Please take note of the new address below when sending in "Report of Child Abuse Forms".
DCFS Intake
10008 S Creek Run Way
Sandy UT 84070
Please take note of the new address below when sending in "Report of Child Abuse Forms".
DCFS Intake
10008 S Creek Run Way
Sandy UT 84070
April 4, 2016
All Principals
Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning and Student Services
March 31, 2016 Enrollment
See attached memo.
April 13, 2016
Year Round School Principals
Year Round School Special Education Teachers
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist
Procedure for Scheduling Special Education Teachers in YRS 2016-17
See attached memo.
All teachers should have received an individual SLO Folder. If there are questions regarding the SLO Folders or teachers have not received one, please contact Holly Allen or 801- 567-8115. The included SLO FAQ document will be sent to all teachers. Please review the document as you can. If you have questions, or if you would like to arrange for someone to help at your school, please contact Shelley Nordick, or 801-567-8110.
April 13, 2016
Principals and Attendance Secretaries
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services
See attached memo.
April 6, 2016
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curric./Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist
LEA Training Final Session
The last LEA training session for 2015-16 will be held on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at 1:00 PM in the ASB Auditorium. We will only have one session but in a larger venue. The purpose of this session will be to give you, as the LEA, and any other staff that you wish to attend, time to review your school data as it relates to students with disabilities. We will also briefly review the goals and objectives of the State Improvement Plan (SIP) for Students with Disabilities.
Individual school data was provided at a prior principal meeting and will be available in an electronic format for you to save onto your computer. You will then have a series of guiding questions that you can use to look for trends and patterns as well as make some preliminary plans for the future.
If you plan to attend, please send an RSVP email to Lisa Robinson ( so data and space can be prepared to accommodate you and your guests.
LEA Training Session –
Data review for Students with Disabilities
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
1:00 PM (1 session only)
ASB Auditorium
See attachment for revision of DP311A.
See attachment for the 2016-17 school hours.
April 1, 2016
All Principals
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support Services
Volunteer Hours
Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Educational Support Services.
Workmans Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools. It is important that this information be accurate and complete.
PTA figures must be separate from other volunteer hours.
Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period from the beginning of the 2015 school year to March 31, 2016.
Please complete this form and return it to Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support Services by May 2, 2016.
Principals and Administrative Assistants:
In the next few days, administrators and head secretaries will be receiving an email containing time sheets for school mentors. Please complete the time sheets by entering the mentors' hourly rates on the group time sheet and obtaining the signature of the lead mentor on the individual time sheet. Return all time sheets to Lucy Bateman, Curriculum/Staff Development by Friday, April 15.
Elementary and Middle School Principals and Administrative Assistants:
Since the changes in the flu shot clinic were so successful last year, we have been given the green light to continue working with Community Nursing Services (CNS) for the coming year. It is called “Say Boo to the Flu.” I know that many of you use CNS for immunization clinics, already. In an effort to serve our communities better as well as our employees, CNS will be contacting you this spring to host a flu shot clinic for your school community in the fall. It requires very little of you. They set up, provide the shots, and clean up. They will work with you to determine a day that will work for your school.
We have attached several items for you to view: Boo frequently asked questions (FAQ), Boo checklist, and a Boo poster. Please let Ed Support know if you have additional questions.
The May 3rd Principal Meeting will be held at the JATC South building. LifeTouch will be taking pictures of all principals to update the Principal Directory at the District Office and Auxiliary Services buildings. We look forward to seeing your smiling face that morning!
All transfer hires must be completed by 5:00 pm on Friday, April 1 in Skyward. Any transfers not completed by this date and time will need to follow normal hiring procedures. (Position posted for five (5) days prior to hire.)
See document below for important dates and reminders.
Four days of information-filled meetings. Apply by May 27, 2016.
Elementary Principals: The Elementary Testing Bulletin for April is posted below.
Click on this link to register:
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
2-3:30 ET
11-12:30 PT
Interested in the latest strategies for leveraging positive messaging to prevent and reduce chronic absence? Join us for our April 12th webinar featuring the new Ad Council campaign from the US Department of Education, California Attorney General Kamala Harris's Positive Parent Messaging toolkit, low-cost, scalable approaches from Harvard Professor Todd Rogers and tips for teachers from the Parent Teacher Home Visit Project.
March 15, 2016
All Principals
All Secondary Assistant Principals
All Attendance Secretaries
Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum & Staff Development
G. Norma Villar, Consultant, Student Intervention Services
Policy AS90 Suspensions
District policy AS90 requires a suspension of 45 school days for students found guilty of a second offense possession or first offense distribution. As of March 31, 2016, there are 45 school days remaining in the 2015-16 school year. Students in violation of this policy should be suspended for the remainder of this year. Suspended students are not allowed to participate in any school activities, including end-of-the-year events. Seniors will not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies, but will be allowed to pick up their diploma the following day.
Please inform your students' parents that the 45-day suspensions after March 31, 2016 will carry over into the 2016-17 school year. This office will send a list to all assistant principals next fall identifying students who have remaining days of suspension.
Questions regarding policy AS90 should be directed to: G. Norma Villar, Consusltant, Student Intervention Services, 801-567-8187.