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Parent & Teen Talk - Let's Connect!

Parent seminar to discuss parent-teen connection, the effects of social media on the brain, and supporting LGBTQ youth @ West Jordan Middle School, open to all parents and community members in Jordan.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
6:00 p.m.
West Jordan Middle School

See flyer below for more details. Please post flyer in your school and share with appropriate people in your school and community.



November 14th

9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Choose one session to attend
Registration is not required


November 19th

Registration is not required

School personnel who currently or may potentially work with school choice permits

Jordan District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium
7800 South Redwood Road
Park on the North end of the building, Enter through the 1st Auditorium door.
You will need to use your card access ID badge to gain entrance into the building.

Any person that will be working with permits will need to have a password. IF they do not ALREADY have one - please let Donna Kolva (801.567.8259) or know and she can initiate that process.

Head Custodian Picture day will be held during our November 20th workshop. We would like every Head Custodian to have a professional picture taken for our display board at the ASB. Please make arrangements for them to attend this “mandatory” Custodial Workshop. It would be great if they could wear a school logo shirt and look the part to represent your school. Our November Custodial Workshop will be held November 20th starting starting at 8:30 a.m. and should conclude no later than 10:00 a.m.  Thank you for your support.

Cabinet members will be interviewing all administrators currently employed by Jordan School District who wish to be considered for an elementary or middle school principal position between now and October 2020. Similar interviews will be held each fall for anyone who has not interviewed previously. This year's interviews will be held on Monday, November 18, and Wednesday, November 20.

Any administrator interested in being interviewed this year should email Angela Montague at by Monday, October 21st at 5:00 p.m. Please indicate whether you would like to be considered for an elementary principal position, a middle school principal position, or both. This process is not designed to select principals for newly-constructed schools or any school in particular. No application or documentation is required.

Any questions should be directed to a Cabinet member. We look forward to getting to know you better.

All Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools

October 10, 2019

Licensed Employee Advisory Committee for the Board

The Board of Education is forming an advisory committee made up of licensed employees from every school in the District.  The purpose of this committee is to advise the Board regarding issues that affect licensed employees (salaries, grants, leave, etc.).  Representatives will meet four times during the year (November, January, April, and July) and will be compensated at their hourly rate for participation.

Elementary and special schools, Valley High School and Academies will send one representative; middle schools two; and high schools three.  Help us in selecting the assigned number of representatives from your school by using the following process.  Please adhere to these procedures exactly as outlined.


Elementary and special schools, Valley High School and Academies will need a minimum of two nominees; middle schools a minimum of three; and high schools a minimum of four.  Additional nominees are at your discretion.

  1. Invite licensed employees to nominate, by secret ballot, the name of the licensed employee they would like to represent your school. Administrators are not eligible to serve on this committee.
  2. Ask those nominated if they would be willing to serve. Serving as a committee member is not mandatory. If a licensed employee is unwilling or unable to serve, ask the next highest vote receiver, until you have the desired number of nominees.


  1. Prepare a secret ballot for each licensed employee (including administrators) with the names of the nominees. The Board would prefer this be done by secret ballot to ensure that no employee feels pressure to vote for a particular nominee.
  2. All licensed employees at elementary and special schools, Valley High School and Academies should be encouraged to vote for one nominee; middle school licensed employees two; and high school licensed employees three.
  3. Tally the results.
  4. For elementary and special schools, Valley High School and Academies, the top vote receiver is the representative and the next highest will serve as an alternate.
  5. For middle schools, the top two vote receivers are the representatives and the next highest will serve as an alternate.
  6. For high schools, the top three vote receivers are the representatives and the next highest will serve as an alternate.

Please inform the representatives, the alternate, your faculty, and me of the results. Representatives will be contacted with meeting dates, times and location.  The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 13th from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Thank you for your help with this matter.  We are confident that this advisory committee will have a positive impact on the lives of our educators.


National School Bus Safety Week is October 21-25.  Since that is Fall Recess for all of our traditional schools, we would like to observe School Bus Safety Week October 14-18.  The following resources are available to your students:

Middle Schools:


The Teacher Salary Supplement Program (TSSP) was created to draw qualified individuals into education for specific subject areas that have been identified with staffing shortages and/or for the assistance with the fees affiliated with obtaining and maintaining accreditations with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification (NBPTS).

Before submitting an application at the TSSP Service Site, please review the Utah State Board of Education website regarding the program details and legislation at the following link:

Applications must be submitted between October 1 and April 30 for each program year.


Dear Administrators,

Sandi Abplanalp has recently retired and we are quickly trying to fill her position. Until we hire and name a new person, we are asking that you please submit all of your after hours door scheduling requests to Ron Mousley at In addition, we are trying to catch up on employee ID badges. We appreciate your patience and support during this transition.

September 30, 2019 was the date for all District employees to complete the annual Crucial Concerns & Policy review. Administrators and Administrative Assistants may access the Crucial Policy Review Report for their location by following the instructions below:
Click: Documentation
Click: Human Resources
Click: Crucial Policy Review Report Instructions

Below is a link to the 7 minute video for secondary student training on the Avoid-Deny-Defend portion of the Incident Command Violence Action Plan. This video is to be viewed under the direction of administration.

At the elementary level, this video is not authorized to be shown to the students at the school.

The Avoid-Deny-Defend Student Training Video is also available on the Auxiliary Services Website:

  • Select the Safety & Security tab
  • School Safety & Security on the drop down menu

Please direct any parents/guardians that want to view this video to the Web page. The District welcomes opportunities for parents/guardians to preview curriculum being taught to students, to include emergency response strategies. Avoid-Deny-Defend has been added to supplement the existing Lockout and Lockdown protocols. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to talk with their school about this and other emergency response protocols and drills.

Avoid-Deny-Defend Secondary Student Training Video


Last school year, Avoid-Deny-Defend (ADD) and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) instructional trainings were presented to staff in live sessions conducted by Lt. Matt Pennington and Capt. Chet Ellis. These sessions were recorded to provide future training for personnel. The links to the videos below are available to administrators for the purpose of providing this training to personnel that are either new to the District, or would like a refresher course. Both the ADD and the TECC instructional videos for staff are just under an hour each in duration.

The Avoid-Deny-Defend Drill Protocol document is attached for your convenience. Please refer to this document as you and your staff prepare for a violent intruder drill/situation.

If you have questions, please contact Lance Everill, Emergency Operations Manager, at 801-567-8623,

Avoid-Deny-Defend Instructional Video for Staff

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Instructional Video for Staff

September 17, 2019

All Administrators
All Financial Administrative Assistants

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools
John Larsen, Business Administrator

Discretionary Staff Funds

Please see memo and changes below.

Principals and Administrative Assistants:

Please see the attached summaries of budget allocations and carryovers for the 2019-20 school year.

Principals:  Please post in your school and send the attached flyer to each School Community Council member, all parents are invited to attend.

Jordan Parent University
Preparing Parents and Students for The Future After High School
Thursday, September 19, 2019
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
JATC-South – 12723 S Park Ave, Riverton