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Middle and High School Administrators

Chris Richards Khong, Associate Administrator of Teaching and Learning

As announced to the AP community, the AP Program is accelerating the transition to digital testing to ensure the continued security of AP Exams. All schools must administer these 28 AP Exams digitally. Late-testing exams in these subjects, if offered by the school, are also in digital format.

For the full list of exams going digital, hybrid, and staying paper-pencil, please visit the main announcement page link listed on the resource page attached to this JAM message.

Overview webinars will be held on Thursday, September 12th and Monday, September 15th, 2024. Registration information for webinars is located on the resource page attached to this JAM message.

Action required: Please make certain your AP Coordinator and AP teachers have this exam information and the resources attached to this JAM message.

August 22, 2024

Teaching & Learning Consultants
Secondary & Elementary Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Sharon Jensen, Student Support Consultant

Safe School Hearing Committee 2024-2025

District Safe School Hearings are essential to a student’s due process. Safe School Hearings are held weekly and are chaired by the Student Support Consultant, Sharon Jensen, and consists of a committee made up of school and district administrators.

Please find your Safe School Hearing Committee assignment(s) at this LINK

Should you have any questions or conflicts regarding your committee assignment(s), contact Janie Hyde, Administrative Assistant, Student Support Services. 801-567-8326.


August 22, 2024

Building Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars
Secondary Attendance Secretaries

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Scott Festin, Planning Consultant, Student Services
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Student Services

2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops

As mentioned in a previous memo, 2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops, processing for 10-day drops may begin on September 3 and 4. Planning & Enrollment will begin preparing “Done.0” FTE allocation recommendations for Cabinet shortly thereafter. Please note the following tasks that MUST BE COMPLETED BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2024.


  • Ensuring hiring totals are updated on your school’s Enrollment Dashboard. Each year, once Done.0 has been issued, multiple schools require adjustments due to forgetting to update hiring totals. This impacts the availability of funds to address critical needs throughout the District. If hiring totals are not accurate on the Dashboard AND in Skyward, the school may need to fund positions through alternative budgets.
  • Ensure that hiring does not exceed the 2.0 allocation issued in February 2024. Even if enrollment has increased above projections, schools are not authorized to hire above 2.0 without the express consent of the Superintendent and Cabinet.
  • Hiring also should not exceed qualified FTE totals based on enrollment as of Day 10.
  • ELEMENTARY: Many schools have not recorded hiring for their BTS instructor. Total FTE for the position should be entered in column E of row 33; budgets paying for that FTE should be recorded in row 76.

Admin Assistants / Attendance Secretaries / Registrars

  • Work with teachers to try to generate accurate attendance for the first ten days. At the secondary level, if a single teachers does not record a student absence during the first ten days, Skyward will not identify the student as continuously absent.
    • The “Suspect or Questionable Attendance Report” (located in Office > Attendance . Reports > Verification Reports) may be beneficial in identifying teachers who are not accurately recording attendance. Run the report for a specific day of school and select the “Validate Limited Student Presence” option. This will identify students who have been marked absent in most periods but have a small number of periods where the student was marked present. The report will also identify the teacher who may not have accurately recorded attendance.
  • Review the previous memo on 10-Day drops, 2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops, and be ready to run reports, withdraw students, and report completion of drops.

August 22, 2024

Assistant Principals
Safety Personnel
School Safety Specialists

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

SRP/Incident Command Training – Administrators/School Safety Specialists

To ensure current and best practices in school safety are implemented uniformly across the district, training in both the Incident Command System and Standard Response Protocols is required annually. This training is required for all principals, assistant principals, district administrators, district safety personnel and assigned school safety specialists. This is an opportunity to receive the most up-to-date instruction and gain clarity on how both systems work cohesively to improve safety for students, staff, and guests. Trainings will be held on:

  • Thursday, September 5th, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM at JATC South
  • Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at JATC South
  • Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM at JATC South
  • Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at JATC South

Please sign up for one of the training sessions using this link.

Should you have any questions please contact Matt Alvernaz, the District Safety Coordinator, at or by phone at (801)567-8623.

August 15, 2024

All Principals

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Providing a Consistent Space for Itinerant Service Providers

As the school year begins, please be mindful that the itinerant service providers assigned to your school require a consistent and viable space to work with the students that they are assigned to in your school. These service providers include OTs, PTs, Hearing & Vision, etc. The services that these professionals provide are required by students’ IEPs and 504 plans and aid in students being able to engage more effectively in instruction and other related activities. These providers serve students in multiple schools each day and have very tight schedules. If they are required to spend time locating a space to serve students each time they arrive at a school, or if they are unexpectedly moved from a space, it can greatly affect their ability to provide these required services to each of the students that they are assigned to.

