See attachment for upcoming Human Resources events and opportunities.
See attachment for upcoming Human Resources events and opportunities.
December 5, 2012
Department Administrators
Patrice A. Johnson, Superintendent
Reminder: Retirement Bells No Longer Purchased By the Board
The Board of Education made the decision at the end of last year to continue to purchase clocks for retirees that are presented at the annual retirement dinner in May; however, the Board will no longer be purchasing an additional gift, which has traditionally been a retirement bell. Schools and departments are welcome to purchase bells on their own for their retirees.
The following information may be helpful to schools and departments that may wish to purchase bells for their retirees.
Stacey Hessel
Customer Service/Sales Apple Awards Inc.
We have been ordering the Large Hand Bell #2CW with the following engraving:
Name of Employee
In Appreciation for Outstanding Service
Jordan School District
The cost for the bell with engraving is within $65 to $70.
Schools or departments can order with a purchase order or credit card online at or fax the order to 1-715-634-3334. The purchase should be made from the Principal’s Discretionary account.
CONGRATULATIONS are in order for the following 2016-17 New JSD School Administrators! Their assignments are to be determined in the near future and additional administrative appointments will be made as needed.
See document below for important dates and reminders.
Employee information has been added to the website:
See attached Jordan School District Nurses Quarterly Newsletter.
The mileage reimbursement rate is based upon the IRS rate. Effective January 1, 2016 the reimbursement rate is $0.54 per mile. Please use the attached form when submitting for mileage reimbursement.
All 2015 mileage reimbursement requests should be submitted as soon as possible.
It is recommended that a school administrator or custodian is in the building anytime it is occupied, in case of an emergency.
November 9, 2015
Principals and Directors
June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Herb Jensen, Director, Transportation Services
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified
Opportunity for Part-time Classified Employees to Drive School Buses
In an effort to meet the District’s need for additional bus drivers (AM & PM), part-time classified employees are now able to work additional hours as substitute bus drivers.
Allowed Hours
Employees currently working part-time at your location are now allowed to work up to 27 hours per week as follows:
Transportation is required to monitor and limit driver hours based on their maximum allowable hours provided by Human Resources when they are hired. Monthly audits will also be conducted.
Interested current part-time employees must submit an online application through Skyward to be considered. A specific posting for current employees is currently available through Employee Access. Employees must be at least 21 years old to drive a bus.
Employees are required to complete the required training, including CDL training, prior to driving. Training classes are scheduled monthly throughout the year. See the attached employee notification for training details.
The attached announcement will be emailed to eligible employees in November notifying each of this opportunity, along with the training requirements. We also ask for your assistance in communicating this information to current eligible part-time employees.
October 22, 2015
Administrators of Schools
Dr Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning and Student Services
Steven Harwood System/Programming Manager
Fall Enrollment as of October 1, 2015
See attached memo.