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May 20, 2017

All Principals
Administrative Assistants, ES/MS/HS

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notification (Annual Notification was revised in 2017-18)

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)

Student Residency Questionnaire

See each of these memos below.

Any school that is sending JSD owned devices home with students is in violation of Utah law.  State law, 53A-1-706 (3), requires that all devices sent home with students must provide the same filtering at home as the filtering provided at school.

Currently, no JSD owned devices are configured to provide filtering at home for students.  If there is a need to send devices home with students please contact Tony Muto in the Information Systems department at or 801-567-8318.  Tony will discuss possible options for sending devices home with students.

Thank you,

Ron Bird


A nine question Home & Hospital survey will be emailed to you, Attendance Secretaries, Registrars and Counselors on Monday, April 3, 2017.  The survey will be open from April 3 – 17.  The data we gather from the survey will be beneficial as we begin to make future decisions for Home & Hospital.  Thank you in advance for completing the survey!

Principals:  Please forward the attached flyer to teachers who may be interested in this opportunity.

Brigham Young University School Leadership Program
Aspiring Principals Academy
Learn the Principles of being a Principal

Apply by June 2, 2017 at

There have been issues with the Child Lures Prevention: Think First, Stay Safe presentations. Several schools have reported that the sound on the presentations is of poor quality. We apologize for the frustrations this may have caused you and your staff.  The presentations have now been uploaded to Jordan School District YouTube Channel. Teachers and staff now have access to the Child Lures Prevention: Think First, Stay Safe child abuse training materials online. A special shout-out to the Communications Department for making this available! They can be accessed here:

Module I Part 1 video

Module I Part 2 video

All staff members should complete either this training or the online training from Prevent Child Abuse Utah. Please document completion of the training and be prepared to indicate completion as part of the end-of-year checkout with your AOS.

Schools and Departments:

Please post and/or distribute flyer for all employees to see/review.

URS provides seminars for:

  • Early to Mid-Career employees
  • Pre-Retirement (retiring within 10 years) employees
  • Retiree Seminars (already retired)

January 24, 2017

Special Education Staff

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist-Special Education
Kristy Whiteside, Program Specialist-Special Education

Extended School Year (ESY) Qualification Procedures and Timelines

Please see attached memos for guidelines.

January 4, 2017


Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Clyde Mason, Director of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability

2017 UEPC School Climate Survey – Preparation and Administration Details Reminder

See attached memo.

December 15, 2016

All School Principals
All School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Daniel Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor

School Bank Account Balances for December 31, 2016

Please send the following information for each bank account balance as of December 31, 2016 to Accounting by January 20, 2017.  If you have multiple bank accounts, please list each account separately.  For elementary schools who have completely closed their separate accounts please indicate so on the form.

School Name
Name of Bank
Type of Account (checking, savings, money market)
Account Balance

The balance requested is the balance from your December bank statements, not Skyward.  This information is required annually and will be used to complete reporting requirements for Utah Money Management Council.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Dan Ellis at (801)567-8389.

Thank you.

December 15, 2016

All School Principals
All School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Daniel Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor

Quarterly School Financial Report for October, November, and December 2016

Each school is asked to report the quarter end account balance and transaction detail with the Apple Volume Purchase Program and return with your bank reconciliation.  If your school has no Apple account, please so indicate and return.

Please include the account balance with Apple on the reconciliation sign off form and print a report or screen shot(s) of the balances and quarterly transactions from Apple’s website.  If you need assistance, please contact your Curriculum Technology Specialist – Bonnie, Deana, Harrison, Nancy.

Please photocopy the selected elements and send to Accounting by January 20, 2017.

Please include:

  • The signed attached memo to Accounting
  • A copy of your October, November and December 2016 Reconciliation Worksheets
  • A copy of your October, November and December 2016 Bank Statements
  • A copy of your October, November and December 2016 Skyward Balance Sheets
  • A copy of your October, November and December Outstanding Check Reports
  • Screen shot(s) of your December 31, 2016 Apple Volume Purchase Program transaction history and balance

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Liz Robins at (801)567-8267.

Thank you.

Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools
Jill Durrant, Administrator of Schools
Anthony Godfrey, Administrator of Schools
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Teri Timpson, Administrator of Schools

December 14, 2016

All Elementary, Middle, and Traditional High School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits

December 2016 Budget Transfer Request

Please review your budgets and complete the attached Budget Transfer Request if you would like to transfer between your postage, supply, textbook and equipment budgets. The signed form is due back to Heather Ellingson no later than January 3, 2017.

December 1, 2016

High School and Center-Based School Principals
High School Special Education Team Leaders

Laura Finlinson, Admin. of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education

Destruction of Special Education Records

School districts are required to keep special education records five years past the student’s twenty-second birthday. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Jordan School District must notify parents and afford them the opportunity to receive special education records before destruction of those records can occur.

As of December 1, 2016, such notice will have been advertised to parents for students whose birthdates are prior to September, 1989 (i.e., students who are 27 years of age).  Any records for this time period that have not been requested by January 31, 2017 should be submitted for destruction following the procedures identified below:

  1. A list must be submitted to the special education teacher specialist assigned to your school which identifies each student’s name, birthdate and student number for all files to be destroyed.
  1. The special education teacher specialist will review the list and notify the team once it is verified that the records may be submitted for destruction.
  1. NEW PROCEDURE: Follow the Shredding of Confidential Records procedures outlined in the September 8, 2014 memo from Auxiliary Services which reads:

Records to be destroyed will now need to be retained in a secure place at your school. When you have accumulated more than 10 boxes, please contact Columbus Secure Document Solutions at 801-262-1588 to schedule pickup and disposal.

Please remove records from loose leaf binders or hanging file folders. All confidential records must be boxed, taped shut and visibly labeled as CONFIDENTIAL TO BE DESTROYED. Boxes not secured and labeled will not be accepted. Please collect all boxes in one central location. At the scheduled date and time, please have someone available to direct workers where the boxes are for quick and efficient pick up.

Note that special education records may be submitted for destruction at any time after January 31, 2017 as long as the destruction meets the criteria and has been approved by the special education department.

  1. Please remember that the Utah State Records Retention Schedule mandates that student transcripts be retained permanently.

If you have questions, please call the special education teacher specialist assigned to your school.

Paul Bergera, Auxiliary Services
Susan Sudbury,  Placement Office
Luann Leavitt, Student Services
Sandra Riesgraf, Communications

November 22, 2016

All School Head Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting
Dan Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor

2016 W-9 Forms 1099 Information



There are two issues that are causing great concern related to Transportation where we need your help.

First, there is a very serious disregard for the safety of our kids by motorists who are illegally failing to stop for our buses when the red lights are flashing and the stop arm is out. Last week we did a one day survey of stop arm violations and witnessed 61 motorists in one day passing our buses when students were loading or unloading and the red lights and stop arm were deployed. Of those 61, three were on the right (loading) side of the bus. Would you please make every effort to educate your patrons about this serious issue. We do not want our precious students injured by one of these careless motorists.

Second, we need your assistance keeping parents out of the bus loading/unloading zone at your school when buses are present. We are placing our bus drivers and buses in a dangerous situation where cars are blocking their unobstructed ingress and egress at your school. Please help us out by restricting cars from your bus pickup/drop off zones until the buses have a chance to leave.

Your support is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact Transportation Services 801-567-8840.

Please see revised copy of the Classified Leave Policy Overview. This will be emailed to all benefit eligible Classified employees with a Jordan School District email account.

If you have employees without regular access to a computer or who are hired throughout the year please provide them a hard copy of this policy.

If employees have any questions regarding the need to miss work, please direct them to Penny Peart, HR Generalist at (801) 567-8249.

October 3, 2016


Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Clyde Mason, Director of Evaluation, Reasearch and Accountability

Certification of Educators' Having Received Educator Evaluations Training

See attached memo and evaluation sign-off form.

USBE is assessing the quality of professional learning throughout the state based on the Utah Professional Learning Standards. All educators are invited to complete the Standards Assessment Inventory (SAI).  Administrators will be provided with access to data reports and resources that could be used in school improvement.  Please encourage your teachers to participate in the survey. You will receive more detailed information before the survey is distributed.