Please be sure to work with your itinerant service providers at the start of the school year to identify a consistent viable space where they can serve the students at your school. If you need to change that space during the school year, please notify the itinerant service providers well in advance.

Also, as you plan for the year and additional staff to your school, please keep in mind that Speech Language Therapists are an integral part of your faculty and need space to work with small groups and individual students.

We appreciate your support in these efforts.

August 12, 2024

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Michelle Reyes, Truancy Prevention Specialist

Free Attendance Campaign Banners, Stickers and Back to School Attendance Resources

Back to school is the ideal time to convey the right message about attendance to families, students, and the community. Attendance messaging aids in building the habit and culture of attendance by helping everyone understand why going to school every day is important. The Student Services Department has developed materials for your use to promote attendance in a positive way this school year using the campaign slogan: Be Present, Be Powerful.

Banners, posters, stickers, tracking calendars, and attendance pledge templates are available in English and Spanish here. Back to School Night is a great opportunity to share positive messages with families about attendance.

Student Services has ordered 24, 4’ X 8’, outdoor mesh banners and 2,000 vinyl stickers that are immediately available, free of charge to interested schools. Due to limited supplies, they will be first come, first served using this google sheet. Schools may request 1 banner and up to 100 stickers each until supplies are gone. If you miss the sign up or would like to order more, you can find links to order your own banners and stickers for a very reasonable price on the bottom of the google order sheet.

September is National Attendance Awareness Month. Watch for more information/ideas in an upcoming JAM memo.

Should you have questions or need assistance with attendance, please contact Michelle Reyes @ or 801-567-8205.

Link for ordering Banners
Link for ordering Stickers

August 5, 2024

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

2024-25 Employee Wellness Representatives

As a reminder, each school or department is invited to select an employee wellness representative! The Educator Wellness Representatives will support faculty/staff wellness efforts within your schools.

Action Items for administrators: If you haven’t already, please nominate your Educator Wellness Representative for the 24-25 school year!

Educator Wellness Representatives Duties include:

  • Will attend bi-annual in person training on 9/18/24 & 1/8/25
    • **Schools will need to cover the cost of the sub**
  • Promote wellness initiatives at the District and school level
  • Lead and support faculty/staff wellness efforts at your school throughout the year
  • Maintain a connection with District Wellness Specialists
  • Model educator wellness for the school community

Steps to having an educator wellness rep for your school or department:

  • Consider the following:
    1. Reps must be a licensed, non-administrative staff member. We highly recommend using a non-mental health team staff member. Also, we recommend they work with a leadership team or social committee at your school.
    2. Principals may work with their current reps to see if they’re interested in doing this important work again for the upcoming school year.
  • Principal nominates ONE educator wellness representative for each school using this form.
  • Support your wellness rep throughout the year as the work to enhance your school or department!

August 5, 2024

All administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Beginning of Year SafeUT Reminders


As a reminder, SafeUT tips will continue to be sent through the Dashboard to all individuals assigned. If staff members would like to make any changes to their settings (such as text message notifications) or there are needed updates to your school’s dashboard, please inform Angie Rasmussen or McKinley Withers.

In addition, it is essential that ALL SafeUT tips are “closed” and that the SafeUT Dashboard for each school is up to date for the following reasons:

  • When the tip is not closed, the issue appears to not have been addressed or handled.
  • The legislature and USBE can review this data as part of funding decisions.
  • It allows SafeUT to improve how tips are distributed.

Here is a step-by-step information sheet that includes this process with images.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Angie Rasmussen at


June LeMaster, Administrator Human Resources
Jane Olsen, Recruiting, Licensing & Hiring in Human Resources

Reserve your Job Fair Table!

Please see the documents below for all of the information!

August 8, 2024

Administrative Assistants
Attendance Secretaries

Administrators of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Reporting Completion of 10-Day Accounting

Students who are registered to a District school and have not attended (or been marked absent with a valid excuse) for ten consecutive school days at any point in the school year must be withdrawn from membership. This is particularly important during the first ten days of the school year so that our enrollment calculations and reporting is accurate.

