Opportunity to Work
Principals and Directors should work with employees to give them the opportunity to continue working if they choose. If their current position is not available during the dismissal, they could opt to telework if possible, do online training from home, or to perform other job functions.
Record Leave Time
If contracted employees are not working during the school dismissal (March 16-TBD), they will still need to record their leave time in Skyward as the leave time occurs. They do not need to apply for FMLA to use available personal, vacation, or no-pay days. Employees are able to utilize all available personal leave days and vacation days. Employees can also use no-pay days, and will not be terminated for using more than 15 during the dismissal. These no-pay days will be docked from the employee’s paycheck(s). Leave days used from March 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 will not count against the Attendance Incentive.
Sick Days
Sick days may also still be used for employees if the reason is eligible as per sick leave policy.
Apply for FMLA
Employees will still need to apply for FMLA leave through Human Resources, as usual, if they or family members are having health issues for longer than five (5) consecutive days.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Employees may apply for leave due to COVID19 reasons through Human Resources. Please refer to the attached notice for this paid leave and expanded family and medical leave.