All principals are invited to read the attached letter from the Utah Department of Health regarding Immunization compliance. Reports are due on or before November 30, 2016. If you have questions, be sure to contact your school nurse. Thank you!
Category: Elementary Deadline
Land Trust Reports Due October 20, 2016
Reminder of what items need to be completed by the October 20th deadline.
LAND TRUST / SCC Timeline:
Deadline: October 20th
The principal posts the following on the website and in the school office:
- The proposed schedule of meeting dates for the year
- The names of council members, with a phone or email contact (or both)
- A summary of the implementation of the School LAND Trust Program school plan including how the goals were completed and how the money was spent.
Principals enter fall reports on the website:
- Council Signature Form – names and email addresses of the current school community council (remember to submit form electronically to the members)
- Signed Principal Assurance – assurance that the council is properly constituted and that elections and subsequent appointments were made according to the law and board rule
- Final Report on last year’s implementation and results
DIBELS BOY Parent Letters 2016-17
Attached are the DIBELS BOY parent letters. All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students should receive the appropriate letter based on their Fall DIBELS Composite score. The State required deadline for sending letters home is October 15. Remember, letters are not sent home with Kindergarten students.
Important Payroll Dates for October 2016
See document below for important dates and reminders.
Quarterly School Financial Report for July, August and September 2016
September 15, 2016
All School Principals
All School Financial Secretaries
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Daniel Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor
Quarterly School Financial Report for July, August and September 2016
Each school is asked to report the quarter end account balance and transaction detail with the Apple Volume Purchase Program and return with your bank reconciliation. If your school has no Apple account, please so indicate and return.
Please include the account balance with Apple on the reconciliation sign off form and print a report or screen shot(s) of the balances and quarterly transactions from Apple’s website. If you need assistance, please contact your Curriculum Technology Specialist – Bonnie, Deana, Harrison, Nancy.
Please photocopy the selected elements and send to Accounting by October 17, 2016.
Please include:
- The signed attached memo to Accounting
- A copy of your July, August and September 2016 Reconciliation Worksheets
- A copy of your July, August and September 2016 Bank Statements
- A copy of your July, August and September 2016 Skyward Balance Sheets
- A copy of your July, August and September Outstanding Check Reports
- Screen shot(s) of your September 30, 2016 Apple Volume Purchase Program transaction history and balance
If you have questions or need assistance, please call Liz Robins at (801)567-8267.
Thank you.
Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools
Jill Durrant, Administrator of Schools
Anthony Godfrey, Administrator of Schools
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Teri Timpson, Administrator of Schools
Custodian of the Month for 2016-2017
September 14, 2016
Head Custodians
Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Steve Peart, Director of Custodial/Energy Services
Custodian of the Month for 2016-2017
The Custodial Department is sponsoring the “Custodian of the Month” award. We want to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of our custodians. We are asking that you or a member of your staff write a letter explaining why your custodian deserves this award and why they are a valuable member of your staff. (See attached Employee of the Month Nomination Form)
Please keep this nomination confidential. We want this to be based on merit; not campaigning for the award by the custodian. Assistants may also be nominated if you feel you have an assistant who deserves this award.
The custodian who is chosen for the month will receive a certificate of recognition from the Custodial Department and Advisory Committee. We would like this award to be presented in a faculty meeting. We hope to be able to recognize the good work that is being done by our excellent custodians.
Nominations are due to the Custodial Director, Steve Peart by the 25th of every month. If you have any questions, you may contact Steve Peart, Alicea Fratto or Sally Forman at 801-567-8740.
Thank you for your support and helping us acknowledge the superior custodians who work for Jordan School District.
Important Payroll Dates for September 2016
See document below for important dates and reminders.
ELA Due Dates for 2016-17
Please see the attached document for important ELA reporting due dates.
CPR/First Aid Certification
August 22, 2016
All Principals, Jordan School District
Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support Services
CPR/First Aid Certification
Jordan School District requires that at least 3 employees in each building be certified in CPR and First Aid. Most certifications are valid for 2 years. It is also recommended that employees who will have direct responsibility for student health and safety be CPR/First Aid certified. This may include front office staff, playground aides, hall monitors, P.E. teachers, etc. It is also recommended that you keep a list of current CPR/First Aid certified staff members by all main phone lines where calls for emergency help may originate. A template is attached.
