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ESY Mid-Year Update 2018-19

November 8, 2018

Special Education Staff

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Kristin Norris, Teacher Specialist-SLP/A, ESY Coordinator


Critical things to be thinking about for Extended School Year now:

  1. Every student must have regression and recoupment data.

This is the first step in determining eligibility. The second step of looking at predictive factors is only completed after first looking at the regression/recoupment data. Therefore, every student needs data on regression and recoupment.

START NOW!  We just completed fall recess, and Thanksgiving and Winter breaks are coming quickly.

To aid you in this process, we have included the data collection page for this step.

  1. Be clear about why students attend ESY.

Ask yourself this question for each student.
Does this student need an Extended School Year because without it this student would not be able to make adequate progress on their goals and maintain adequate access to their education? The purpose of ESY is to provide FAPE for students who without ESY would not be able to access their education appropriately.

Thank you for all of your hard work for our students in identifying and meeting their needs!

Determination of Eligibility for ESY page 2

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