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March 1, 2023

Clearing out & Closing School EARS Budgets (program 5336)

School Administrators:

As you are aware the EARS grant is not a guarantee and is determined on a year to year basis. Please take some time to review your school’s spending, for the 2023/24 school year, to ensure you are covered using all of your other funding sources.

The following information will help you finalize your EARS funding for the current school year: 

ALL teachers and aides that are being paid for through your 5336 EARS budget will need to be moved to another program for next school year.

  • It will be your responsibility to transition them over to another program after their final paycheck for this school year.
  • Your options could be School Land trust or TSSA

Program 5336 will have a NO MORE NEW/ADDITIONAL SPENDING date of April 15, 2023. (Personnel already being paid will continue until the end of the 2022-23 school year.)

  • It will be your responsibility to make sure that all your purchases will be cleared by this time. Do NOT open a PO on April 14th to secure $$ for spending.
  • It will also be your responsibility to MOVE MONEY to program 5336, from one of your other programs, if you have overspent.

We hope to procure this money next year to help you continue supporting our “At Risk” students. More information regarding this funding will be available during the early months of next school year and will be disseminated in a timely manner.

Thank you,

Michelle Love-Day

Schools should update current hiring totals for 2023-24 on their enrollment dashboards as soon as possible so that accurate districtwide data can be monitored and appropriate adjustments made. Hiring totals should be kept current with changes made throughout the summer as needed. Positions do not need to be filled to be counted (i.e., a position that is planned for next year but not yet filled should be recorded on your dashboard as FTE that has been used). Contact Planning & Enrollment with questions about updating staffing totals.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2022-23 USBE School Climate Survey

HB 120 (53G-8-802) and R277-623 mandate the administration of a statewide school climate survey. For this year, the USBE School Climate Survey will be administered in place of the district’s Stakeholder Input Survey.

Please see the memo below for all the details.

The Jordan Ethnic Advisory Committee is pleased to announce a Parent, Guardian, and Student Open House event at JATC South, which will take place on March 1st, from 5 - 6:30 p.m. The purpose of this event is to provide a platform for families to share their ideas with administration and teachers, and to engage in meaningful dialogue about the challenges and opportunities facing our students.

Through this event, we hope to foster a sense of community and collaboration, and to work together to build a stronger, more inclusive school environment for all students.

To that end, we would like you to extend an invitation to school communities electronically, and to personally invite four families to participate in this open house. Principals will receive paper invitations in District mail.

We would be honored to have schools support in this initiative, and we believe that your participation will have a positive impact on our district as a whole.

Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Thursday, February 2, 2023

All School Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

Navigating Parental Exclusion Requests with the WIDA Access

The annual administration of the WIDA Access is mandated by the federal government, which uses this assessment to hold schools accountable for providing an equitable education for multi-language learners. This accountability stems from the 1974 Supreme Court case Lau v. Nichols where a California school district was sued because it was not providing language services to many of its ML students. This Supreme Court case essentially ensures that students’ civil right to an equitable education and the government has chosen to use the WIDA Access as a way to hold school districts accountable for doing so.

The WIDA Access is federally mandated, which means that parents cannot opt their students out of taking the test. Because of the part this assessment plays in a student’s educational rights, parents do not have the power to revoke a student’s civil right to take the WIDA Access. Thus, the state was required to remove the WIDA Access from the parental exclusion form a few years ago.

So, what happens when a parent insists that their child not take the WIDA Access? Basic procedures are outlined below:

  • The school administration should discuss any or all of the attached talking points with the student’s parent.
  • If the parent still insists that their child not participate in the WIDA Access, then the school should document the parent’s refusal. Schools may use this Google tracking sheet for documentation or their school opt out log already available to school test coordinators.
  • When testing is complete, the school will share the Google tracking sheet with JoLynn Snelgrove in Evaluation, Research & Accountability using this email address: JoLynn will also check school opt out logs.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions or concerns regarding these procedures.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

All School Administrators

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Michael Heaps, Director of Information Systems
David Bowman, Systems & Security Manager

Chromebooks with Expiring Hardware that Will Be Used for Testing

When Chromebooks are purchased, they come with a pre-defined time at which the vendors will stop giving updates to the software that makes the computers run. With Chromebooks this is almost always 5 years or a bit more.

