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Administrator/Director: Please post the attached flyer so all employees can see it.

Don't Forget! Opt out of your District printed W-2 by going to Skyward's Employee Access by midnight on December 12th.

Opt out and win one of many prizes! A drawing for the prizes will be held on December 13th. Winning employees will be contacted.

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Educators and community members,

COVID-19 BOOSTER appointments are available now!  Please feel free to share with anyone you know.  Follow the scheduling link below to find where Community Nursing Services is offering opportunities within SLCO.

Following formal recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)/CDC and in line with direction from the Utah Department of Health, Community Nursing Services (CNS) Immunization Program began offering COVID-19 BOOSTER doses to eligible individuals 10/22/2021.

PFIZER and Moderna

Both PFIZER and Moderna COVID-19 booster doses are recommended for people at highest risk for severe COVID-19 including:

  • people who are 65 or older, and
  • people 18 and older who live in a long-term care facility, and
  • people 18 and older with underlying medical conditions that put them at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19, and
  • people 18 and older who live or work in a setting that puts them at a higher risk of exposure to COVID-19, such as healthcare workers and teachers.

Note that recommendation applies to individuals who received either the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 or Moderna vaccine for their primary series at least 6 months prior.

“Data reviewed by the FDA and ACIP showed booster doses can prevent further hospitalizations and death for those individuals who are at highest risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Data shows that the vaccines continue to provide very good protection against severe COVID-19 illness in the general population. Most Utahans do not need a booster at this time, but a booster can help add another layer of protection to those people at the highest risk of severe COVID-19,” said Dr. Leisha Nolen, UDOH state epidemiologist.

Note the underlying conditions below.  As with initial roll out, individuals will need to self attest to eligibility for such conditions.

  • Cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Chronic lung diseases
  • Neurological conditions, such as dementia
  • Diabetes
  • Down syndrome
  • Heart conditions
  • HIV infection
  • Liver disease
  • Overweight
  • Pregnancy and recently pregnant
  • Sickle cell disease or thalassemia
  • Smoking, current or former
  • Solid organ or blood stem cell transplant
  • Stroke or cerebrovascular disease
  • Substance use disorders
  • Weakened immune system

Johnson and Johnson

For the nearly 15 million people who got the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, booster shots are also recommended for those who are 18 and older and who were vaccinated two or more months ago.


There are now booster recommendations for all three available COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. Eligible individuals may choose which vaccine they receive as a booster dose. Some people may have a preference for the vaccine type that they originally received and others, may prefer to get a different booster. CDC’s recommendations now allow for this type of mix and match dosing for booster shots without preference.

Though CNS will not be providing individual on-site BOOSTER clinics within schools similar to the initial roll out, we would like you to be aware of some CNS locations in SLCO where appointments are now available for those eligible.  Note that BOOSTER doses are readily available throughout the state at varied locations including pharmacies, health departments, providers offices, etc.

COVID-19 vaccine appointment scheduling link

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The Utah State Board of Education is pleased to announce that the Teacher Salary Supplement Program (TSSP) Service Site application submission is available October 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022.



Science areas (specifically identified)

Computer Sciences

Deaf Education

The Qualifying Educational Background requires educators to have a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree in the content areas listed in statute to qualify for a supplement. Educators working less than a full-time assignment teaching in one of these courses could receive a partial salary adjustment based on the number of hours worked in the course. In addition to the $4,100 salary adjustment, the Legislature appropriated funding to cover the employer- paid benefit costs associated with retirement, worker's compensation, Social Security, and Medicare. Qualifying teachers that received the supplement are required to pay all personal payroll deductions as they do with their standard based salary.

Before submitting an application at the TSSP Service Site, please review the Utah State Board of Education website regarding the program details, qualifications and legislation.  Participants are responsible to know and understand the TSSP Terms and Conditions found at the USBE website below:

Utah State Board of Education Website TSSP Terms and Conditions


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Please read the following message from the Salt Lake County Health Department

Dear Educator or School Staff Member:

COVID-19 vaccine boosters are now available for all vaccine brands AND you may now receive a booster of a brand different from your original vaccine.

Everyone who received Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine at least 2 months ago is eligible for a booster.

You may get a booster if you received the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech OR Moderna vaccine at least 6 months ago AND you are:

If you have questions about whether you should receive a booster, please consult with your personal health care provider.

A booster is available from your local pharmacyyour health care provider, by appointment or on a walk-in basis at one of Salt Lake County Health Department’s five immunization clinics, or via one of three community vaccination sites offered by Community Nursing Services (CNS).

If you don’t know which vaccine you initially received, your vaccine’s brand is listed on your vaccination record card. If you don’t have your vaccination record card, request your personal immunization record via one of the methods listed on the Salt Lake County Health Department’s immunization webpage under “Records.”

Thank you,
Salt Lake County Health Department

If you have any questions please contact Mike Anderson, 801-567-8316 or

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October 28, 2021


Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Infusing Intentional Social Emotional Learning

We are so lucky to work in education! Our essential, meaningful work is laid out in front of us: to prepare our students for a successful, thriving life in adulthood. When a student is dysregulated (upset/crying/afraid), they cannot access the part of their brain they need to think, complete tasks, process rewards and consequences, or reason. As learners, it is their job to make mistakes. It is their job to get dysregulated so we can support them in learning how to appropriately regulate themselves.

