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Schools need to update budget codes for personnel who will be covered through ESSER II funds. Please complete a New Hire/Change Form and code ESSER II Budget #7215 for the following:

  • High Schools 1.0 FTE for a tracker
  • Middle Schools 0.25 FTE for a tracker
  • Elementary Schools 25-hour assistant to support intervention

All CARES (COVID) budgets are closed. If any personnel remain coded to a CARES (COVID) budget, other than ESSER II, an existing school budget will be charged.

Please record the individual name(s) in your school ESSER II Worksheet in Google drive.

June 10, 2021

In consideration of our extraordinary drought conditions and the Governor’s third drought Executive Order dates June 8, 2021 (see attached), we are implementing the following procedures:

  • All school irrigation clocks are being adjusted to water only two days per week. Some larger schools require two days to rotate through all of their stations, so people may see the sprinklers on every day, but each station will only be watering two times per week.
  • We will only be watering during the evening and night time hours. On occasion, sprinklers may be running a brief test cycle during the day to check for broken heads or to make spray pattern adjustments.
  • New sod and seed areas will continue to be watered according to recommended schedules.
  • The Custodial Department will continue to work with individual schools to assist with broken sprinkler heads and to correct spray pattern issues.
  • We continue to encourage schools to submit work orders to repair leaking faucets, toilets and drinking fountains.
  • We will continue to follow this drought issue closely and plan to comply with any other State, County or local restrictions.
  • All principals and custodians will be informed of these changes and our plans moving forward.
  • Please continue to call or email us with any water issues that are brought to your attention and we will dispatch our employees to address them.

We hope that this helps you answer questions and demonstrates our commitment to responsible water use during these extreme conditions.

June 2, 2021

Secondary School Principals

Teaching and Learning Coaching Team
Chris Richards-Khong, Amy Kinder, Jared Covili, Pam Su’a, Rebecca Lee, Beth Lewis

2021-2022 Secondary Coaching Professional Development and PLC Proposal

The secondary level principals and coaches were surveyed during the month of May regarding logistical preferences for the delivery of the JSD Instructional Coach Institute (ICI) and the Coaching Professional Learning Communities (PLC).

After reviewing responses to the survey, the Teaching and Learning Coaching Team constructed draft models to reflect survey participants’ preferences. The team also consulted the JSD School Board decisions surrounding the future Friday schedule.

Attached to this memorandum are the proposed draft session options. Please review these session options with the coaches who are staffed for the 2021-22 school year as soon as possible. Your considerations and feedback are important in guiding the final model which will be made available to secondary coaches.

A meeting will be hosted for those administrators interested in a dialogue and final drafting of the model. Please contact Chris Westra if you are interested in participating in this meeting so that you may be included on the doodle poll for time and place. The following individuals have been previously noted as interested participants: Dixie Garrison, Michael Glenn, Bryan Leggat, Nicole Johnson, Eric Price. All are welcome. Those principals who are not attending the meeting should submit comments, questions, suggestions, and option preferences to Chris Westra by June 11, 2021 and they will be included in the considerations.

Contact for Chris Westra
Phone: 801-567-8657


Brad Sorensen
Cody Curtis
Shelley Nordick

Click HERE for the proposed draft session options or see the attachment below.


Thursday, June 3, 2021

School Administrators
School Administrative Assistants

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021 WIDA Access Hard Copy Individual Student Reports

Hard copies of the 2021 WIDA Access individual student reports were delivered to schools last week. These ISRs as well as a copy of the “Annual Parent Notification Letter” and “Understanding Your Child’s Scores” need to be mailed home to parents as soon as possible. A copy of the ISRs was also included for each school EL lead.

The WIDA Consortium will release student reports and frequency reports on Wednesday, June 9th. These reports will be delivered to schools within a few days afterwards. Principals may review the frequency reports as needed. A copy of the student report should be placed in each student’s CUM folder.

Please see the attached WIDA Test Results Checklist for more detailed instructions.

Please contact JoLynn Snelgrove in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

All School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021 USBE School Climate Survey Reports and Data Analysis Protocol

The window for the 2021 USBE School Climate Survey closed on May 7th.  Tableau dashboards have been prepared for school administrators to view survey results for their school as well as the district.

