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Please see the attached letter and flyer regarding opportunities to receive a free COVID-19 Omicron Booster.

The County Health Department would like you to consider posting the attached flyer in your employee breakroom, on a community bulletin board, or in any common or high-visibility space in your building or facility.

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Martin Luther King Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Martin Luther King January 16, 2023 Dec. 2 – Dec. 12, 2022

Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-2023

The December Assistant Principal meetings will be held on December 8 (8:00-11:00am) and December 13 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. All assistant principals and intern assistant principals are invited. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30 am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. Please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc to sign up for which day you would like to attend. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801-567-8182 (x88182). Thank you!

  • The WIDA testing  Window is open from Jan. 5th – Mar. 3rd
    • Make sure all students have been identified as a language learner and been given the screener so they can take the WIDA during this testing window.
  • Admin workshops for compliance (District Office, rooms 122 & 123)  
    • Dec. 1st, 9 AM-12 PM
    • Jan. 5th 9 AM-12 PM
    • Jan. 12th 9 AM-12 PM (D.O. room 129 A)
  • ELD Quarterly meeting
    • Thursday, Dec. 8th, 1 PM-3 PM
  • Title III Compliance due
    • Friday, January 13, 2023

November 17, 2022

Assistant Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars
Secondary Attendance Secretaries

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

School Choice Permit Allocations and Procedures

The open enrollment permit window opened on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

Permit seat totals can be found on each school’s Enrollment Dashboard. Open the “2023-24” tab and scroll down to the permit section.

A calendar of required tasks and completion dates is available at this link. As a general rule, the following are the requirements for schools to remain compliant and provide the best response to applications:

  • At least weekly, schools should verify applications in the 2023-24 school year workspace and prepare them to be processed and moved to the waitlist.
  • At least monthly, schools should verify applications in the 2022-23 school year workspace and prepare them to be processed and moved to the waitlist.

Schools should verify all outstanding applications prior to leaving for Winter Recess and verify any applications received during Winter Recess as soon as possible in the morning on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, so that the lottery can be run that afternoon. Once the lottery has been run, schools may immediately begin offering seats (if available). Seats not accepted within two weeks should be revoked (after attempting communication with the parent) and reoffered to the next student in line on the waitlist.

The calendar of required tasks and completion dates also reflects an important change for this year’s permit processing: In previous years, several schools have not kept current on processing permits or seating students, meaning these students were not given the appropriate opportunity to be awarded a seat. This year, to avoid this situation, Planning & Enrollment will “mass approve” unprocessed applications prior to the lottery and will “mass seat” students on the waitlist if schools do not verify and seat in a timely manner. Please note that these mass actions will be done to ensure compliance and permits will not be individually verified for discipline or other requirements. Schools concerned about ensuring that students with discipline or other concerns are appropriately processed should ensure they stay current in their own processing.

During the early enrollment window (now through February 3), the availability of permit seats is governed by BUILDING CAPACITY. Schools that are the most full will have the least available seats. Adding seats is governed by rules of the tier system established by the Board of Education and, in all instances, requires conversation with the Administrator of Schools for the building. In the late enrollment window (after February 3 and 2.0 allocations are released), schools may request additional seats from their Administrator of Schools. Available seats in this window will be determined by the availability of space, by grade, in the teacher allocation based on current enrollment figures.

One final reminder: the early enrollment window (now through February 3) requires schools to seat students if permit seats are available. Schools MUST follow the waitlist order when offering seats. It is inappropriate – and potentially illegal – for a school to modify the waitlist order so that students who listed the school as a “first choice” are placed before others, regardless of their lottery priority. Schools who follow this practice may lose the ability to seat permit applications themselves. School administrators with concerns over this guideline may raise the issue with their Administrator of Schools.

All employees and their spouses covered on the Jordan School District PEHP medical plan are eligible to participate in the health incentive program. Each employee and their spouse can earn $50 each by participating in the free biometric testing session and completing a questionnaire.

If you would like to schedule a PEHP Healthy Utah testing session for your school, please send an email to with the date and time you would like to host the testing session. Healthy Utah is currently scheduling on a limited basis and days fill up fast, so don't delay. Testing sessions can be scheduled between January and April at this time. Please see "First Steps Rebate" on the attached flyer.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate reaching out to the JSD Insurance Department (801) 567-8255.