Social and emotional skills are absolutely essential for success. Most “bad” behavior happens because kids don’t yet know another way to deal with a particular situation or how to be in control of their impulses. These skills have to be learned! Often we see these skill deficits as “bad” behavior. Consider this: Listening is a skill that has to be learned through practice. Calming down is a skill that has to be learned and practiced...the list goes on!

The brain considers safety the number one priority at all times! And guess where most of the danger is these days? Not out in the jungle with the lions. Not with the bears. The danger is here at school. It’s learning how to be part of the social world. It’s the fear of getting in trouble, or failing at something that others find easy. It’s the stress of having to learn and pass tests and follow rules. It’s hard and every student needs an environment where they can practice the skills necessary for navigating their world.

Please review the attached Social and Emotional Learning Skills document to familiarize yourself with the "skills" we will discuss. Prior to next week's principals meeting, please complete the following skill "pre-assignment":

Say It Out Loud

  • When you use a skill in your everyday work (or fail to use a skill), say it out loud!
    • Intentional social and emotional learning starts with noticing. Verbalizing your skills in front of students helps you AND your students grow their social and emotional competence. Some examples could be, "I was feeling a little bit frustrated and I took a minute to calm down," "I am writing this down on a sticky note to make sure I follow through."
    • When you notice a student using a skill, say it out loud! Having their use of skills be reinforced (no matter how small) helps them on their journey of social and emotional development. Some examples could be: "I noticed that you stated your feeling," "I can see you are breathing slowly to calm down." You'll know it when you see it and taking a few minutes to notice helps!
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Reminder: The next Assistant Principal meetings will be held on November 4 (1:00-3:30pm) and November 9 (8:00-10:30am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. No virtual option will be provided. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8182 (x88182). Thank you!

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The current Think Central platform for Literacy is being phased out by Houghton Mifflin. As a result, this will be the last year that Think Central for literacy will be provided by Teaching & Learning. This change will not affect Think Central for math. All Think Central accounts will remain in operation through the end of this school year. If you have any questions please reach out to Mandy Thurman or Michelle Lovell.

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Please share this information with educators in your building and/or department who might be interested.

The EDLF faculty will be holding a virtual information session on November 1 at 4:00 pm. The attached flyer will enable an individual to access the session and pose questions. Also, feel free to distribute the flyer to any individuals you think have great potential for leadership in JSD.

The session is sponsored by The School Leadership Team in EDLF, including David Boren, Bryan Bowles, Jim Melville and Spencer Weiler.

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Based on policy AA421B, education support professionals may request to take a course to improve their skills or learn new skills that support their work. Please encourage your ESP staff to review courses through organizations such as  Ed 2 Go/Salt Lake Community College or Fred Pryor Institute Courses. The ESP Professional Improvement Committee (ESPPIC) will cover the cost of approved courses up to $300. Visit the ESPPIC website for more information and instructions for registering for a course. Please post the attached informational flyer for your ESP staff.

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To all schools that have participated in the spelling bee in years past, as well as those who would like to participate: The registering portal is now open to sign up to participate.


They are hoping to have at least 120 Schools participate this year.

51 schools from Salt Lake, Utah, Davis, Weber, Wasatch and Summit Counties have signed up to participate. The more the merrier.

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October 26, 2021

District Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Scott Festin, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Fall Enrollment as of October 1, 2021 - Revised

Please see revised memo below.

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Administrators, please share this with your teachers.

Are you interested in or currently pursuing a STEM endorsement? Let US PAY FOR YOUR EDUCATION! This is now called STEM EIP = Endorsement Incentive Program. Have questions? Review our FAQ Document. If your questions aren’t answered, please reach out to your representative. We would love to talk to you!

Applications are reviewed each month, so teachers can submit as soon as they complete a class. There were a couple of updates in October, please use the link to access the most recent application.


STEM EIP Application

This is a GREAT opportunity!

Amy Kinder: Mathematics
Jane Harward: Science
Kami Taylor: Computer Science



*Please note that the college coursework pathway for the Ed Tech Endorsement is the only one eligible for this program.


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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Elementary School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021 BOY Acadience Reading Dashboards in Tableau

Beginning of the year Acadience Reading data and results are available in school administrator Tableau Viewer accounts. Administrators may view aggregate student participation, proficiency, growth (Pathways of Progress), and measure proficiency by school and grade level over time (2015-present). In addition, school administrators may view individual student data for the fall of 2021. Demographic filters are also available to help school administrators drill down to the data they wish to see.

The following dashboards are available:

School Acadience Reading Analysis, 2015-Present

Explore > Acadience Reading & Early Literacy > School Acadience Reading Analysis, 2015-2022 > 2-School Acadience Reading Analysis, 2015-Present

2021-22 BOY Student Level Data Dashboard

Explore > Acadience Reading & Early Literacy > School Acadience Reading Analysis, 2015-2022 > [School Name] 2021-22 BOY Student Level Data Dashboard

As a reminder, schools have at their disposal a Tableau Viewer account that teachers can access to see aggregate data only for the school and their grade level. No individual student or teacher data are available. Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability for more information about this tool and to obtain login credentials.

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