The May Assistant Principal meetings will be held on May 5 (8:00-11:00am) and May 10 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30 am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801-567-8182 (x88182). Thank you!
Category: Elementary Meeting
Date Change for the June Assistant Principal Meeting – June 16, 2022
The assistant principal meeting, to be held in June for all assistant principals, has been changed from June 7th to June 16th due to the UASSP and UAESP Summer conferences. This meeting will be held at the JATC-S from 8:30-12:30 pm. A beverage service will be served starting at 8:00 am and lunch will be provided. Attendance is encouraged but not required at this meeting. In order to have a count for the luncheon please sign-up by clicking HERE. We hope to see you all there!
Principal Meeting – March 1, 2022
Breakfast/beverage service will be provided starting at 7:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided. See you there!
Assistant Principal Meetings – March 3 & 8, 2022
The March Assistant Principal meetings will be held on March 3 (8:00-11:00am) and March 8 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30 am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8182 (x88182). Thank you!
Assistant Principal Meetings – February 3 & 8, 2022
The February Assistant Principal meetings will be held on February 3 (8:00-11:00am) and February 8 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8182 (x88182). Thank you!
Principal Meeting – February 1, 2022
Breakfast/beverage service will be provided starting at 7:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided. See you there!
Assistant Principal Meetings – January & February 2022
January meetings will still be held on the 20th and 25th as scheduled, in-person at JATC-S.
The next Assistant Principal meetings will be held on January 20 (8:00-11:00am) and January 25 (8:00-11:00am). At this time the plan is that all meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up for the January meetings please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc.
Yes! The February 3rd and 8th meetings are coming up quickly after the January meetings. To sign up for February (if you haven't already) please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc.
January 11, 2022 Principal Meeting Update
Principal Meetings will be virtual tomorrow, January 11. We will only be meeting by level. Please see the following start times and links for each level.
Elementary Level Meeting
Start Time: 9:00 AM
Zoom Link:
Middle School Level Meeting
Start Time 8:30 AM
Zoom Link:
High School Level
Start Time 8:00 AM
Zoom Link:
Assistant Principal Meetings – January 20 & 25, 2022
The next Assistant Principal meetings will be held on January 20 (8:00-11:00am) and January 25 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8182 (x88182). Thank you!
Principal Meeting – January 11, 2022
Breakfast/beverage service will be provided starting at 7:30 a.m. See you there!
Principal Meeting – December 7, 2021
Breakfast/beverage service will be provided starting at 7:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided. See you there!
Please Take Note: Time Change for Assistant Principal Meetings
Both sessions of the Assistant Principal Meetings will now be held from 8:00-11:00 AM. If you signed up for the afternoon session of the December 9th meeting, please adjust your calendar to show the new time.
Reminder: The next Assistant Principal meetings will be held on December 9 (8:00-11:00am) and December 14 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. No virtual option will be provided. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8182 (x88182). Thank you!
Assistant Principal Meetings November 4 & 9, 2021
Reminder: The next Assistant Principal meetings will be held on November 4 (1:00-3:30pm) and November 9 (8:00-10:30am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. No virtual option will be provided. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8182 (x88182). Thank you!
Principal Meeting – November 2, 2021
Breakfast/beverage service will be provided starting at 7:30 a.m. Plan to meet in the auditorium to begin the day. Lunch will be provided. See you there!
SAVE-THE-DATES – 2022-23 Opening Meetings
Administrative Leadership Conference - August 2, 2022 - To be held at Mountain Creek Middle - All Administrators
Principal Meeting - August 4, 2022 - To be held at the ASB - Principals only
District-wide Professional Development Day - August 11, 2022 - To be held at the Mountain America Exposition Center - For all licensed employees
Last Opportunity for Office and Administrative Staff to attend the Optional Training by Business and Auxiliary Services Departments – October 14, 2021
The final session of the optional training for office and administrative staff of schools and District offices will be held Thursday, October 14, 2021, beginning at 8:00 a.m. There is space available for an additional 50 attendees. If you would like to participate, please send an email to Lisa LeStarge at and let her know you would like to sign-up to attend. Attendees will receive an email the day prior to the training with instructions for connecting to the Zoom meeting. The agenda is attached.
JELL Sessions for Principals and Coaches
Thank you all for your participation in Principal PLCs at the last principal meeting. Based on your responses from the data, the sessions below have been scheduled for principals and instructional coaches. Please share this information with your coaches. All courses will be by ZOOM. Please visit the JELL Canvas course for additional information and for the meeting zoom links.
Thursday, October 7th
9:00 - 11:30 Southland, Rosamond, Monte Vista, Fox Hollow, Elk Meadows
12:30 - 3:00 Terra Linda, Jordan Hills, Westland, Oquirrh, West Jordan, CDC
Tuesday, October 12th
9:00 - 11:30 South Jordan, Westvale, Falcon Ridge, Blackridge, Aspen, Silver Crest, Riverton, Rose Creek, Mountain Point, Midas Creek, Golden Fields, Majestic
12:30 - 3:00 Welby, Mountain Shadows, Jordan Ridge, Riverside, Oakcrest, Hayden Peak, Eastlake, Daybreak, Columbia, Bluffdale, Butterfield Canyon, Foothills, Copper Canyon
Assistant Principal Meetings September 23 & 28, 2021
Reminder: The next Assistant Principal meetings will be held on September 23 (1:00-3:30pm) and September 28 (8:00-10:30am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. No virtual option will be provided. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8182 (x88182). Thank you!
Principal Meeting – September 21, 2021
Breakfast/beverage service will be provided starting at 7:30 a.m. Plan to meet in the auditorium to begin the day. Lunch will be provided. See you there!
2021-22 School Community Council Trainings
All new principals and new SCC Chairs need to attend one of the SCC Trainings for this year. Two trainings will be held in a Zoom format. If you have any questions contact Nadine Page, or 801.567.8182 (x88182).
September 29, 2021 - 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 933 7718 9425 Passcode: 605437
September 30, 2021 - 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 921 6063 1606 Passcode: Zb84Y7