Accurate enrollment counts are used to generate future projections. Projection totals are needed very soon after ten-day adjustments are completed. To assist in preparing projections, we are asking all schools to report the completion of their 10-day drops on a Google Sheet as soon as these drops are processed. Only the staff member responsible for processing the drops should indicate completion status. The Google Sheet is available at this link and will be emailed to attendance staff again close to the 10th day of school.

10 day drops for high schools may be processed at the end of the day on September 3, 2024. Elementary (Grades K-6) and middle school may process drops at the end of the day on September 4, 2024.

Guidelines for how to process these drops are available at the links below:

Middle & High Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Chris Richards Khong, Associate Administrator of Teaching and Learning

As announced to the AP community, the AP Program is accelerating the transition to digital testing to ensure the continued security of AP Exams. All schools must administer these 28 AP Exams digitally. Late-testing exams in these subjects, if offered by the school, are also in digital format.

For the full list of exams going digital, hybrid, and staying paper-pencil, please visit the main announcement page link listed on the resource page attached to this JAM message.

Overview webinars will be held on Thursday, September 12th and Monday, September 15th, 2024. Registration information for webinars is located on the resource page attached to this JAM message.

Action required: Please make certain your AP Coordinator and AP teachers have this exam information and the resources attached to this JAM message.




Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Jared Covili, Consultant in Teaching & Learning

Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning Academy 2023-2024

The LPDL Academy is designed specifically for administrators to lead schools toward blended and digital learning through research-based content and job-embedded experiences. Upon completion, you may receive USBE's Educational Technology Endorsement.

The LPDL Academy will follow the blended-learning model; online course expectations in Canvas, five face-to-face meetings, completion of a digital implementation roadmap, and consultations as needed. As a participant, your school will receive professional development grant money to build the capacity of teachers and leaders, $5000 per school.

The face-to-face sessions will primarily be held at the ASB in Room 112 from 8:00 am - noon on the dates listed below. Mark your calendar and look for the Canvas course invite coming soon. If you have questions, please contact Jared Covili, Digital Teaching & Learning Consultant, at  801-567-8191 or 

Sign up today at:

Session 1: Blended Learning

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 

  • Session focuses on personalized learning models (competency-based, blended, etc), digital leadership, and an introspective look at you as a digital leader.

Session 2: Culture & Change Management

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

  • Session focuses on understanding school leadership and cultural interactions, a framework for leading school change, and engaging stakeholders.

Session 3: Shifting Teaching & Learning
Wednesday,  November 14, 2024

  • Session focuses on personalized learning and teaching, supporting all students, and the leader's role in observing and evaluating.

Session 4: Human Capacity and Professional Learning

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

  • Session focuses on effective elements of professional learning, digital learning competencies, distributed leadership, and professional learning models

Session 5: Systems for Transforming to Personalized and Digital Learning

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

  • Session focuses on technology and infrastructure systems, devices, budgets, learning spaces, and rethinking current structures to facilitate change.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Middle and High School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Summative Testing Changes for 2024-25

Principals are asked to share the following information with their Utah Aspire Plus and RISE tested teachers.

With the change in the ELA core approved by the Utah State Board of Education in recent months, the state’s summative assessments will need to reflect those changes. The changes to RISE and the Utah Aspire Plus are highlighted below:

Utah Aspire Plus

  • The English subtest will no longer be administered. Only the Reading, Math and Science subtests will be administered.
  • Scores will be delayed as the state will need to undergo a standard setting process because of this change. This means that teachers will not have access to Utah Aspire Plus scores when students complete testing. No grade incentive will be possible for the 2024-25 school year for any of the subtests because part of the standard setting process includes the predicted ACT scores, which requires scores from all of the subtests. We expect to receive scores sometime in the fall of 2025.


  • The ELA RISE assessment and the RISE Writing assessment (5th and 8th grades only) will also be revised according to the new ELA core. We do not expect scores for these assessments to be available either due to the necessity of a standard setting process. No grade incentive will be possible for the 2024-25 school year for these two assessments, though they may still be used for RISE Math and Science.
  • RISE Writing benchmarks will also be suspended for just the 2024-25 school year. USBE is working to field test new RISE Writing benchmarks, but they will not be available until the 2025-26 school year.
  • The Listening and Editing benchmarks will be permanently removed from the RISE system beginning with the 2024-25 school year.

For questions about these changes, please contact Ben Jameson in Assessment, Research & Accountability.

