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June 6, 2024

All Administrators & Threat Assessment Teams

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) Workshop Dates

CSTAG training consists of two (2) training levels and both levels must be completed by all administrators and threat assessment team members. The CSTAG Level 2 workshop is for all who have completed the Level 1 training (the six (6) hour web-based training from Navigate360). This workshop will build upon your knowledge of threat assessment by providing practical application and implementation of the CSTAG process in your school.

The Level 2 workshop will:

  1. Review CSTAG level 1
  2. Focus on implementation and use of the threat assessment process
  3. Focus on sustainable ways to use CSTAG in your school
  4. Review and training on the decision tree
  5. Review the CSTAG forms and best practices for documentation
  6. Practice using real-world scenarios

If you have already completed level two(2), we are offering a new training opportunity, CSTAG level three (3)!

Here are the upcoming trainings being offered this summer and for the upcoming school year:

**CSTAG Level 2**
New Admin/Intern Session: Friday, August 2nd,
Location: District Office Rm 129, In-Person only, 9-11am
Friday, September 20th, JATC South in person, (8am-10am)
Friday, December 6th, Virtual session (Zoom) only, (1-3pm)
Friday, February 28th DO Room 129, (8am-10am)
Friday, May 2nd DO Room 129, (1pm-3pm)

**CSTAG Level 3**
For those CSTAG team members who have completed levels 1 and 2 and would like a refresher and deeper dive into using threat assessment in your schools. Bring your questions so we can solve all your CSTAG problems!
Wednesday, June 19th DATE CHANGE! (sign up currently in Canvas, previously was set for June 12th)
Location: District Office Room 129, 8-10 am
Friday, September 20th, JATC South in person, (1pm-3pm)
Friday, December 6th Virtual Session (Zoom) only, (8am-10am)
Friday, February 28th DO Room 129, (1pm-3pm)
Friday, May 2nd DO Room 129, (8am-10am)

Register for all sessions on Canvas (

Should you have any questions please reach out to Angie Rasmussen at

June 6, 2024

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

School Safety Specialists

53G-8-701.6 which requires each school to designate a school safety specialist from the employees of the campus was updated this last legislative session. The intent of the memo below is to assist in the process of determining who will fill this role at your school. Please take note of what needs to be done to select the individual needed.

Administrative Assistants

June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources

A friendly reminder for the Employee-Funded Sick Bank Policy,

  1. Employees are automatically enrolled in the sick bank each year through the annual donation of one (1) annual leave day to the sick bank.

More information regarding the Employee-Funded Sick Bank can be found in policies, DP326NEG -Sick Leave-Educational Support Professionals and DP 324NEG -Sick Leave-Licensed.

For those who wish to opt out of participation in the Employee-Funded Sick Bank, keep an eye out for instructions starting in the July issues of JEM and JAM.

*First Year Educational Support Professionals and hourly employees are not eligible for sick bank, therefore, a sick bank day will not be deducted (if applicable).

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services

According to the Centers of Disease Control, approximately 2,000 workers suffer eye injuries everyday!

How many of these injuries could have been prevented by wearing safety glasses? Check out the document below!


June 06, 2024

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

Required Threat Reporting

Any employee or person in a position of special trust that has reason to believe there is a substantial threat against a school, school employee, or student attending a school, or is aware of circumstances that would reasonably result in a substantial threat is required to immediately report the suspected threat to the school administrator or law enforcement officer. (§53-22-106)

Administrators shall immediately report the suspected substantial threat to law enforcement and shall coordinate with law enforcement’s investigation of the report.

Please share this information and the new reporting requirement with your staff at your 2024-25 opening staff meetings.

June 06, 2024


Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Parental Consent Required for Student Surveys

Effective July 1, 2024 prior consent from a student’s parent for any non-academic survey must be obtained. This includes any survey that is a psychological exam, test, analysis, or any survey, analysis, or evaluation where the student may reveal information, whether personally identifiable or not, concerning the student or student’s family members political affiliation, mental or psychological philosophies, sexual behavior/orientation/gender identity or attitudes, illegal/anti-social/self-incriminating or demeaning behavior, critical appraisals, religious affiliations or beliefs, legally privileged and analogous relationships (such as lawyers, medical personnel, or ministers, or income (except as required by law) (§53G-9-702)

Prior written consent must be obtained at the time a student registers at a school for surveys related to the early warning system (Panorama), surveys that include social emotional learning questions, and school climate surveys. Written consent must be obtained for any student who registers at a school even when they are transferring from one school in the district to another. Rewards for participation or consequence for non-participation in surveys is prohibited.

The early warning system (Panorama) student feedback survey consent form is included in the registration process. To view the consent form, click here. Surveys not related to the early warning system (Panorama), social emotional learning, or school climate are not required to be included in registration. However, a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice must be provided prior to the administration of any other survey and only those students whose parents have given written consent may take the survey.