There are four categories of dashboards:

  • Adult School Climate Survey – These dashboards contain survey results for adult respondents, including school administrators, licensed educators, education support professionals and parents.
  • Student Climate Survey:
    • Grades K-2
    • Grades 3-5
    • Grades 6-12

The district report may be found here.

School reports may be found here.

The USBE School Climate Survey dashboards may also be found by going to the Explore menu in your Tableau Viewer account:

Explore > Surveys > USBE School Climate Survey > District Report

Explore > Surveys > USBE School Climate Survey > School Reports

Dashboards containing survey results also have filters that may be used to dig deeper into the survey data: Gender, race/ethnicity and respondent type.  The filters are determined from survey responses.

As a reminder, the USBE School Climate Survey was administered instead of the district’s annual Stakeholder Survey for this year only.  Thus, survey respondents did not have an opportunity to respond to question items regarding individual educators.  No individual educator score reports were generated nor is there a need to distribute them to educators as we have done in the past.  The district’s Stakeholder Survey will return in the 2021-22 school year.

A school climate survey data analysis protocol is also included with this memo.  It is recommended that school administrative teams take some time over the summer break to go through the data analysis protocol together.  It is also suggested that the protocol be used with JELL teams and/or other pertinent leadership teams in the school that deal with school climate issues.  If having a group of teachers work with the Tableau dashboards is something principals are interested in, temporary access to the climate survey results may be granted through Tableau.  Please contact Ben Jameson for more information.

Please contact Ben Jameson with any questions about the dashboards or the survey.

May 20, 2021

Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School Age)
Speech-Language Pathologists

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Updated Extended Year for Special Educator Stipend Days 2020-21

The USBE has set up new guidelines for documenting and reporting Extended Year Stipend Days. A specific group of special educators were allowed to work up to 3.5 additional days for the 2020-21 school year. Eligible staff that have days left to work, and did not work all of their allotted days in the fall, are required to complete a survey to be paid for those days. After you have completed working the days (after your contract ends), simply click on the link below to start the survey. This link will open on June 8, 2021 at 7am.

Please read the survey carefully, making sure you answer all of the questions listed, as you will be paid according to what the survey generates. Only those that complete the survey will be paid. You are no longer required to submit the worksheet or timesheet after you have worked the days. Any timesheets submitted directly to the Special Ed. or Payroll departments will not be paid. Please note that the window for completing the survey closes June 30, 2021 at midnight.

Please remember you cannot count the days you already worked and were paid for in the fall. You can only count the days you work after your last contract date at the end of the 2020-21 school year. The State Board of Education has discontinued any leniency on dates that you work. You may ONLY work and report the two weeks after your last contract day. Therefore, you will only be paid for dates that are between June 8 to June 21, 2021 and only the number of days you have remaining from the fall of 2020-21.

As you plan for the coming year, keep in mind the legislature will presumably award days for the 2021-22 school year, which you can begin working two weeks prior to your first contract day, August 9, 2021. More information about next year’s days will be forthcoming. If you have questions, or need help with the survey, please contact Amanda Hamblin at or 801-567-8176.

May 20, 2021

High School Principals and Head Administrative Assistants

C. Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools

2021-22 High School Summer Office Help

Each high school in Jordan School District will be allocated $4,000 to assist in covering summer office hours for the 2021-22 school year. Please note that benefits must be deducted from this amount. Benefits are calculated at 8.45% to include FICA, Medicare, and Industrial Insurance. If you choose to use a full-time school employee that qualifies for retirement benefits, an additional 23.69% (Tier I-before July 1, 2011) or 20.02% (Tier II-after June 30, 2011) must be added to the total cost.

This money may be used for time worked from June 1 through August 31, 2020. Employees are to use True Time when working these hours. True Time hours should be submitted weekly. Please email a list of names of all employees who will be working these hours to Keelee Leulaui in payroll at and she will add the pay-code ‘TSMRO - Summer Office Hours’ for them to use in True Time. No money will be carried over from the summer hour allocation. All time worked for your summer office hours will be coded as 10 E LOC 8707 2436 154 and should be recorded each month for Brad Sorensen’s approval on your school’s allocation form.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Cari Minnesota at, Ph: 801-567-8173 or
Marilyn Smith at, Ph: 801-567-8166.

Thank you.

