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Great news about First Offenders classes!

New this year the District’s First Offenders classes will be on-line. The curriculum is from an outside vendor named 3rd Millennium. Each course is tailored to the type of substance involved in the AS90 Drug & Alcohol Policy violation and the course will take the student 3 to 4 hours to complete. This year the cost of the class will be covered by Student Support Services.

The process is still the same four steps:

  1. The Administrator calls to determine if it is the student’s first offense. Please call
    1. Dara White                        88298  Database Aide or
    2. Janie Hyde                         88326  Admin Assistant  or
    3. Sharon Jensen                  88187  Student Support Services Consultant
  2. Fill out the I,C,M form including a Student Statement with the student & parent; send the form and statement in District mail to Dara White, Student Support, District Office.
  3. She will register the student and send the link for the class to the student’s school email,, and she will CC the Administrator on the email.
  4. When the student completes the class, Dara will send the confirmation to the student’s administrator.

School Administrators no longer have to wait for students to attend the first class before returning to school. Administrators will use their judgement and the context of the situation to determine consequences and/or suspension lengths.


Nicotine Violations: Vaping & Cigarettes:

  1. 3rd millennium also has Nicotine classes which can be used as one of an Administrator’s many tools to try to reduce Nicotine use. The cost of the class will be covered this year by Student Support Services.
  2. You may assign a student the on-line Nicotine class by calling Dara White (88298) or emailing her at Then fill out the T-form with the student and send it in district mail to Dara White, Student Support, District Office.
  3. She will register the student and send the link for the class to the student’s school email,, and she will CC the Administrator on the email.
  4. When the student completes the class, Dara will send the confirmation to the student’s administrator.
  5. The End Nicotine Dependence class or ENDs is still being taught at our Jordan Family Education Center for students who continue to have violations on campus with nicotine. The class is separated into Middle School and High School students and is taught every Wednesday night from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. The student should attend four weeks in a row but we are flexible. A parent must attend with the middle school student. High school students may attend alone or with a parent. END classes begin on Wednesday, September 16th and will be held every Wednesday that school is in session.

This is the FAQ document that will hopefully answer all of your questions regarding Distance Learning and getting back to school this year. Please read it over very carefully. Most of the questions you will have can be answered here. Remember, this is a fluid document and will be updated as needed like it was in the Spring. As it is updated, the information that is added will be highlighted so that you know what is new information vs what has been there all along.

JSD Special Education Return to School FAQ 2020

August 17, 2020

All Schools

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Derek Anderson, Director of Budgets

School Year 2020 – 2021 TSSA Budget Allocation Update

The TSSA budgets (program 5678) has been updated. The new allocation amount is $150.49 per student. This is based on the 2.1 enrollment numbers. When the October 1st enrollment numbers are finalized it will be updated to reflect your actual enrollment.

Attached is the TSSA detail which shows your current year allocation and your carryover from the previous year.

Please call or email Derek with any questions.
Ex - 88275
E-Mail –

The Mental Health Access Program or "MHAP" rolled out to all schools right before the shutdown in early March.  MHAP funds are distributed to any student and family in our District, as identified by the school, who need help accessing mental health services with one of our 13 Mental Health Providers who we've contracted with in the community. The two biggest highlights of MHAP is that the grant will fund the first $800 of mental health services to one of these providers at no cost to the parent before insurance/other funding kicks in.  This amounts to about two months of therapy for a student.  The second highlight of this program is that any student authorized for MHAP funds can start receiving face to face therapy within 10 calendar days of the referral and authorization.  This means students can access mental health services very quickly and seamlessly.

We want to be cautious and would ask that we don't advertise MHAP to parents and families so that we can focus on referring students for whom mental health needs are identified rather than having parents demand free services.

All the information you need about MHAP is in the attached PDF and includes a MHAP Fact Sheet and the Referral form.  If you would like to refer a student to MHAP please follow the instructions on the referral sheet. The grant that funds MHAP is ongoing and will continue throughout this entire school year.

MHAP Combined Facts sheet and referral form


As you work through your Administrative Assurances Checklist, I’d like to offer some suggestions regarding the section “Plans to support ‘Bussing’”.  Your support and collective efforts are critical to the success of our students loading and unloading school buses.

School bus drivers will generate seating charts for all students assigned to their buses, so you and your staff do not need to develop a separate seating chart.  In terms of loading and unloading and the enforcement of the mask mandate by executive order, you can best assist our drivers and attendants in the following ways.