Schools should inform their staff of the new parental consent requirements for surveys.

July 11, 2024


Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Early Warning System – Panorama Information, Surveys, & Training Opportunities

During this year’s legislative session HB84 – School Safety was passed requiring each regular school within an LEA (District) to implement a Student Intervention Early Warning System (53F-4-207). Panorama meets all the criteria established by HB84-School Safety and will be the District’s early warning system. Panorama Student Success will be paid for by the District.

See the memo below for all of the information.

June 6, 2024

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Incident Action Plans

Beginning the 2024-25 school year schools are required to create an action plan for each new incident of bullying.

Each action plan must include:

  • A communication plan to keep each parent updated on the implementation of the plan;
  • For the victim of the incident and in direct coordination with the student’s parent:
    • A tailored response that addresses the student’s needs;
    • Accommodations the student may need for decreased exposure or interactions with the offender;
    • Notification of the consequences and plan to address the behavior of the offender;
    • Supportive measures to preserve the student’s access to educational services and opportunities; and
    • Access to other resources the parent requests for the student.
  • For the student who caused the incident and in direct coordination with the student’s parent:
    • A range of tailored and appropriate consequences, with a reasonable effort to preserve access to educational services and activities;
    • A process to determine and provide resources for the underlying cause of the incident;
    • Supportive measures to preserve educational access while protecting the safety and well-being of other students; and
    • A process to remove the student from school.

The action plan may not require the victim to change their educational schedule or placement; or participation is a school sponsored sport, club, or activity. (§53G-9-605.5)

This memo is intended to provide notification only. Resources and training will be provided in the fall regarding action plans and other prevention efforts to help implement and manage this new requirement.

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2024:

  • Shauna Worthington, previously assigned assistant principal at Riverton Elementary appointed principal at Riverton Elementary.
  • April Thompson, previously assigned assistant principal at Oakcrest Elementary will remain assistant principal at Riverton Elementary.
  • Austin Howarth, administrative intern at Riverton High appointed assistant principal at Copper Mountain Middle.
  • Joel Pullan, principal at Riverton Elementary appointed assistant principal at JATC-North Campus and Southpointe Adult High.

Secondary Administrators
District Administrators
Secondary Financial Administrative Assistants
District Administrative Assistants

Jeri Gamble, Customer Support in Information Systems


Skyward Finance Rollover will be July 1. It’s best to stay out of Skyward Finance if possible. If you need to get in, do not make any changes since it may cause errors in the rollover process.

Skyward Student Rollover will be Tuesday, July 9. Skyward Student will not be available during this time.

Parents will not be able to make online payments from Monday, July 1 – Tuesday, July 9 while we complete year-end processes and the rollover.

Accounting/Purchasing: Last day for P-Card expenditures for FY 2023-24.

Payroll: May Payroll due.

Purchasing: Last day to enter, and to approve, any FY 2023-24 Purchase Requisitions (posted in current year).
Payroll: True Time submissions due.

Purchasing: Last day for Administrator of Schools to approve FY 2023-24 Purchase Requisitions.
Payroll: True Time 1st approvals due.

May 30, 2024

All Principals and Administrative Assistants

June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources

Summer Hours for School Personnel

Please review the schedule of "Summer Hours for School Personnel", with all designated summer school personnel at your location.

May 30, 2024

All Principals
All Licensed Educators

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Melanie Dawson, Program Administrator of Behavior

ETT: Supercharge Your Classroom Management Skills

This course is geared towards teachers who want to supercharge their classroom management skills! Effective Teacher Training (ETT) will be offered this summer from June 12-July 31. An $800 stipend is available to all licensed educators who complete the entire course.

Space is limited, so please distribute the attached flyer before your teachers leave for the summer and have them register on JPLS by June 7, 2024.

May 30, 2024

All School Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Content Monitoring Over Summer Months

During the summer months, from June 3rd until August 20th, content monitoring and notifications will have some changes.

  • Notifications to schools will only include administration and not counseling or mental health professionals. This allows for 12-month employees to still receive notifications and not those who are off contract. The notifications will go to the entire team of admin at each school in case there are administrators that are out of the office.
  • Notifications that are not considered emergencies or urgent will not be sent after 2pm to ensure that intervention is reasonable and timely for school personnel.
  • Content monitoring will be checked twice per week, in June, while school is not in session, and once per week, in July. Notifications will be sent to administrators on those days before 2pm.
  • We will continue to receive imminent alerts and will continue to work with administrators when immediate intervention is required.

Should you have any questions please reach out to Angie Rasmussen at

All Administrators

Jordan School District Cabinet Members

Please take note of the schedule for each day as attendees, times, and locations are different. A beverage service will be provided each day.

