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Riding the Waves Curriculum

October 15, 2018

Elementary Principals
Elementary Assistant Principals
School Psychologists/School Psychology Interns
Elementary School Counselors
School Social Workers

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

Riding the Waves Curriculum

Dr. Scott Poland, national suicide prevention expert, recommended that our district implement the Riding the Waves curriculum at the elementary level when he consulted with our district last school year. Although this is a suicide prevention curriculum that will be presented to all 6th grade students, suicide is never directly mentioned in any of the presentations. The curriculum consists of 12 scripted lessons that take approximately 30 minutes each to present. The focus of the lessons is to teach students problem-solving and coping skills, as well as building resilience and asking adults for help with problems they may be having.

Please speak with your Guidance staff to discuss the best way to implement this program in your school. Attached is a copy of a letter to parents in English and Spanish that explains the program and allows them to have their student opt out and be provided with an alternative educational activity. Please wait at least 10 days after parents are provided with the opt-out letter before starting the presentations.

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