This is called the Auto Update Expiration (AUE) Date.

When a Chromebook hits that date it may continue to work, but it stops getting updates from Google. Over time, this will decrease its functionality with the internet where things will stop working properly. Websites won’t load right; extensions and apps either work partially or won’t work at all.

This can become an issue when older Chromebooks won’t be able to update to the minimum device specifications outlined for a testing secure browser such as the RISE Secure Browser, TestNav (Utah Aspire Plus and ACT), DRC Insight (WIDA Access), etc. If the older testing device can’t update to the secure browser’s minimum specifications, it is possible that the testing platform will be glitchy or not work at all.

In some cases, more than 60% of a school’s Chromebooks are already expired. To see how many and what percentage of your school’s Chromebooks are expired, please click here.

As testing season approaches, school administrators will want to think about how to mitigate possible technology issues if the majority of the school’s Chromebooks that will be used for spring testing are expired. Also, school administrators are strongly encouraged to run an infrastructure test prior to ACT, RISE, and/or Utah Aspire Plus summative testing. If schools are unable to replace expired Chromebooks prior to spring testing and many of the school’s devices failed the infrastructure test, school administrators should develop a plan for rotating through newer devices to complete spring summative testing.

Hello Principals,

The JEF Challenge Run is on for 2023!

A representative from the JEF Challenge Run Committee would like to meet with your faculty to discuss the Challenge Run sometime in the next 30 days.  We have a short 10-minute presentation we'd like to share at your next soonest faculty meeting.

Below is a Google Link.  Would you please select a date and time in the next 30 days that would work for you?  Thank you!

Dear Administrators,

During 2021-22 and continuing through the 2022-23 year, schools were given the option to hire benefit-eligible substitutes for which the school paid half the cost (including benefits) and the District paid half.  This position was originally intended to be temporary through 2022-23.

GREAT NEWS!  As this option has shown to be a benefit to schools, it will now be available going forward.

For schools who are currently taking advantage of the benefit-eligible substitute position, the following information will apply:

  • The position will continue for the 2023-24 and future years. You will not need to submit a change form unless you need to change the budget codes.
  • If your current benefit-eligible substitute resigns, you have the option to repost the position. Please follow the job posting steps below.
  • If your funding availability changes in the future, the substitute position will be subject to a Reduction in Force. Please contact Brent Burge to work through this process.


  • Benefit-eligible substitutes will be contracted to work 180 days per year.
  • Pay is equivalent to the ESP Lane 4 Step 1 at eight hours per day ($18.52/hour or $148.16/day for the 2022-23 year). (The District may modify this amount as needed) The contract will be paid over 10 months, September to June.
  • This position is eligible for benefits, including insurance, leave time and Retirement.
  • The benefit-eligible substitute is expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to students arriving and stay 15 minutes after students leave. These benefit-eligible substitutes will be paid full days on Fridays/shortened days as long as they stay 15 minutes after students leave.
  • This position must be posted in Frontline and the schools must follow all hiring procedures established for Contract ESP positions, including:
    • Requisition submitted
    • Position posted for a minimum of five working days
    • All applicants must be screened by the administration to determine interview eligibility
    • Interviews conducted following best practices
    • Recommendation for hire submitted, prior to any job offer, including submitting all interview notes
    • Minimum of two references complete. One must be with the current/most recent supervisor

Please contact a Human Resource Administrator or Recruiter if you have questions regarding this position.

Explore endless opportunities in education at the Jordan Job Fair on Wednesday, Jan. 25 from 6 – 8 p.m. at Oquirrh Hills Middle.

Find out about openings for school bus drivers, classroom assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers, substitute teachers, and more. A representative from all schools and departments throughout the district with open positions will be in attendance.