July 1, 2024

Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School-Age) Speech-Language Pathologists

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Extended Year Special Educator Stipends 2024-25

The legislation allows a specific group of special educators to work up to 5 additional days for a $200/day stipend (plus applicable benefits). The Bill applies to Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School- Age) and Speech-Language Pathologists only (Speech-Language Technicians are not included). The number of days and stipend amount are based upon the educators assigned FTE equivalent. Please note that eligible staff will only be allowed to work these days two weeks before the first contract day of the 2024-25 school year and two weeks after the last contract day of the 2024-25 school year, not during vacation periods (e.g., holiday recess, Spring Break, etc.). Please see attached memo for more information.

All Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning

The district-wide professional development day is on August 13th, 2024.

All licensed personnel are required to select and attend a keynote speaker in the morning and are required to attend a corresponding session to their assignment in the afternoon.

Please remind your teachers to sign up for a keynote ASAP if they haven’t already.

Please contact your AOS if questions arise about teachers with unique assignments. Administrators who are NOT hosting at a particular location should be in attendance with teachers. Divide your administrative team accordingly.

To register for a morning keynote:

  1. Please choose a speaker and then register for a keynote speaker using this link. Keynote speakers are NOT content specific. The topics and location information for each keynote speaker are included in the registration information.

Review Your Assigned Afternoon Grade Level/Content Area Schedule

  1. Please review the following flyer to see the lineup of presenters at your content area location. The afternoon breakout sessions on August 13th, ARE specific to content area and grade level. You do not need to pre-register for the afternoon breakouts. You will have time to eat lunch and transition to your content location after the morning keynote.


July 18, 2024

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Early Warning System – Panorama Users by Role

Panorama, the District’s Early Warning System (HB84), will begin nightly data downloads for the 2024-25 school year during the first week of August 2024. To ensure that all the appropriate permissions are activated users by role must be validated by each school.

There are two (2) roles that must be identified:

  1. Administrative Roles:
    a.   Have access to all students throughout the school
    b.   See all discipline information (number, type, and action of each consequence)
    c.   Receive reports about their school and district
    d.   Typically, the principal, assistant principal(s), school counselors, school psychologists, and clinical support staff have this access. The administrator may choose others that receive this access (special education team leaders, student trackers, athletic directors, etc.)
  2. Survey Coordinator Roles:
    a.   Receive reports about the school
    b.   Have access to all students throughout the school
    c.   Should NOT be the school principal
    d.   Coordinate survey administration and messaging

Using the 2024-25 Panorama Administrators and Survey Coordinators sheet select your school, list the names of the users (first and last name), select the role, and enter the users district email address. Schools should enter this information prior to August 1, 2024 to ensure seamless use at the beginning of the school year.

Schools who wish to have their faculty activated should email Travis Hamblin (

July 18, 2024

Secondary Principals
Secondary Assistant Principals
Secondary Attendance Secretaries
Secondary Registrars

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Student Services

Assigning Discipline Officers and Counselors for New-to-School Secondary Students (2024-25)

Each year in August, Information Systems runs a utility to assign secondary students a discipline officer and a counselor in Skyward.

Counselors must be active on each school’s Staff screen in order to be assigned to students. In order to be assigned as a discipline officer, an individual must:

  1. Be a District-appointed administrator or administrative intern. Individuals completing internship hours through an assignment by Human Resources who have not been officially appointed as an administrative intern by the District should not be assigned as discipline officers.
  2. Have the “Discipline Officer” box marked on their individual profile on the school’s “Staff” screen.

This utility will be run in early August to update all students enrolled at that point in time. After the initial utility has been run, Information Systems cannot easily “mass assign” discipline officers or counselors for schools. The utility, if run later in the year, would overwrite any custom assignments made by the school. In order for certain processes to successfully run in Skyward, however, discipline officers and counselors must be assigned for students who enroll after the utility has been run. This should be done as part of the registration process. An individual with responsibility for entering the student into Skyward should verify that the “Entity Info” screen has an appropriate individual assigned under ‘Discipline Officer”, “Counselor”, and “Advisor”. This process will need to be completed for students who are new to the District and for those who are transferring from another District location. Making this a part of the enrollment process will help ensure that discipline can be reported and processed accurately.

