Category: High Schools
2022-23 School Hours
Please see the attachment for the 2022-23 school hours.
Custodial Priorities List – August 4, 2022
Please find the attached PDF of the Custodial Priorities List presented today at Principals Meeting.
Positions in Schools Using ESSER III Funds – 2022-23
This information was originally sent out in March 10, 2022 JAM. Please note the following budget code updates for 2022-2023 school year below.
The following positions will be available for schools for the 2022-2023 school year only using ESSER III funds.
- High Schools 1.0 FTE for a tracker
- Middle Schools 0.25 FTE for a tracker
- Elementary Schools 25-hour assistant to support intervention
Any additional trackers or aides that have previously been paid for using CARES / ESSER funds will be the responsibility of the school for the 2022-2023 school year.
Schools will need to update budget codes for personnel who will be covered through ESSER III funds in 2022-2023. Please complete a New Hire/Change Form and code ESSER III Budget #7225 starting July 1, 2022.
The following Budget Codes will be discontinued after July 1, 2022:
10 E xxx 7211 xxxx xxx and 10 E xxx 7215 xxxx xxx
Schools will need to update budget codes for any personnel who were paid through these budgets.
Color Paper Shortage
Due to supplier shortages and global supply chain issues, the Central Warehouse is running very low on Hammermill DP Colored Copy Paper and Springhill Digital Vellum Bristol Color Cover paper. The paper mills that produce Hammermill and Springhill have temporarily stopped taking orders from distributors that sell to the District. The Purchasing Department is currently working on sourcing other brands of DP Colored Copy Paper and Digital Vellum Bristol Color Cover paper that will fill the demand and needs of the District. Please be patient with us while we are doing all we can to make sure schools can order select colors and types of paper. If the paper you need is not currently available in the warehouse, you may look to purchase through Amazon, Office Depot, or Staples under the state contract using your pcard.
2022-23 Assistant Principal Directory
Please see the links below to download copies of the elementary, middle, and high school assistant principal directories for 2022-23. The links are accessible to anyone with a account.
- Elementary Assistant Principal Directory
- Middle Assistant Principal Directory
- High Assistant Principal Directory
If changes need to be made, please forward the updated information to Caleb Olson in Planning & Enrollment. The PDFs will be updated so that the links will always provide the most current version.
2022-23 SafeUT Dashboard
August 4, 2022
All Administrators
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant
Updates to your School's SafeUT Dashboard Contacts
As staff members change at each of your schools, it’s important to keep our SafeUT Dashboard up to date. We have been updating each school as new administrative appointments and transfers become finalized. If you have additional updates, changes, or would like to add anyone from your mental health teams to receive SafeUT notifications, please email Angie Rasmussen at If you need a new account added to the Dashboard for a new hire please include their name and title in your email. For any individual that would like text message notifications, include a cell phone number. Thank you!
If your school has not yet been added to the SafeUT Dashboard, we will be making updates to ensure all JSD schools are registered and receiving SafeUT tips.
2022-23 Discretionary Staff Funds
August 2, 2022
All Administrators and Financial Administrative Assistants
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools
Discretionary Staff Funds
Please take note of the information on the memo below.
2022-23 Legislative Classroom Supply Appropriation
August 1, 2022
Principals and Administrative Assistants
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Legislative Classroom Supplies Appropriation for 2022-23
Legislative supply envelopes for the 2022-23 school year were sent to administrative assistants via interoffice mail on Monday, August 1st. A copy of the attached memo was enclosed with the envelopes. This year, each eligible full-time teacher will receive $175 for supply purchases (or portion, if less than full-time). The memo includes important information about carry-over funds, payroll deductions, and the date supply funds will be deposited to teacher's accounts.
FREE Learning Opportunities for all Educators from Panorama
August 1, 2022
Assistant Principals
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Free Webinars through Panorama
Please see the memo below for a list of the free webinars.
SRO Required Training – August 26, 2022
This State mandated yearly training will be held on Friday, August 26, 2022. This is for all SROs and DARE Officers. One administrator per school is required to attend. Please see the flyer below for all the details.
Early Warning System – Panorama SEL Surveys & Information
August 3, 2022
Assistant Principals
Mike Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Early Warning System - Panorama
State Code §53F-4-207 establishes a student intervention Early Warning System (EWS) and on May 2, 2022 it become an ongoing law (the pilot program status was repealed). Under this law an LEA that is accepted as a part of the funding through the USBE shall pay for ½ of the cost of the program, but LEA’s may pay the full cost unsubsidized. ALL Jordan Schools, except the special schools, were approved by USBE for the subsidized amount of $2,000 annually. Panorama was paid for by Student Services for the 2022-23 school year only.