Memo 2021-22 High School Summer Office Help

May 13, 2021

All Certified Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Year-End Checkout for Traditional Schools/Year-Round Schools

The items listed in the attached memo need attention as you prepare to close out the 2020-21school year.

Any questions or concerns that arise should be directed to your school’s Teacher Specialist for clarification.

May 13, 2021

Attendance Secretaries

Administrator of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Entering Attendance in Skyward for the Last Six (6) Days of the School Year

Please see attached memo.

May 6, 2021

Building Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Scott Festin, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Reporting Hiring on the Enrollment Dashboard

In previous school years, building administrators submitted an “FTE Staffing Worksheet” form to Planning & Enrollment to report their hiring using 0050/FTE allocations. This form has been discontinued.

All administrators must report their hiring using 0050/FTE allocations on their Enrollment Dashboard. This report must be completed with current hiring by Friday, May 7, 2021. If changes in hiring or funding sources for staff are made, these changes should immediately be noted on the Enrollment Dashboard.

When entering hiring numbers, be sure to use the “2021-22” tab to enter all totals!

Elementary Schools: Enter hiring in rows 42-52. Use the correct columns (columns I through M) for the funding source used.

Middle Schools: Enter hiring using 0050 in rows 44-55. Enter hiring using alternative funding sources in rows 61-72. Please note that some rows require you to enter the number of individuals and some rows require you to enter the number of periods.

High Schools: Enter hiring using 0050 in rows 44-61. Enter hiring using alternative funding sources in rows 67-81. Please note that some rows require you to enter the number of individuals and some rows require you to enter the number of periods.

Again, building administrators should have their school’s hiring updated on the “2021-22” tab of the Enrollment Dashboard by Friday, May 7, 2021. Changes that take place after May 7 should be noted on the dashboard without delay. Thank you to all schools who have already completed their hiring updates.

Please contact Planning & Enrollment (x88183) with any questions or concerns.

Due to student demand, JSD has added a second location for Code to Success. This six-week, summer coding camp will be held at Fort Herriman Middle School. Classes are Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM during the six weeks from June 14 to July 23. The program is open to current 7th - 12th grade students.

Please post the flyer (image file) on your website and use the video as part of your school announcements.

Students can register online at

Please contact Kami Taylor if you have questions.

Link to Flyer (image format)
Link to Video (youtube video)

Please advise your staff that Insurance Open Enrollment for this year will be May 15 - June 15.  Let your staff know that they need to get a confirmation that they have gone in and updated or verified that everything is correct.   Attached are the Open Enrollment Highlights.

Insurance Open Enrollment May 15 - June 15 for a September Effective Date.

InfinityHR/Arcoro ( ) will be used for all benefit eligible employees to make benefit elections offered at Open Enrollment and for newly eligible employees. All benefit eligible employees should log into the online system to verify dependents, beneficiaries and benefit elections.  Included in the attached Open Enrollment Highlights are online enrollment instructions.

The following changes may be made during the open enrollment period.

  • Enroll in a new insurance plan
  • Change or cancel an existing insurance plan
  • Add or cancel members from an existing plan
  • Flexible Spending election (new elections must be made each year you wish to participate)

May 5, 2021

All School and District Administrators

Administrator of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Behavior Survival Training for Administrators

A required training is scheduled for all administrators that will provide, within a restorative MTSS framework, background information pertaining to why problematic behaviors occur, basic information about behavioral resources that are available, an understanding of basic behavioral concepts, and strategies for effectively dealing with crisis behaviors.

Positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) are a cornerstone of any restorative MTSS culture. This training will provide the background and understanding to adequately and appropriately manage behavior issues in a supportive environment.

The training will take approximately four (4) hours and will be provided on three different days with five (5) different sessions to choose from (you only need to attend one session – all sessions will provide the same content). All sessions will be held in the auditorium at Elk Ridge Middle School (3659 W 9800 S, South Jordan, UT.).

Please select one of the following dates/times to attend:

Tuesday June 8:                7:30-11:30am, or 12:00-4:00pm 

Tuesday June 15:              7:30-11:30am, or 12:00-4:00pm 

Thursday June 17:            7:30-11:30am

Click HERE to register for the Behavior Survival Training for Administrators or go to

April 29, 2021

School Principals and Administrative Assistants

Administrators of Schools

Principal Year-End Check Out Materials for 2020-21

Attached is the list of all forms and items to be completed for principal check out.