District allocations for individual schools were updated in Skyward on November 15.  Adjustments were made based on the October 1 headcount.  Carryforward balances and transfer requests are included in the total allocation.  See the following attachments:

  • Student estimate compared to October 1 headcount.
  • Estimated District Allocation compared to October 1 adjustment.

Please review these adjustments and contact Natalie Grange (801) 567-8312 with any questions or concerns.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Elementary School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Tableau Viewer Accounts for All Elementary Coaches

Please pass this information on to your building coach(es).

In the past, only one coach per building had a Tableau viewer account, but with additional funding, we are now able to provide Tableau viewer accounts for all elementary coaches.

Building coaches will have access to the same data that school administrators see. The only exception will be teacher level data for the Stakeholder Input Survey that only school principals can see.

Coaches should have already received an email from Tableau Online letting them know that their account is now active. They can access the login page using the link below. As with all Tableau logins, they will need enter their district email address. Then it should redirect them to a Google sign-in page where they will re-enter their district email address and then their password.

Click HERE for the Tableau login page.

A Tableau training will be offered to all coaches, both those that have been using Tableau and those who just received new accounts. The training will cover the following topics:

  • How to navigate Tableau
  • How to filter data to see demographic performance
  • How to filter lists to target teachers and students for extra support and help
  • How to use Tableau with teachers they are coaching

In addition, attendees will provide input on what other types of dashboards would be most helpful to them in their role as building coaches.

Interested participants may sign up for a session in JPLS using course #101932.

Date Time Location Comments:
Monday, Nov. 28th 8-11 am PDC 101 Participants need only attend one session.


Please bring a device and make sure you can login to Tableau before your session.


12:30-3:30 pm
Tuesday, Nov. 29th 8-11 am ASB Presentation Room
12:30-3:30 pm
Monday, Dec. 12th 8-11 am PDC 101
12:30-3:30 pm

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions about Tableau accounts.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Elementary School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

MOY Acadience Reading and Math Testing Reminders

The middle-of-year Acadience Reading and Math testing window opens on Thursday, December 1st and closes on Tuesday, January 31st. As we prepare for Acadience testing, there are a few friendly reminders that help the district testing teams be as efficient as possible while they are at your school testing students:

  • Because our assessment teams are fully staffed, it is not required that instructional coaches assist with testing, though they are still welcome to help. That said, we will still need coaches to assist us with absent testing. We have left a narrow cushion of two days at the end of the testing window during which we will come test as many students who were absent on the days of testing as is possible, but those days may be used as alternate testing days to cover a snow day.
    • For snow days before the winter break, schools will need to plan on testing the first day back from winter break (Tuesday, January 3rd). For snow days during January, schools will need to plan on testing either on January 30th or 31st. Evaluation, Research & Accountability will contact any school affected by a snow day.
  • Please avoid scheduling kindergarten and first grade classes back-to-back, when possible. They take longer because assessment assistants are administering both the reading and math measures. Staggering them between second and third grade classes helps the team stay on time.
  • Encourage your teachers to be flexible. They need to be prepared to come early or late to their allotted time. When possible, please try not to schedule classes to test around recess or lunch times just in case assessment teams are running early or late.
  • Be sure to have an adult runner available who knows the school and can quickly get the next class to come to the testing area, distribute student cards, and help the testing run as efficiently as possible. If schools don’t have a runner available, a parent who knows where teacher classrooms are is a viable option. If there is no runner, one of our assessment assistants must do it, which means she is testing less students.

We know creating testing schedules can be difficult and we understand that some things are just not possible. We appreciate your efforts to make the process run as smoothly as possible. Please contact Ben Jameson or Shannon Johnson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions or concerns.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

WIDA ACCESS 2.0 Test Administration Training for Schools

School administrators are asked to pass this information on to anyone who will be proctoring or coordinating the WIDA Access testing in your school this year.

As part of a federal requirement and the state’s accountability system, districts are required to administer the WIDA Access 2.0 annually to all EL students who have earned a Language Proficiency Level (LPL) of less than 5. The 2022-23 WIDA test administration window begins on January 5 and ends on March 3, 2023.

