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September 11, 2018

All Principals

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services

14th Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
All Schools, Traditional and YRE

Please see attached memo.

September 6, 2018

High School Principals

Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Jason Skidmore, Director Career & Technical Education
June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified

Hours Increase for Part-Time Classified Child Care Positions

With the increasing challenge to recruit and retain qualified part-time classified assistants, daycare assistants working in an approved high school child care program are now allowed to work up to 25 hours/week, with principal and CTE approval.


  • Only approved child care/local funds may be used to increase hours. This program is self-funded/sustaining. 


  • Daycare assistants who work 25 hours/week will not be allowed to substitute teach.
  • Student daycare assistants may not exceed 17 hours/week.


  • Submit a change form to HR to increase hours up to 25/week (.625 FTE).

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 801-567-8150.


September 4, 2018

New Special Educators

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist

Special Education New Teacher Induction Training

The Special Education Department has scheduled a series of trainings for special educators that are new to Jordan School District. Please release these new special educators so that they may attend these important training opportunities. However, attendance is at the principal’s discretion. Special education will cover the substitute costs for trainings that occur during the school day (Budget code: 1292). If the training occurs after school, the special educators will be paid at inservice rate.

Please see the attached training schedule for details on dates, locations and registration information.

For more information, please contact Robin Silatolu at or 801-567-8352.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Elementary School Principals
Middle School Principals
High School Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Research Project

The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.

Project Title: “Examining Teacher Rates of Praise and Corrections in Relation to Class-Wide Achievement Scores and On-Task Behavior”

Applicant: Jessica Cummings, University of Houston

The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. Participation in the study is at your discretion. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243.

The project will involve 30-minute observation in sampled classrooms.

Thank you for your assistance.

The following are new administrative assignments:

  • Bobbie Nixon, intern facilitator at Herriman Elementary School, appointed assistant principal at Bastian and Herriman Elementary Schools.
  • Megan Cox, teacher specialist at Blackridge Elementary School, appointed assistant principal at Golden Fields and Rose Creek Elementary Schools.
  • Jerri Mausbach, assistant principal at Oquirrh Elementary School, appointed assistant principal at Oquirrh and Southland Elementary Schools.                                                             .
  • Amy Adams, assistant principal at Herriman and Riverside Elementary Schools, appointed assistant principal at Riverside Elementary School.
  • Candie Checketts, assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon and Rose Creek Elementary Schools, appointed assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary School.

August 23, 2018

All Principals
All Special Education Staff

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Brian King, Program Specialist

A.S.P.E.N. Training for all Special Education Staff 2018-2019

A.S.P.E.N. training will be required for all licensed special education teachers, SLPs, school psychologists, elementary school counselors, and for all instructional assistants in SEB and Autism self-contained support classrooms during the 2018-2019 school year. A.S.P.E.N. is a positive, preventative, and proactive approach to managing aggressive student behavior. This program provides similar training to the Mandt System, but is less time consuming and more applicable in most school settings. If you have more than one teacher or instructional assistant that needs to attend, please consider having them attend on separate days in order to maintain adequate coverage in your school. The Special Education Department will cover the costs of substitutes for licensed special education teachers under budget code 1292. Staff should register through JPLS.

Those who participated in A.S.P.E.N. training during the 2017-2018 school year, do not need to take the full course, but should instead plan on taking an ASPEN re-certification class.

Mandt training will continue to be required at Kauri Sue Hamilton and River’s Edge School. Staff at these schools will not need to attend A.S.P.E.N. Others wishing to keep their Mandt training current may do so; however, participation is not mandatory and teachers and instructional assistants will not be compensated for their attendance. A Mandt training schedule will be forthcoming.

A.S.P.E.N. training dates and times are attached to this memo.

For questions, contact:
Daveed Goodrich at or
Brian King at 801-567-8208 (

August 22, 2018

All Principals

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services

1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
All Schools, Traditional and YRE

Please see attached memo and information.

Todd Theobald has been hired by Jordan School District as a part-time MasteryConnect consultant. Principals, please contact him directly for help with training administrators, the entire school, teams and/or individuals in order to help you make the most of MasteryConnect. He can be reached at 801-310-5907 or

August 13, 2018

District Administration

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services

1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
Year-round Schools, Tracks A, B, C & D (August 13, 2018 count)

Please see attached memo.

Please see the attached new immunization information that has been in place, starting July 1st.  Please note, that under the new law, children with incomplete immunization histories can be enrolled and placed on conditional immunization status for 21 days.

With current wild fires creating smokey air, it is a good time to review the Utah Department of Health’s air quality guidelines for schools. Attached, you will find the “Recess Guidance for Schools.” Additional helpful information can be found on the link below. This link will help you to monitor air quality for the purpose of athletics and recess. Once you have clicked on the link, click on “Current Air Quality Levels.” There are additional resources on this web page that may help you to explain the guidelines to your staff and community.  If you click on “Resources for Schools,” you will also find a link in which you can request to receive air quality alert emails sent to you.

The guidance on this web page aligns with the EPA AQI Recommendations and links indoor recess recommendations to PM2.5 levels, which is the air pollutant of main concern. The guidance also takes into account students with respiratory symptoms or pre-existing respiratory conditions who may be more sensitive to poor air quality than their peers.

If you, or members of your licensed staff, were not able to attend the safety training meetings provided on July 18th, August 7th and August 15th there will be a make-up day provided. Further details and information will be forthcoming. If you have any questions please contact your Administrator of Schools.