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Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) aka Drones on School Campuses 2018

November 1, 2018

All Principals
All Directors

Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) aka Drones on School Campuses

Utah State Risk Management has decided to provide property and liability insurance on any Unmanned Aircraft Systems (aka UAS or “drone”) that Jordan School District (the District) owns and operates.  However, in order to cover the drones, they must be scheduled or listed.  Therefore, the following information must be provided to the District Insurance Department in order to add any drones we currently have or purchase in the future, to our policy:

  • 55 lbs or over (including payload) – Always excluded from coverage, do not buy or operate
  • Between 0.55 lbs and less than 55 lbs (including payload) each listed separately:
    • Model Name / Number
    • Serial number
    • FAA registration number
    • Purchase cost
    • Location
  • Under 0.55 lbs (including payload) grouped:
    • Model Name / Number
    • Purchase cost
    • What educational purpose they are used for
    • Location

Please refer to the attached District Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) aka Drone on School Campuses Guidelines.

ALL District schools are located within some type of restricted airspace (airport or helipad).  Please make yourselves aware of the requirements to notify the appropriate authority within the area of flight before each flight.

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