Schools will administer the WIDA Access to students in grades 1-12. Because the WIDA Access test is administered one-on-one to kindergarten students as well as students with severe cognitive disabilities that are eligible for the WIDA alternate assessment, Evaluation, Research & Accountability will complete testing for these students.

All school personnel who will assist with WIDA Access test administration are asked to attend a mandatory test administration training. Participants may choose to attend any one of six training sessions, including one online training. Training participants will need to bring a device. Please note that if schools choose to send a classroom teacher, principals will need to cover the cost of the substitute teacher. Test pool hours may also be used for this.

Those who are to be trained to administer the WIDA should register in JPLS so that we may create their accounts in the testing and training platforms prior to their selected training date. Following are the training dates and times:

Date Time Location Additional Information
Thursday, Jan. 12 8-11 am ASB Presentation Room All participants should register on JPLS – Course #101930.


Participants should bring a laptop/device.


If schools choose to send a classroom teacher, principals will need to cover the cost of a half day sub.

Friday, Jan. 13 8-11 am
1-4 pm
Wednesday, Jan. 18 8-11 am Zoom
Thursday, Jan. 19 8-11 am ASB Presentation Room
1-4 pm

Please contact JoLynn Snelgrove in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions about the WIDA Access test administration and training.

November 11, 2022

Principals and Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Sharon Jensen, Consultant Student Support Services
Michelle Reyes, Prevention Specialist

November Attendance Newsletter 2022

Research shows that attendance lags following a recess/holiday from school. Now is a good time to review attendance and be aware of students who are struggling. Panorama gives easy access to attendance. This month our newsletter focuses on being successful at school by “showing up”. A well-known quote states, 80 % of success is showing up. The newsletter speaks to what it means to show up and why showing up is important for their student, not only with academics but with academic interventions that may be needed. When the student is not present we aren’t always aware of interventions that need to be addressed.

Included is the November newsletter sent out to parents in PeachJar in English and Spanish. Distributing this in your schools will help spread the word as well. Addressing absenteeism takes a village. Together we can make a difference.


November 10, 2022

Jordan School District Employees

Carolyn Gough, Teaching and Learning Administrator
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services Consultant

Liquidation and Distribution of District Instructional Media Materials

As a result of the availability of digital instructional media, the District IMC will discontinue its collection of recorded media materials, consisting mainly of DVDs and VHS cassettes that have been available for checkout. Schools and District employees who are interested in any of these materials may obtain them according to the schedule outlined below (instructions on how to view the collection’s contents may be found here). Since school media collections are managed by teacher-librarians and media assistants, they will be given the first opportunity to select materials on a first come, first served basis. After that, any other District employees who are interested in obtaining the materials for classroom use may do so.

The collection is housed at the Auxiliary Services Building (Entrance D) and items will be available for pickup from 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. according to the schedule below. Upon arrival at the ASB, individuals should check in with Susy Peterson, who will provide assistance in locating the desired items. Those wishing to pick up materials must come with the titles and catalog numbers of the items they want.

The liquidation will take place as follows:

  • December 5-9, 2022 Teacher-librarians and media assistants may select and remove materials for their schools’ media collections.
  • December 12-16, 2022 Teachers and other District employees may select and remove materials for their classroom media collections.

Any IMC materials remaining after December 16, 2022 will be surplused and materials will no longer be available for checkout.

Please contact Norman Emerson at 801-567-8364 if you have any questions.

Jordan School District is now offering an easy-to-use mobile app called Zonar MyView. The app provides parents and administrators the option to check on the location of a particular school bus. While the best course of action may be for schools to continue contacting dispatch to inquire where the bus is, you now have the ability to look at the Zonar GPS data in order to identify the precise location of the bus.

Schools interested in participating in the new app program need to do the following:

  • Download the Zonar MyView app from the App Store or Google Play
  • Enter the School Access Code (JOR0431)
  • Identify one student on the designated bus the school wants to track (all schools have access to student ridership on each bus at their school), then enter the student's Skyward student ID number
  • Create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points

That's really all there is to it. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact Deb McKinlay at

We want to share exciting new opportunities in Utah for teachers, campus leaders, students, and families and also take time to celebrate the great work that you are doing to provide early college opportunities in your communities. Please forward this information to AP teachers, AP coordinators and education leaders at your school sites ASAP so they can make their dinner reservation prior to November 28, 2022.

Utah AP Educator Dinner (see link)