Are you interested in or currently pursuing a STEM endorsement? Let USBE PAY FOR YOUR EDUCATION! This is called the STEM Endorsement Incentive Program (EIP).  See our EIP website for a full list of endorsements.

Reimbursement applications for courses completed in Fall/Winter 2022 will be reviewed after the January 27, 2023 deadline. Another round of reimbursements will be available for classes taken in Spring 2023.

See the attached flyer and link to our EIP website for more information. If you have any questions, please reach out to your content consultant. We would love to talk to you!

More details regarding the Health & Wellness Day will be coming. In order to give departments and schools time to plan meals the following information is being shared now.

Principals and Department Directors should arrange for lunch or breakfast for all your employees one day from February 6th–9th . Please do not schedule meals on February 10th so all employees feel free to participate in the Health and Wellness Day activities occurring that day.

Traditional schools (i.e. the 42 elementary schools, 13 middle schools and 7 high schools) will receive an additional $12 per employee in the school’s supply budgets. Traditional schools may then charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 0050 1090 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process.

All other schools (i.e. Kauri Sue Hamilton (including the Child Development Center), River’s Edge (including the Jordan Family Education Center), South Valley, JATC North, JATC South, Valley High School, and Southpointe Adult High) will also have $12 per employee available. However, these schools will need to charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 9054 1090 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process.

District departments will also have $12 per employee available. Departments should charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 9054 yy90 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process. The “yy” listed in the account above will differ for each department as follows:

Superintendent – 24
Associate Superintendent – 24
Administrators of Schools – 24
Accounting, Budgets, and Audits – 25
Auxiliary Services – 26
Business Administrator – 25
Career & Technical Education – 22
Central Warehouse – 26
Communications – 28
Custodial and Energy – 26
Equity & Compliance – 21
Evaluation, Research & Accountability – 10
Facilities – 26
Human Resources – 28
Information Systems – 28
Instructional Support Services – 22
Insurance Services – 25
Jordan Education Foundation – 22
Language and Cultural Services – 21
Nurses – 21
Nutrition Services – 26
Payroll – 25
Purchasing – 26
Transportation – 27
Special Education – 22
Student Services – 21
Teaching and Learning – 22
Transportation – 27

Thursday, January 12, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

CSI/TSI Calculations Released by USBE for All Schools


Targeted School Improvement (TSI) and Comprehensive School Improvement (CSI) are two school designations under the state’s ESSA plan and are part of the state’s school accountability system. The purpose of these two school improvement programs is to help schools identify and support student groups that are struggling academically.

Schools are designated as TSI if one or more of its student groups’ total school report card points earned is in the bottom 5% statewide for two consecutive years.

Schools are designated as CSI if one of the following conditions are met:

  • They are a high school with a low graduation rate in the year CSI was calculated (every three years).
  • They are a Title I school that has one or more student groups identified as TSI that haven’t exited after four years.
  • They are a Title I school where the total student population’s school report card points earned is in the bottom 5% of Title I schools statewide in the year CSI was calculated (every three years).

For your information, CSI was calculated for the 2021-22 school year.

USBE has recently released the school report card calculation data for TSI designations, and the results may be accessed in school administrator Tableau accounts. School administrators may use this information to identify student groups that are close to being designated as TSI, or in other words, student groups that have one year below the state’s 5% threshold of the two consecutive years required. The 2021-22 TSI Calculations for All Schools Statewide dashboard may be accessed here.

Title I schools may also see a similar view for CSI calculations for their total student population here. Using this dashboard, school principals will be able to see how close to the 5% threshold their student population came to being designated as CSI for each of the school report card indicators.

For questions about TSI, CSI, school report cards, or the state’s school accountability system, please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Identifying School Procedures to Prevent Plagiarism During WIDA Testing


In order to provide targeted supports to multi-language learners, educators need valid and reliable data from assessments that help pinpoint a student's academic language ability. Plagiarism negatively effects the validity and reliability of that data.