  • Ensure students are sitting in their assigned seats and wearing face coverings at all times while riding the bus. Drivers and attendants will do their best to make certain students are sitting in their assigned seats and complying with the mask mandate.  However, if a student refuses to comply, the Department of Transportation will contact the school administration.  If a call comes your way, please meet with the student, the student’s parent(s) if necessary, and the driver to enforce assigned seating and/or the wearing of face coverings.
  • There are a few things to be mindful of in preparation of loading buses during school dismissal. If you haven’t done so already, please take time to identify an area within close proximity to the bus lane (typically the entrance to the playground, a playfield or other area large enough to accommodate students who ride the bus).  Once you’ve identified an area, organize all students in lines according to their assigned bus.  As an example, if your school has 4 buses, you should have 4 lines.  School staff (generally teachers) assigned to supervise bus duty will need to communicate with each other when buses are ready to load.  Please load buses according to which bus is first in line then work your way down the line.  You do not need to wait until a bus is completely loaded before the next group of students is excused to load.  Several buses can load simultaneously.

For many of you, this process has already been incorporated at your school and has been working for years.  For those of you who do not currently have a bus loading plan, please generate one prior to the first day of school.

Special Education Support Programs and DK have their own loading process which is currently working great. Therefore this would not apply to the Special Education Programs.

Don’t hesitate contacting me with questions, concerns, or if you would like suggestions on how to manage this process at your school.  You can reach me at 801-567-8820.

Thanks for your support.

Paul Bergera
Director of Transportation
Jordan School District

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in compliance with the State of Utah Public Health Order, Jordan School District will require students to wear face coverings while at school.

Jordan School District recognizes that some students may have a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. In order to receive an exemption from the State’s face covering requirements, this form must be completed and returned to the school your child attends prior to your student attending school without a face covering.

Please have your primary care provider complete the Medical Certification by doing one of the following:

  1. Complete and sign the Medical Certification below.
  2. Attach an email or note from the primary care provider outlining the same information as indicated below to this completed form.

2020-2021 Student Face Mask Exemption Request

Mask - FAQs

Dear Parents,

Thank you for working with us as Jordan School District prepares to reopen schools with in-person and virtual online learning.

As we bring students, teachers and staff back into our schools and buildings, we want you to be aware the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has defined individuals who may be at higher risk for contracting COVID-19.

Everyone is at risk for getting COVID-19 if they are exposed to the virus. While students have been less affected by COVID-19 compared to adults, students with certain conditions may be at increased risk for severe illness. 

According to the CDC, children who are medically complex, who have serious genetic, neurologic, metabolic disorders, and with congenital (since birth) heart disease might be at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. 

Other at-risk factors or underlying medical conditions may include: 

  • Cancer 
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) 
  • Immunocompromised (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant 
  • Obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 or higher)
  • Serious heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Type 2 diabetes 

Based on what we know now, people with the following health conditions might be at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19:

  • Asthma (moderate to severe)
  • Cerebrovascular disease (a disease which affects blood vessels and blood supply to the brain)
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from blood or bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV/ • AIDS, use of corticosteroids, or use of other immune weakening medicines
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Liver disease
  • Neurologic conditions such as dementia
  • Pregnancy
  • Pulmonary fibrosis (having damaged or scarred lung tissues)
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Thalassemia (a type of blood disorder)
  • Type 1 diabetes

If any of the above conditions listed above describe your child please indicate by logging into Skyward Family Access at and completing the “Online Form”.

Skyward Screen Language
The Jordan School District and local health department will use this information to notify parents of at-risk students in the event of a positive Covid-19 diagnosis in your child’s class or school. 

After reading the information above, I would identify my student as “at-risk” for COVID-19. I understand that The Jordan School District and local health department will use this information to contact me in the event of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis in my child’s class or school. 

  • Yes, I identify my student as at-risk.


Last night, after negotiations with JESPA and JEA, the Board of Education voted to approve changes to leave policies for all benefit-eligible employees. Below is a brief summary of what those changes mean, as well as a description of federal leave options available through December 31, 2020.

Changes to Leave Policy

  • 6 weeks of maternity leave is available to all benefit-eligible employees.
  • 2 weeks of paternity leave is available to all benefit-eligible employees (to be taken in the first year of the child’s life).
  • Instead of receiving sick, family sick, and personal leave, employees will receive an equal amount of “annual leave” that can be used for any purpose.
  • Any annual leave days that are not used by July 1 each year will convert to sick leave.
  • All personal and sick leave accrued before July 1 remains available and unchanged.

