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Thank you for your patience while the State of Utah updates their process to report student injuries. The attached will assist you in getting your UtahID set up and completing the Administration Form to get your access to REDCap. Once you log into the REDCap site you will "Add new record" and complete the necessary fields to report a student injury. There are very helpful video tutorials on the site for additional training.

Student Injury Report in REDCap

Step 1:
Create a UtahID at Instructions on how to create one and a short video tutorial can be found above, or on the UtahID Account Creation page. A verification email will be sent.

Please note that using the user's professional email address is the preferred method. If they opt to use a personal email account, a justification note is required from Project Owners stating the reasons for doing so.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will be required for all new UtahID public user accounts. New users will have the option to have the MFA code sent by email or SMS text message. Please note, when a user first registers, the only option available will be email since that is the available method listed on the account until the user adds a mobile phone number to their profile in

Open the verification email and enter the code into the field provided on the UtahID creation webpage.

Finish setting up UtahID after numerical code is entered.

Send an email to: Vanonda Kern, Project Owner, to let them know you have created a UtahID. The Project Owner will reply to your email to let you know you can move on. You will not be able to access REDCap to create an account until you are notified by the Project Owner.

Step 2:
Fill out the Administrative Form. The form will be received by the Project Owner and information from the form will be reviewed and entered in for REDCap approval.

August 24, 2023

All School Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Important updates to the Mental Health Access Program

Please note the following important updates regarding the Mental Health Access Program. In order to promote the sustainability of this program, given limited funds, it’s essential that all administrators review the following changes:

  1. There is no longer a "MHAP referral" form. This is now a "Request to Screen a Family for Community Mental Health Resources.” The new form is attached to this memo and can be found at Rather than "referring" families, we want to shift our language to be "recommended for screening." This change will allow better allocation of our limited resources to the students and families who most need it. Our District’s clinical team has been trained on a screening process to support this change and make a decision regarding a family’s options.
    • What this means at the secondary level: if you are considering a family for community mental health services such as MHAP, please work with your school's assigned clinical support specialist to conduct a screening. Because funds are limited, your school’s clinician has been trained to tease out other community mental health options. It’s best that other staff members do not promise grant funds that may not be available or needed without consulting the clinical support specialist and following the screening process.
    • What this means at the elementary level: if you are considering a family for community mental health services such as MHAP, please fill out the attached form and email it to Kevin Mossel ( He will call, set up a meeting, and meet with the student and/or parent to screen and assess them for community resources and services. If MHAP is recommended at this screening, the clinical support specialist who conducted the screening will proceed with having the parent sign the MHAP consent form and help them access a provider that best fits their needs by authorizing and facilitating a referral. The clinical support specialist will then report back to you about what was recommended for the family.
  2. With limited funds it’s essential to manage expectations we may inadvertently be setting when communicating with parents or caregivers about their options. It’s best not to promise “free therapy” and instead use language such as "the District has a program where you can be screened for community mental health services and recommendations will be provided to help you and your student." Not every family may need financial help through MHAP and in some situation’s outpatient therapy may not be the best fit for a family’s needs.
  3. We are no longer offering students "8 sessions" or "$800 of MHAP funds.” Please do not say this to a parent as it will not be accurate. If you opt to explain MHAP to a parent, it would be more accurate to say “we have a resource in the community that might help pay for some initial mental health services and get your student started quickly.” Then, the extent of the referral can be explained after a family has been screened and the recommendation was made after a more thorough review of available options.

Since its inception in 2020, over 2000 MHAP referrals have been made. We acknowledge your vital role in supporting students as they work to improve their mental health. If you have questions or issues with these changes, please contact McKinley Withers, Travis Hamblin, or Kevin Mossel in Student Services.


We have been notified that the Vivi Lite has been sunset and is no longer available for purchase. As a result, Vivi is willing to upgrade any Vivi Lite purchased by our district to the Vivi Pro. Our current pricing is $399 for Vivi Lite and $499 for Vivi Pro. Retail price is $599. This pricing will expire on October 18, 2023. This means that if you purchase a Vivi Lite for $399 you will get the Vivi Pro at a price that has been discounted by $200! For additional information regarding Vivi, please reference the JAM dated November 3, 2022.

August 22, 2023

All Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Scott Festin, Planning Consultant, Planning & Enrollment
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate for All Schools

Please see the memo below.

Western Governors University doesn’t think educators should only be recognized during Teacher Appreciation Week. During the final weeks of last school year, WGU’s strategic partnerships manager, Melissa Jensen, demonstrated the online university’s lasting gratitude for the individuals shaping students’ lives in the Jordan School District.

See the flyer below for all the details!

Jordan School District has methods for reporting incidents and injuries.  The procedures have not changed, however, as we get ready to start a new school year it is a great time for a reminder/refresher on reporting.

It is imperative that significant incidents are reported as quickly as possible, within 24-hours or by the next business day.  All incidents, injuries and accidents need to be properly documented, to include photos, video when available and police reports when appropriate.  Our priorities are life safety, incident stabilization and property preservation.

911: Always call 911 for all life threatening and severe injuries, incidents, accidents, threats, thefts and vandalism.

JSD 24-hr. Alarm Response (801) 567-8865: It is important to call this number in order to notify key administrators and personnel to expedite support, maintenance and repairs, etc.