Please attend on the days that you signed up for. If you have a question regarding which days those are, please contact Nadine Page, x88182 or

Tuesday, June 4th OR Tuesday, June 11th
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Who: Elementary School Administrators
Location: JATC-South

Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Who: Secondary School Administrators
Location: Riverton High, Tech Atrium

Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Who: All School Administrators
Location: JATC-South

Time: 11:30 - 1:00 PM
Who: All Administrators
Location: Lunch on your own

Time: 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Who: All School and District Administrators
Location: JATC-South

Wednesday, June 5th OR Monday, June 10th

Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Who: All School and District Administrators
Location: JATC-South - Lunch will be provided

High School Principals
High School Registrars

Lisa Corbett, Information Systems

I am writing to let you know that I will be populating the Graduation date and Grad/Dipl status to GR on Friday, May 24, for all active seniors who don’t already have a code. The graduation date for every senior who has not withdrawn will be May 31, 2024, even if graduation is being held another day.

If you have any senior who is not receiving a regular diploma, you can start entering their graduation status and date at any time. It is not necessary to wait for this utility to be run, as the utility will not override any existing graduation status or date. Should you choose to wait until after we run the utility to update students not receiving a GR, we will notify you when it has been completed. For those students, you will need to remove the graduation status and date from their profile screen and make sure the drop down next to Graduated is set to “No”.

Every senior needs to have a grad status and here are the possibilities:

GQ – Regular Diploma with Math Competency
GP – Students who have not met graduation requirements at the end of the school year, but plan to complete graduation requirements by October 1, 2024, including adult diplomas.
DO – Students who have not met graduation requirements at the end of the school year and do not intend to do so.
GA – Special Ed students who completed the graduation requirements for an alternate diploma, as reported to you by the Special Ed department.
RT – Special Ed students who will be attending South Valley or Kauri Sue, as reported to you by the Special Ed department.
GC – Students who have already earned the Carnegie unit diploma.
GG – Students who have earned their GED.

If the student has completed the math requirements to receive a diploma with math competency, you will need to change the code to GQ.

As soon as a student that has been identified as GP has completed the graduation requirements, the code will need to be changed to GR or GQ as appropriate, and the graduation date will be the date the student has completed coursework. The GP status should also be used for students that are still enrolled at the end of the school year and intend to receive an adult diploma.

For students who previously withdrew intending to receive an adult diploma: If they earn the Carnegie unit diploma enter a Grad/Dipl Status of GC. If they earn their GED enter a code of GG. For these students you should leave the Graduated field set to “No” but enter the date they earned the diploma.

For Special Ed students, if the student has completed the requirements to receive an alternate diploma the code is GA. Do not mark students as GA without being instructed by Special Ed that the student has completed the necessary requirements.

If the Special Ed student is a retained senior going to South Valley or Kauri Sue, the code to use is RT. Please note, it is possible for a special ed student to earn the alternate diploma and still enroll in South Valley or Kauri Sue for next year. These students should receive the GA code not the RT code. Again, do not mark students as GA without being instructed by Special Ed whether they are continuing next year or not.

I am aware that many of your Foreign Exchange students will be leaving the country before the transcripts are posted and uploaded to Parchment. I have spoken to Parchment and foreign exchange students can order their transcripts through Parchment after they have been posted. Transcripts will be posted to Parchment by June 13.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Lisa Corbett
Customer Support Analyst
Information Systems


Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

Principals, please share with your staff.

Licensed staff, would you like help teaching and supporting Multilingual Learners in your class? Come to one of these sessions at ASB. You will leave with basic tools to understand the needs of and apply strategies for teaching multilingual learners.

  • Monday, July 29
  • Wednesday, July 31
  • Monday, August 5
  • Wednesday, August 7
  • There will be more classes in the fall

Register by clicking HERE or use the QR Code in the flyer


Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

Beginning in August, the Language & Culture Services team would like to hold a Spanish for Educators class. We are excited to help you communicate with your students!

Please complete the interest form at the link below, to help us gauge interest, and determine class times/locations. Classes will be for licensed educators only.

Stipends will be provided, more information to follow.


Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

Language and Culture Services want you to save the date for our annual Fall Family Fair on Thursday, Sept. 5 from 4 - 7 p.m. at the the Viridian Event Center. All Jordan District students and their families are invited to become familiar with the District and the Community.

Please see the attached flyer. LCS team members will be going around to place these flyers on your school door.


Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Jared Covili, Consultant in Teaching & Learning

Join Digital Teaching and Learning for a differentiated professional learning day on Using AI Effectively in the Classroom. Learn how to leverage SchoolAI elements in your classroom to enhance your teaching practice AND student learning. The trainings are offered on either Aug. 5 or Aug. 7 at the ASB Auditorium beginning at 8 am. This all-day training includes a $400 stipend for completing the workshop.