Federal Leave Assistance through FFCRA

  • The Families First Coronavirus Response Act entitles employees to the following leave above and beyond what is offered through policy:
    • 80 hours of leave for employees who cannot work because of quarantine.
    • 80 hours of leave at ⅔ pay to care for an individual who has been quarantined.
    • 10 weeks of leave at ⅔ pay to provide child care for a child whose school or daycare has closed because of COVID-19.

Additional Information

  • A moratorium has been placed on all low-absence or no-absence incentives.
  • Teachers may be able to teach from home virtually during quarantine, avoiding the need to take leave.
  • Individuals must be employed for at least 30 days to qualify for federal leave.
  • The deadline for using vacation leave accrued during the 2019-20 school year has been extended to December 31, 2020.

Employees should review the documents at the links below and/or consult with the Human Resources department or their supervisor before making decisions about leave. 

Policies - Licensed

Policies - ESP

Attached are all forms and documents distributed during the level meetings at the annual Administrative Leadership Conference held August 5, 2020

August 6, 2020

All Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Update Contact Information for Office of Special Education

Please be advised that all questions and concerns regarding Special Education are to be directed to Amanda Hamblin effective immediately. Amanda may be contacted via phone at 801-567-8176 or by email at You may also contact the teacher specialist assigned to your school with any questions. Please work with your teacher specialist for your materials requests as well as any equipment needs or requests. The current teacher specialist assignments are attached here for your reference.

July 27, 2020

Head Financial Secretaries
Special Education Teachers (Resource and Cluster)
Speech-Language Pathologists

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Special Education Budget Allocations 2020-21

Special Education Budget Allocations for Resource, Cluster Teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists, for the 2020-21 School Year. Please see the attached memo.

July 28, 2020

All Schools

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Derek Anderson, Director of Budgets

School Year 2020 – 2021 Budget Allocations

Attached is the fiscal year 2020-21 budget allocations summary. The three charts attached reflect your annual allocations, your carryover from fiscal year 2019-20, and your total budget that is the current year allocation plus carryovers. Also in the total is school startup funds and July budget transfers that are only included in the total budget number. The annual allocations are based off the 2.1 October 1, 2020 projections. These amounts will be updated once the October 1 headcount is complete and will reflect the actual enrollment.

Your 5810 media budget has been increased from the previous year. Please work with Norm Emmerson’s group this year to use this budget fully. This is state funding which should be used up by the end of each year.

Please call or email Derek with any questions.
Ex - 88275
E-Mail –

The District has ordered personal protective equipment and supplies for buildings throughout the District. These items will be delivered immediately and throughout the coming days as it arrives at the warehouse. Please be expecting the warehouse to deliver the following:

Hand Sanitizer (1 gallon for each classroom with others for the Principal to distribute where appropriate)

Hand Sanitizer (1/2 gallons for the Principal to distribute where appropriate)

Hand Sanitizer (16 oz size for employees)

Cloth Masks (for employees)

Face Shields (for teachers)

Touchless Thermometers (for the Principal to distribute where appropriate)

Plexiglass sheets (as requested by Principals earlier)

Plexiglass Sneeze Guards (as requested by Principals earlier)

Spray Bottles and paper towels will be distributed through Custodial staff

Teacher Reimbursement up to $150 for Webcams, Microphones and/or Tripods Purchased for the Purpose of Broadcasting or Recording Lessons in Canvas for Students at Home

Teachers wishing to broadcast or record daily instruction through Canvas will be reimbursed up to $150 for the purchase of a webcam, microphone, and/or tripod.  Receipts for purchases should be submitted to the school’s main office.

Administrative assistants at River’s Edge, South Valley, Kauri Sue Hamilton, all elementary schools, and the five secondary pilot schools should submit reimbursements via the district checkbook as follows:  Submit an e-check request through Skyward for reimbursement to the teacher for the amount spent (up to $150 per teacher).

Administrative assistants at all other schools still using the school checkbook system should submit an NPO to the Accounting Department for each teacher requesting reimbursement (up to $150 per teacher).  The original receipt should be attached to the NPO to document the purchase and the principal and teacher should each sign the NPO.  Please include the teacher’s name, address, and vendor key.

The account to be charged for these reimbursements is:  10 E xxx 7210 1090 650

Teachers exceeding the $150 allocation may apply the excess against their teacher legislative supply allocation.  In order to do this, the teacher will need to retain copies of receipts, subtract $150 from the total spent, record the difference on his/her legislative supply Record of Receipts envelope, and place the receipt copy/documentation inside the envelope.