Alarm Response should always be called prior to conducting a fire drill and in the case of: power outages, floods, natural gas leaks, phone and utility disruption and alarm malfunctions.

Student and Staff Injuries/Accidents Reporting: Call 911 when necessary.  Notify JSD Insurance Services and/or Risk Management.  Student injuries must be reported using the Utah Department of Health online system.  Staff injuries need to be reported to the main office at your school or location and you must complete and submit the First Report of Injury form to Insurance.  Forms can be located HERE.

Asset Essentials Work Order Reporting: Incidents of damage, theft and vandalism should be entered/reported into the Asset Essentials Work Order system for documentation, to begin the repair process and assist with insurance claims.  For assistance with using Asset Essentials system, contact Facility Services at: (801) 567-8862.

Thank you,

Bonnie Brennan, Director of Insurance Services
Brandon Conti, Risk Management Coordinator

August 24, 2023

Assistant Principals
Panorama Users

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

**NEW** Panorama MTSS Referrals

A new feature for MTSS Student Support Referrals in Panorama releases on August 23, 2023. This new feature will allow teachers to refer students to MTSS teams/Administration for interventions. The feature also allows teachers and administrators to track the MTSS interventions.

A preview video can be seen here.

Feel free to share this link with your teachers. More guided information can be obtained in Panorama Academy as well.

On September 22, 2023 the Panorama Team will be in Jordan District to conduct in-person training for interested schools. This training will focus on both the Student Success and the Positive Behavior module integrates with Panorama’s Student Success. Multiple sessions will be offered. More information to come!!!

We are excited to announce Google Single Sign-On for both students and teachers for the following products:

  • HMH ED (Growth Measure)
  • Think Central
  • iReady
  • Beanstack

Once students and teachers are logged into their Google account, they will be able to navigate to these products through the “waffle” - Google Apps button. (Just like they already do for Canva, Canvas, Yuja, etc.) This change is already in effect. 

Attached you will find login instructions. If teachers receive an error message when trying to login, please have them reach out to the Help Desk.

The following are new administrative assignments:

  • New Assignments effective immediately:
    • Brooke Anderson, teacher specialist in Evaluation, Research & Accountability appointed Data Scientist in the Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department.
    • John Sassman, assistant principal at Copper Canyon Elementary assigned assistant principal at Herriman Elementary, replacing Shana Mondragon who resigned.
    • Kimberly Ranney, assistant principal at Bluffdale Elementary assigned assistant principal at Copper Canyon Elementary.
    • Sharra Palmer, administrative intern at Copper Mountain Middle and Mountain Creek Middle assigned administrative intern at Bluffdale Elementary.
    • Jody Long, assistant principal previously at Joel P Jensen Middle assigned assistant principal at Copper Mountain Middle and Mountain Creek Middle.


As a reminder, the New Educator Induction is tomorrow! Please join us on the West Jordan Middle School patio to take part in celebrating and welcoming our new educators as they arrive.

Please Note:

Parking is limited, so to ensure that the new educators receive the best parking we are asking that you carpool and park in the LDS church parking lot located at 1899 W 7600 S, West Jordan, UT 84084 or Majestic Arts Academy located at: 7430 S Redwood Road, West Jordan, Utah 84084.

CLAP IN (7:10 am-8:15 am) 

  • The "clap in" will take place in front of West Jordan Middle School
  • Teachers will begin arriving around 7:10 and the program will begin at 8:00 so any time within this window would be appropriate to be present
  • Wear your school or JSD attire and come help cheer on our new teachers
  • Everyone is welcome, but it is not required

If you are unable to attend the Clap In, you are welcome to join us at the end of the day:

CLAP OUT (1:45 pm-2:15 pm)

  • The "clap out" will also take place in front of West Jordan Middle School
  • Wear your school or JSD attire and come help cheer out our new teachers
  • Everyone is welcome, but it is not required

The 2023-2024 School allocations have been provided for your review. See attached file for allocations and your carryover balances. See JAM for explanation of changes to allocations this school year.

School allocations will be updated in November after the October 1 headcounts are finalized by the State. Budget adjustments can be submitted using the attached form to

If you have questions please contact Natalie Grange at 88312 or at

Did you know the most common type of auto claim is also the most avoidable? From FY2014 - FY2020, the Risk Fund had 2,150 claims reported where the driver carelessly struck a stationary object or vehicle. This accounts for roughly 28% of all auto claims reported to Risk Management! All of these are avoidable accidents that typically happen because the driver is in a hurry or distracted. The attached flyer outline some tips to help avoid them.


March 28, 2023

All Principals and All Counselors

Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Stacee Worthen, Secondary Counselor Consultant

2023-2024 Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) Calendar

CSCP dates are planned in advance so that individual counseling teams will include them in their school and CSCP calendars. It is essential that counselors are allowed to prioritize CSCP meetings as they work to perform their other duties and tasks assigned to them.

Please see the memo below for all dates.

The Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning (LPDL) Academy is designed specifically for administrators to lead schools toward personalized and digital learning through research-based content and job-embedded experiences. Sign up today for the 2023-2024 cohort. Open to principals and assistant principals. For questions contact Jared Covili, 801-567-8191.

Cohort 5 Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning - Link to Register

Due to an increase in the rate of fuel costs as determined by USBE and an increase to this year's salary schedule, there has been a slight revision to the mileage fee and a revised labor fee. This will take effect August 1, 2023. Please plan accordingly.