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The BYU CITES Learning Edge Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2023. The theme of the conference is “Building Relationships, Connecting Through Content.” Our own Dr. Godfrey will be a featured presenter, along with national and local voices. The conference flier is attached, and you can also learn more about it at this link.

This is an optional conference. Teaching and Learning will cover the registration for one admin per school. Contact Camille Kartchner to submit the admin name for registration: or 88138. Additional registrations and any incurring substitute costs will be paid from school funds, such as TSSA.


Employee Health and Wellness Day is back for 2024! There will be free offers, discounts, in-person, and virtual activities on Friday, Feb. 9, 2024.

We are very appreciative of community partners who are supporting our Health and Wellness Day!

More details for Health and Wellness Day will be coming soon. Watch for updates in JAM!

One way to streamline communication despite language barriers is by showing parents and guardians how to translate Skyward into any language. Each user can translate the Skyward site into their preferred language with just a few clicks in Google Chrome. Check out the video below to see how.

Skyward in Any Language

*Hint - This tool works on other websites too! Be sure to share this link with families and guardians.

Language and Culture Services would like to share some amazing community resources that have been sent to us. From Hispanic Heritage month to field trips for students.

  • Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! (Sep. 15 - Oct. 15)
    Our second largest community in Jordan District is the Hispanic Community and we want to look for ways to celebrate and recognize this month at your school. Announcements, music, flyers home. Bring parents in as volunteers to share their culture. Let us know how you’re celebrating. Here are a few resources to help you.
  • The Bopsim Korean Festival on Friday, Sept. 29. In collaboration with Korean government-operated entities and the University of Utah, they present this festival which carries special significance as it commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Republic of Korea-US Alliance. Field trip for students from 11 - 2:30 p.m. Please email for coupons and vouchers for yummy cup bop.
  • Calling all 7th - 9th grade students and educators in Utah! - The Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs is excited to host the Multicultural Youth Leadership Summit — a free and virtual youth leadership event—on Monday, Nov. 6 and Nov. 13 from 9-11 a.m. The program will be the same on both days to accommodate more school schedules. This annual program aims to motivate students of diverse identities to explore college and career pathways, financial empowerment, and leadership development.  Schools can bring their students together and participate. Learn more at the 2023 Multicultural Youth Leadership Summit page.
  • Men and Women of Promise - Men and Women of Promise Conferences expose students to a different way of life through a one-day corporate experience with professionals who listen and help cast a vision for their lives. The Men of Promise Conference will be held on Oct. 3rd and the Women of Promise Conference on Oct. 4th. Contact Marty Carter for permission slips and sign ups. For more information visit the DBU Global Men & Women of Promise page.
  • For 9th - 12th grades Expect the Great - Expect The Great is a free event focusing on college and career awareness and readiness for African, African-American, and Black students and communities in the state of Utah. The theme of this initiative is “Build, Invest, Connect”. Registration is available on the SUU Expect The Great site.  Charter busses will be available.

Language and Culture Services will be offering a virtual PD on Sept 22 at 1 p.m.  LCS will be offering training on how to use the ELLevation website, a great resource for schools and teachers in supporting their ML students!

  • Site overview
  • How to access information about your ML students in one place.
  • Teaching strategies to support ML students during instruction.
  • Opportunities for PD through ELLevation and earning USBE Credit.

ELLevation via Zoom Meeting ID: 830 0071 9835
Passcode: language

September 8, 2023

All Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Scott Festin, Planning Consultant, Planning & Enrollment
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

10th Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate for All Schools

See attached memo. Please note that with the release of 10th day numbers, enrollment information on school dashboards will only be updated monthly for the remainder of the year. Schools should anticipate a "Done.0" allocation memo shortly.

September 5, 2023

All Elementary Principals
All Secondary Principals

Mike Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Jill Durrant, Administrator of Elementary Schools
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Elementary Schools
April Gaydosh, Administrator of Elementary Schools
Becky Gerber, Administrator of Elementary Schools
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Stacee Worthen, Counselor Consultant

September/October 2023 School Counselor Trainings

See the attached memo for the details.