  • Items highlighted in yellow will be reviewed at check out with your Administrator of Schools.
  • Items highlighted in green require you to bring the requested items to your checkout.
  • Forms provided by the District for principal check out are included with this JAM.
  • You should turn in one completed copy of each form and keep a copy on file in your school for easy reference as you prepare the check out for the next school year.

If you have any questions, please contact your Administrator of Schools’ administrative assistant.

April 29, 2021

High School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
June LeMaster, Administrator, Human Resources
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator, ESP

Additional Summer Pool Hour Request - High Schools

This is a reminder to all HS principals of the additional 100 summer pool hours previously approved.  The following guidelines are to be followed to ensure consistency and proper use of the additional pool hours:

  • The HS Principal may choose the School Administrative Assistant-Attendance and/or the School Administrative Clerk to use the additional summer pool hours.
  • There is a maximum of 100 hours that may only be used after the 206 contract ends June 16, 2021 and before the contract begins July 26, 2021. The employee may not exceed 40 hours in any week and any time not used will be forfeited.
  • No other assistant (full or part time) may use these pool hours.
  • These hours must be reported through TrueTime under the heading of “Contract Pool Hours” and will be charged to 10-E-xxx-0050-2483-152.

We hope these additional summer pool hours will help you provide adequate coverage for the students and patrons you serve.  Please contact Human Resources if you have any questions.


We appreciate the efforts you’ve made as you plan for summer school. Reach out if you have questions or need resources. Please review the following informational items regarding summer school

  • SUMMER SCHOOL SCHEDULING -- Remember to identify one individual to set up your school’s summer school program in Skyward. Please complete this form before Friday, May 7.
    • Summer School Supplies – Because this is a federal grant that will be audited, we need to be very detailed in regards to all orders. If you purchase supplies for summer school, please code all charges directly to the ESSER II program budget. (Contact Noreen Samowitz for budget information.) Schools can use up to $300 for supplies.
    • Preparation – Participating teachers can be paid for 1 day (8 hours) of preparation.
    • Recruiting – Teachers can be paid for 1 day (8 hours) to identify students for participation in summer school and for recruiting students.
    • Timesheets -- Schools are responsible for recording, tracking, and submitting timesheets. Have teachers fill out a timesheet with descriptions such as: Summer School Prep; Summer School Recruiting; Summer School Instruction, etc. Please code Summer School timesheets to the ESSER II program budget. (Contact Noreen Samowitz for budget information.)
    • Crossing guards will not be available for summer school. Please plan accordingly.
    • Information regarding buses (Middle School only) should be available within 2 weeks.

April 22, 2021

All Administrators

Administrators of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Behavior Survival Training for Administrators

A required training is scheduled for all administrators that will provide, within a restorative MTSS framework, background information pertaining to why problematic behaviors occur, basic information about behavioral resources that are available, an understanding of basic behavioral concepts, and strategies for effectively dealing with crisis behaviors.

Positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) are a cornerstone of any restorative MTSS culture. This training will provide the background and understanding to adequately and appropriately manage behavior issues in a supportive environment.

The training will take approximately four (4) hours and will be provided on three different days with five (5) different sessions to choose from (you only need to attend one session – all sessions will provide the same content). All sessions will be held in the auditorium at Elk Ridge Middle School (3659 W 9800 S, South Jordan, UT).

Please select one of the following dates/times to attend:

Tuesday June 8:
7:30-11:30am, or

Tuesday June 15:
7:30-11:30am, or

Thursday June 17:

Click HERE to register for the Behavior Survival Training for Administrators or go to

In preparation for summer school, administrators are asked to identify one individual (registrar, administrative assistant, etc.) to set up your school's summer school program in Skyward.  This individual will 1) attend a training session by Information Systems, 2) enroll participating students in the summer school entity, 3) create the summer school courses in the course master, and 4) enroll students in the course.  It will be necessary to have this individual available before and during both summer school sessions.

In order to prepare for a training session, please complete the following form before Friday, May 7. The form asks for the courses that will be offered, the number of sections of each course, and the teacher for each section.

If your school has surplus PPE corrugated plastic sheets, please email Kris Wishart in Purchasing, Please provide how many you have and she will schedule to have them picked up from your school.

This is only for the corrugated sheets - no other PPE surplus items will be picked up at this time.