For the 2024-25 school year, information on the alphabet assignments for assistant principals and counselors will be taken from the school’s update to the Assistant Principal Directory. In order for the utility to be run in a timely manner, schools should complete updates to the directory by July 31, 2024. The directory can be updated at
this link: 

Questions on entering discipline officers may be directed to the help desk in Information Systems at x88737. General questions on recording discipline may be directed to Caleb Olson in Planning & Enrollment at x88251.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

All School Administrators
District Department Directors/Consultants

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2024-25 Required Testing Ethics Professional Development Procedures for Education Support Professionals

For the 2024-25 school year, administrators will need to conduct a training for all licensed educators as well as any education support professionals (ESPs) who will assist with district-, state- or federally-mandated testing on the state’s testing ethics policy. All licensed educators will need to be trained on the policy. Administrators will want to consider including computer lab assistants who function as the school’s test coordinator, any classroom aides that assist with testing, literacy aides who assist with Acadience Reading or Math testing or progress monitoring, or any office staff that assist test coordinators with district-, state- or federally-mandated testing.

The three required procedures for completing this testing ethics professional development are listed on the “2024-25 Principal’s Testing Ethics Checklist for ESPs” form, which is due to Assessment, Research & Accountability by Friday, September 20, 2024.

As has been done in the past, administrators may provide the testing ethics training themselves using the Google slide deck linked in this memo. Alternatively, administrators may show the YouTube video linked below to school personnel. The video provides the same information as the slide deck. Once school personnel have been trained, either by a school administrator or using the video, they are required to sign the “2024-25 Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy Training Signature Form.” Administrators are asked to keep these signed forms on file at the school.

There are several materials attached with this memo for your use:

  • 2024-25 Principal’s Testing Ethics Checklist – This form needs to be filled out and sent to Assessment, Research & Accountability by Friday, September 20, 2024.
  • Testing Ethics Presentation, 2024-25 – This is the slide deck if administrators choose to present the training in-person.
    2024-25 Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy – This document should be distributed to every licensed educator as well as any ESPs that assist with district-, state- or federally-mandated testing.
  • Testing Ethics Video – This is the training video that may be used in lieu of a school administrator providing the training, though it is still recommended that school personnel view the video together. The video may also be found at this YouTube link.
  • Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Training Signature Form, 2024-25 – Administrators should retain a signed copy of this form for all licensed educators as well as any ESPs who assist with district-, state- or federally-mandated testing.
  • Testing Ethics Policy FAQ – Administrators should distribute this FAQ document to all licensed educators and any ESPs that assist with district-, state- or federally mandated testing.

Please contact Ben Jameson or Gaylene Miller in Assessment, Research & Accountability with any questions.

Administrative Assistants

Steffany Ellsworth, Support Services Manager in Information Systems

Introducing ParentSquare: Our New Communication Platform Launching July 1st!

We are excited to announce the launch of our new school communication platform, ParentSquare, which will be available July 1st! Does this mean that Skylert is no longer available? That’s correct, Skylert will no longer be accessible after June 30, 2024. The good news is that ParentSquare is capable of so much more!

See the document below for all the exciting details!


June 13, 2024 

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Student Services

UPDATED: HB182 Compliance Regarding Surveys and Preferred Pronoun Use

Utah Code §53E-9-203 prohibits schools and school employees from administering any “psychological or psychiatric examination, test, or treatment, or any survey, analysis or evaluation” (emphasis added) where the purpose is to cause a student to identify information in one of the following eight areas:

  1. political affiliations or, except as provided under Section 53G-10-202 or rules of the state board, political philosophies;
  2. mental or psychological problems;
  3. sexual behavior, orientation, or attitudes;
  4. illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
  5. critical appraisals of individuals with whom the student or family member has close family relationships;
  6. religious affiliations or beliefs;
  7. legally recognized privileged and analogous relationships, such as those with lawyers, medical personnel, or ministers; and
  8. income, except as required by law.

HB 182, which passed in the 2024 Utah legislative session and takes effect on July 1, 2024, amends the third item in this list to read as follows (emphasis added):

  1. sexual behavior, orientation, gender identity, or attitudes;

To ensure compliance with HB 182 after July 1, 2024, the following guidance for “beginning-of-year” activities or documents should be noted and communicated to staff:

  • Students should not be asked or otherwise surveyed (including questions on “About Me” or “Getting to Know You”-style assignments and activities) as to their sexual or gender identity or preferred pronouns.
  • Documents or disclosure statements that include this type of survey question about gender identity or preferred pronouns should not be approved by administrators when conducting annual reviews and approvals as required by District Policy AA 432 - Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statements

Additionally, staff should be reminded that HB182 also establishes a requirement that any survey related to an early warning system (i.e. Panorama), social emotional learning question, or the school climate system requires parental OPT-IN during registration at the beginning of the school year, adding an additional clearance step to the prohibitions listed above. The opt-in information is included in summer registration materials for District-sponsored surveys.