CPR, First Aid, and AED training and certification is now available to district employees in an online format through the National Safety Council (NSC). The attached memo will outline the steps necessary to complete the online portion of the course. The cost of the course is $19.95 and should be paid by the employee at the time of registration. Schools may provide reimbursement for the course, if funds are available, by following appropriate pre-approval and reimbursement procedures.
Once the online course is completed, employees may sign up to complete their certification by attending a 2 hour skills check session with our district nurses. To sign up for a skill check, you will need to register with JPLS under CPR/First Aid/AED skill check. All skill checks must be completed within 45 days of sign-up for the online course. The dates and times for the skill check sessions are listed on the attached flyer.
Please complete the attached CPR/First Aid certification form and return it to the Educational Support Services office by November 15, 2016.
Gifted and Talented Stipend – Elementary Schools
The GT Department is offering a stipend to assist with GT Special Programs and/or other GT materials. Please see the attachment for details.
Leadership Development Seminar Letter of Intent
You are invited to join the first cohort of the Jordan School District Leadership Development Seminar. Three sessions will be held during the 2016-17 academic year as noted below:
Thursday, November 10, 2016: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (ASB)
Thursday, January 26, 2017: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (JATC South)
Thursday, June 22 and Friday, June 23, 2017: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (ASB)
Please return the attached form to Teri Timpson, Administrator of Schools, no later than Friday, September 2, 2016
Important Payroll Dates for August 2016
See document below for important dates and reminders.
Classroom Grant Announcement for 2016-17
Jordan Education Foundation (JEF) CLASSROOM GRANT applications will be accepted Monday August 15 through Friday October 28, 2016.
See attachment below for more information.
JSD-Arts Representatives for 2016-17
July 22, 2016
Elementary Principals
Laura Finlinson, Administrator, Curriculum/Staff Development
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services/Fine Arts Consultant
JSD-Arts Representatives for 2016-17
This year we will continue to have two Arts Representatives (DARTS) represent your school throughout the 2016-17 school year. We have appreciated the work of past DARTS representatives and how they have helped strengthen arts instruction in your schools. Meaningful progress toward a greater level of arts integration has been made, and we wish this to continue.
The newly revised Utah Fine Arts Core Standards will be the focus of our JSD-Arts work this year. The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) adopted the final revision on April 15, 2016. The USBE designated the 2016-2017 school year for partial implementation with full implementation in the 2017-2018 school year. It is important that teachers become aware of the changes in the Fine Arts Core Standards.
Please assign at least two teachers to serve as your school’s DARTS representatives by either selecting a grade-level team, or two (or more) teachers from different grade levels. The DARTS representatives will meet once a month for two hours to learn and collaborate. Teachers will be paid at the inservice rate.
Please provide the names of your choices for your JSD-Arts Team for the 2016-17 school year by September 2, 2016.
Please fill out and return the information below (or send via email) to Verlene Jensen in the Instructional Support Services Department.
DARTS Team Member #1: ________________________________________________
DARTS Team Member #2:_________________________________________________
Important Payroll Dates for July 2016
See document below for important dates and reminders.
Spring 2016 Due Dates for DIBELS, Intervention and Growth Reports
Elementary Principals:
Spring Due Dates:
DIBELS Letters sent to parents by:
June 3, 2016
June 3, 2016 (A Track)
June 17, 2016 (B, C, D Tracks)
Intervention Report completed (by teachers) in Google Drive by:
June 3, 2016
June 3, 2016 (A Track)
June 17, 2016 (B, C, D Tracks)
School Data entered into Growth Report (by Principals) in Google Drive by:
June 10, 2016
June 24, 2016
Mastery Connect Archiving for 2015-16 Records
Principals and teachers:
Important Payroll Dates for June 2016
See document below for important dates and reminders.
STEM Math Software Grant Application 2016
The STEM Math Software Grant Application has been released. If you are interested in applying for math software please read the requirements (below) and then fill out the google form ( byFriday, June 3, 2016. The district will submit the requests for each school.
June 2016 Budget Transfer Request
May 12, 2016
All Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits
June 2016 Budget Transfer Request
If you would like to transfer budget between your postage, supply, textbook, and equipment budgets, please complete the following, sign and return to Heather by July 1, 2016. If Heather does not receive this back from you by July 1, 2016, Heather will assume no transfer is requested. The next opportunity to make such a transfer is December 2016.
Click below to access form.