an important change for this year’s permit processing: In previous years, several schools have not kept current on processing permits or seating students, meaning these students were not given the appropriate opportunity to be awarded a seat. This year, to avoid this situation, Planning & Enrollment will “mass approve” unprocessed applications prior to the lottery and will “mass seat” students on the waitlist if schools do not verify and seat in a timely manner. Please note that these mass actions will be done to ensure compliance and permits will not be individually verified for discipline or other requirements. Schools concerned about ensuring that students with discipline or other concerns are appropriately processed should ensure they stay current in their own processing.

During the early enrollment window (now through February 3), the availability of permit seats is governed by BUILDING CAPACITY. Schools that are the most full will have the least available seats. Adding seats is governed by rules of the tier system established by the Board of Education and, in all instances, requires conversation with the Administrator of Schools for the building. In the late enrollment window (after February 3 and 2.0 allocations are released), schools may request additional seats from their Administrator of Schools. Available seats in this window will be determined by the availability of space, by grade, in the teacher allocation based on current enrollment figures.

One final reminder: the early enrollment window (now through February 3) requires schools to seat students if permit seats are available. Schools MUST follow the waitlist order when offering seats. It is inappropriate – and potentially illegal – for a school to modify the waitlist order so that students who listed the school as a “first choice” are placed before others, regardless of their lottery priority. Schools who follow this practice may lose the ability to seat permit applications themselves. School administrators with concerns over this guideline may raise the issue with their Administrator of Schools.