As part of normal classroom instruction, many ML students are accustomed to using their device (cell phones or smart watches) to help them communicate and understand their learning. Thus, they have a natural tendency to want to use that technology to help them understand and communicate their learning on the WIDA Access. WIDA test proctors must explicitly communicate to students that their devices are not allowed or needed for the test because we need to understand what they can do without the aid of their device. WIDA test proctors must also implement procedures to ensure students do not have access to their personal technology devices during testing.

The 2022-23 WIDA Access Test Administration Manual states (see page 4):

"A key responsibility of all staff involved in testing is to ensure students are actively monitored during testing and do their own work. Test proctors are to ensure students don't use internet-connected devices, such as cell phones, while testing. Follow your state's test security policies and, whenever possible, have students leave their devices outside the testing room. The use of unapproved devices during testing or the submission of copied or plagiarized responses can result in student scores being invalidated."

The WIDA Access test vendor has the capacity to detect plagiarism from other websites. When this occurs, actions will need to be taken to investigate the issue by the school administration in collaboration with Evaluation, Research & Accountability.

To help schools formulate their procedures regarding student personal technology during the WIDA Access test administration, we are asking school test coordinators, in collaboration with their school administration, to fill out a survey form prior to test day that outlines the step-by-step procedures test proctors will use so that students do not have access to their personal technology devices during testing. The form may be accessed here. A copy of the questions is attached with this memo. In addition, school test coordinators will need to ensure that all WIDA Access test administrators and proctors are aware of and follow the outlined procedures to prevent plagiarism so that ML students have the best opportunity to demonstrate what they know and can do.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions regarding this new requirement.


As a reminder, the following due dates need to be followed when completing all evaluations. 

All Full Evaluations 

    • Due March 31, 2023
    • Stakeholder input and student growth with data uploaded into Perform
    • Goal(s) with both administrator and teacher signatures
    • This encompasses classroom teachers, teacher specialists, psychologists, counselors, BTS, etc.

 Note: Administrator full evaluations are due May 1, 2023.

 All Interim End of the Year Reflection 

    • Due May 31, 2023
    • Reflection on 3 Required Goals
    • Stakeholder input and student growth with data must be uploaded into Perform
    • Signatures from both administrator and teacher
    • This encompasses classroom teachers, teacher specialists, psychologists, counselors, BTS, administrators, etc.

Educational Support Professionals (Classified)

    • Due by the end of the May
    • Complete in Skyward

The mileage reimbursement rate is based upon the IRS rate. Effective January 1, 2023, the reimbursement rate is $0.655 per mile. Please use the attached form when submitting for mileage reimbursement. All 2022 mileage reimbursement requests should be submitted as soon as possible. Click HERE to access the mileage form online.

Explore endless opportunities in education at the Jordan Job Fair on Wednesday, Jan. 25 from 6 – 8 p.m. at Oquirrh Hills Middle.

Find out about openings for school bus drivers, classroom assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers, substitute teachers and more. A representative from all schools and departments throughout the district with open positions will be in attendance.

School/Department Administrators:

We have simplified the process for hiring licensed employees through Frontline. These changes include:

  • A video screening/interview feature
  • Interview documentation simplified
  • Reference forms simplified

Please schedule a training time to see these important modifications. This training is available to administrators and administrative assistants, especially those who are new to Frontline Recruiting/Hiring.

All trainings will be on Zoom. For available dates/times and to schedule a training session, visit the link below.

Frontline Training Schedule for Appointments

Also available on HRConnections and HRAdminOnly are the training videos and tutorials. Contact Brent Burge at #88224 if you have any questions.

Human Resources

The JEF Outstanding Educator Nomination form is open!  One Outstanding Educator should be nominated from each of the 68 Jordan District schools. Recipients can be nominated by a principal, school administrators, and/or colleagues. However, all nominations must be approved by the nominee's principal. All nominations are due Tuesday, January 17, after the MLK holiday break.  
For more information and to nominate please visit:  Jordan Education Foundation Educator Awards

January 5, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

REMINDER: WIDA ACCESS 2.0 Test Administration Training for Schools

REMINDER: Everyone who will assist with WIDA Access testing needs to participate in the annual training.

See the memo below for information, training dates, and times.