Thank you for your patience while the State of Utah updates their process to report student injuries. The attached will assist you in getting your UtahID set up and completing the Administration Form to get your access to REDCap. Once you log into the REDCap site you will "Add new record" and complete the necessary fields to report a student injury. There are very helpful video tutorials on the site for additional training.

Student Injury Report in REDCap

Step 1:
Create a UtahID at Instructions on how to create one and a short video tutorial can be found above, or on the UtahID Account Creation page. A verification email will be sent.

Please note that using the user's professional email address is the preferred method. If they opt to use a personal email account, a justification note is required from Project Owners stating the reasons for doing so.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will be required for all new UtahID public user accounts. New users will have the option to have the MFA code sent by email or SMS text message. Please note, when a user first registers, the only option available will be email since that is the available method listed on the account until the user adds a mobile phone number to their profile in

Open the verification email and enter the code into the field provided on the UtahID creation webpage.

Finish setting up UtahID after numerical code is entered.

Send an email to: Vanonda Kern, Project Owner, to let them know you have created a UtahID. The Project Owner will reply to your email to let you know you can move on. You will not be able to access REDCap to create an account until you are notified by the Project Owner.

Step 2:
Fill out the Administrative Form. The form will be received by the Project Owner and information from the form will be reviewed and entered in for REDCap approval.

August 24, 2023

All School Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Important updates to the Mental Health Access Program

Please note the following important updates regarding the Mental Health Access Program. In order to promote the sustainability of this program, given limited funds, it’s essential that all administrators review the following changes:

  1. There is no longer a "MHAP referral" form. This is now a "Request to Screen a Family for Community Mental Health Resources.” The new form is attached to this memo and can be found at Rather than "referring" families, we want to shift our language to be "recommended for screening." This change will allow better allocation of our limited resources to the students and families who most need it. Our District’s clinical team has been trained on a screening process to support this change and make a decision regarding a family’s options.
    • What this means at the secondary level: if you are considering a family for community mental health services such as MHAP, please work with your school's assigned clinical support specialist to conduct a screening. Because funds are limited, your school’s clinician has been trained to tease out other community mental health options. It’s best that other staff members do not promise grant funds that may not be available or needed without consulting the clinical support specialist and following the screening process.
    • What this means at the elementary level: if you are considering a family for community mental health services such as MHAP, please fill out the attached form and email it to Kevin Mossel ( He will call, set up a meeting, and meet with the student and/or parent to screen and assess them for community resources and services. If MHAP is recommended at this screening, the clinical support specialist who conducted the screening will proceed with having the parent sign the MHAP consent form and help them access a provider that best fits their needs by authorizing and facilitating a referral. The clinical support specialist will then report back to you about what was recommended for the family.
  2. With limited funds it’s essential to manage expectations we may inadvertently be setting when communicating with parents or caregivers about their options. It’s best not to promise “free therapy” and instead use language such as "the District has a program where you can be screened for community mental health services and recommendations will be provided to help you and your student." Not every family may need financial help through MHAP and in some situation’s outpatient therapy may not be the best fit for a family’s needs.
  3. We are no longer offering students "8 sessions" or "$800 of MHAP funds.” Please do not say this to a parent as it will not be accurate. If you opt to explain MHAP to a parent, it would be more accurate to say “we have a resource in the community that might help pay for some initial mental health services and get your student started quickly.” Then, the extent of the referral can be explained after a family has been screened and the recommendation was made after a more thorough review of available options.

Since its inception in 2020, over 2000 MHAP referrals have been made. We acknowledge your vital role in supporting students as they work to improve their mental health. If you have questions or issues with these changes, please contact McKinley Withers, Travis Hamblin, or Kevin Mossel in Student Services.