Panorama is an effective data-dashboard that sits on top of Skyward, pulling its data from Skyward and presenting it in an easy-to-use graphical user interface. Using course performance, behavior, attendance, and social emotional data Panorama presents information that helps educators get to the correct intervention/help sooner.
Social emotional surveys are integral to Panorama. These surveys are strongly recommended as they provide key SEL data several times each year. However, they are optional and schools may choose to administer them once, twice, three times or not at all. Each survey administration is optional and parents may choose for their student(s) to not participate. Students may choose to not participate as well. SEL surveys should never be required, part of an academic grade, or high stakes. The same questions are used for every survey administration and have been vetted by the district and its attorney and are NOT mental health screening questions. However, PRIOR to any survey, parents shall be notified and given an opportunity to opt out. Students access the survey via the web and use their student ID to access the survey.
Survey information including survey windows, sample parent letters, survey questions, and FAQ’s will be provided to you and your survey coordinator prior to EACH survey window. You may share any or all of the resources provided – including the survey questions, with parents and staff.
The first survey window of the 2022-23 school year will be August 29, 2022 through September 21, 2022. A second survey window will open in January with the third and final survey window opening in April.
Should you have any Panorama questions or training needs please contact Travis Hamblin (801.567.8439 or
2022-23 Administrative Leadership Conference – Wellness Activities
As part of this year's Administrative Leadership Conference on August 2nd, we will be participating in several wellness activities that include options for walking, volleyball, yoga, and more.
Please see the attached list of activities so that you can plan accordingly.
Employee Appreciation Night at Smith’s Ballpark
You are invited to join us for a FREE night of summer fun at the Salt Lake Bees game.
Jordan School District and the Salt Lake Bees are joining forces to show appreciation to all JSD employees by offering free tickets to an upcoming Bees game against the Sacramento River Cats on Wednesday, August 10 at 6:35 p.m.
It’s also $1.00 hot dog night and Superintendent Godfrey will be throwing out the first pitch along with a Unified Sports athlete!
Here’s What You Need to Know to Participate:
- 4,000 tickets are available and seating is limited. First come, first served.
- Each employee can request 1 - 4 free tickets. *Additional tickets may be purchased.
- Sign up using the form below.
- The deadline to sign up for tickets is Monday, August 1, 2022.
- Once you have signed up, you will receive more information on how to pick up your free tickets at the ballpark.
To show their appreciation, the Bees will give away a batting helmet signed by the entire team to one lucky employee at the game that night.
Hope to see you at beautiful Smith’s ballpark to have some fun and cheer on the Bees!
Principal Meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2022
July 28, 2022
All Principals
Jordan School District Cabinet
Thursday, August 4, 2022 Principal Meeting
- Principals only, Thursday, August 4, 2022
- All-day meeting, 8:00-3:30 pm
- Mountain Creek Middle Auditorium
- Light Breakfast/beverage service beginning at 7:30 am
- Lunch on your own
Small Contributions Can Make a Big Difference!
Employee donations support programs like: Principal's Pantries, Wellness Rooms, Outstanding Educator Awards, Classroom Grants, Unified Sports, and Christmas for Kids.
Please see the flyer for more information on how you can make a BIG difference!
2022 English Learner Student Profile Dashboards
Thursday, July 28, 2022
All School Administrators
Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
English Learner Student Profile Dashboards
The English Learner Student Profiles dashboards have now been updated with 2022 WIDA Access, Acadience Reading, Acadience Math, RISE, Utah Aspire Plus, and ACT data.
This dashboard is unique in that it offers an assessment profile of all existing assessment data for individual EL students. For a single EL student, the student profile dashboard will allow school administrators to see the assessment history for any EL student that has a WIDA Access score.
The English Learner Student Profile dashboards may be used to help determine EL plans, target students for specific interventions and support, or provide relevant assessment data as part of student support team discussions around specific EL students.
For elementary EL students, school administrators can see current and historical assessment data for the WIDA Access, Acadience Reading, Acadience Math and RISE.
For middle school EL students, school administrators can see current and historical assessment data for the WIDA Access, Acadience Reading, and RISE.
For high school EL students, school administrators can see current and historical assessment data for the WIDA Access, Utah Aspire Plus, the 11th grade administration of the ACT, attendance, and course grades.
School administrators may access the English Learner Student Profile dashboards here.
For questions about the student profile dashboards, please contact Brooke Anderson or Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability.
Everything You Need to Know Regarding Mentors!
Please see the documents below for the current 2022-23 updates.
Important Payroll Dates for August 2022
Please see the document below.
Last Call for STEM Endorsement Reimbursement Applications for Courses Completed by June 30, 2022
Click on the following link for more information: