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March 20, 2025

Assistant Principals
School Safety Specialists

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

Monthly Drill Preparation (EARTHQUAKE)

Due to Spring Break, our monthly drill preparation will be held on April 9th at 3:00 PM with a second session at 3:30 PM. This month we will be covering EARTHQUAKE in conjunction with the Great Utah ShakeOut set for Thursday, April 17th, 2025, at 10:15 A.M..  Each School Safety Specialist is expected to attend along with administrators assigned to oversee school safety.  All other administrators are welcome to attend as well. The meeting is also open to any staff who may be interested.

After each monthly training, all school staff should be trained by the administrator over school safety and the School Safety Specialist. After being trained each month, teachers should educate their students on each safety drill. Additionally, schools should communicate with their patrons regarding Standard Response Protocol(s) (SRP) and the drill being conducted each month. Videos, handouts, and other resources can be found at the link(s) below.

Information regarding the EARTHQUAKE response protocol can be found in the Jordan School District Safety Manual on pages 28-31.  We will discuss how to implement and execute the drill.  This will be an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas amongst the schools.

We will be holding this meeting over ZOOM so please join using this link.


Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Amanda Bollinger, Associate Administrator, Teaching & Learning


Registration for the 2025-2026 Instructional Coaching Endorsement - Cohort 3 is now open! Priority will be given to individuals assigned to be a coach next year and additional spots will be available for teachers interested in future coaching opportunities. Teachers with a principal recommendation may complete the application. Please see the attached document for more details and to access the coaching endorsement application link.

January 27, 2025

All Administrators and Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll

Updated W9 and URS Request

Please use the attached W9/URS verification form as it has been updated. This form can also be found on the Accounting webpage at the following link:

If you have any questions please reach out to Accounting.

March 12, 2025

School Psychologists & School Psychology Interns

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

March School Psychologists & School Psychology Interns Meeting

A meeting for school psychologists and school psychology interns has been scheduled for Friday, March 21, 2025, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium (7905 South Redwood Road). Brad Lundahl, Ph.D., and Steve Jones, LCSW from the University of Utah and Compass Counseling will provide us with a presentation on integrating Motivational Interviewing and ACT.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


Assistant Principals
4th and 5th Grade Teachers

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Michelle Lovell, Consultant, Elementary Language Arts
Mandy Thurman, Consultant, Elementary Language Arts

4th and 5th grade teachers have only had digital access to the teacher’s manual for the Wit & Wisdom alternative modules for 4th grade (modules 3 & 4) and 5th grade (module 1).  

Wit and Wisdom has provided PDF files of the teacher manual for these alternative modules. Teachers can print these files so that they will have a hard copy to use as needed. The files are attached. Please share these with your 4th and 5th grade teachers. 

G4M3 ATM.pdf

G4M4 ATM.pdf

G5M1 ATM.pdf

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

April Gaydosh, Administrator of Human Resources

The following information pertains to Intern Educators, Intern Psychologists, or Intern Counselors graduating in 2025 that are assigned to your location.

Please excuse full time intern educators (BYU, U of U and UVU), intern school psychologists, and intern counselors to attend their own in-person Commencement OR Convocation ceremonies. They are eligible to enter their absence in Skyward under the “Other” Leave Code and the Absence Reason of, “District Excused”. Only one day can be coded as District Excused, and should reflect their commencement or convocation date. Please confirm this date prior to approving in skyward. The following information should be included in the description in Skyward ‘0050- Intern In-Person Graduation UNIVERSITY NAME’

The intern is responsible for requesting a substitute, if needed, through the Frontline Absence Management System. The absence reason entered should be ‘District Excused’ and in the blue notes to administrator box, the intern should add the following information; ‘District Excused 0050- Intern in-person graduation UNIVERSITY NAME’.

If you have questions as to whether your Intern has entered the time off in Skyward or Frontline appropriately, please contact

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

April Gaydosh, Administrator of Human Resources

The Jordan School District High School graduation dates and times will vary from school to school. Please see the attached 2024-25 High School Graduation Schedule.

Principals and Directors are encouraged to provide flexibility to parents or grandparents requesting the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremonies of family members.

Licensed employees are responsible for requesting a substitute through the Frontline Absence Management System, if applicable. In the blue “Notes to Administrator” box, the employee should add “graduation” along with his/her relationship to the graduate.

For additional assistance, please contact

March 13, 2025

Principals and Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Classroom Supplies Appropriation - Payments and Reports

The State Legislature recently clarified Classroom Supply funding qualifications and appropriated funding for the 2025-26 school year. Consistent with last year’s allocation, only Classroom Teachers will receive legislative supply funds as follows:

  • Full-time Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade teachers will receive $500
  • Full-time 7th through 12th grade teachers will receive $250
  • These amounts will be adjusted, based on FTE percentage, for teachers who work part-time

School Counselors received “legislative funds” in the past, however as stated in JAM previously, Counselors will not receive these funds for the 2025-26 school year.

In late September, ACH deposits will be completed to the licensed employees that qualify for legislative supply funds. At that time, schools will also receive a disbursement and FTE report with instructions and helpful information about legislative supply money.

If you have questions, please contact my administrative assistant, Lisa LeStarge, at 801-567-8120 or via email:



Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Amanda Bollinger, Associate Administrator, Teaching & Learning


A Qualtrics Coaching Survey will be sent by Ben Jameson to all teachers on Friday, March 14th.

The Jordan School District is looking for ways to enhance, refine and improve our instructional coaching initiative and we need teacher feedback. Please encourage your teachers to complete the coaching survey and answer the questions based on their experience working with instructional and/or digital coaches. The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete, depending on the time it takes for teachers to add their comments.

Survey answers will remain anonymous unless you identify yourself in the free response questions. The survey will remain open until April 4th.

Principals, Teachers, All Mathematicians

Carolyn Gough, Administrator, Teaching & Learning
Amy Kinder, Consultant for Math, Teaching & Learning

Dear Administrators, Teachers, and ALL MATHEMATICIANS,

We're thrilled to invite you to a special screening of the documentary film Counted Out by Vicki Abeles, in honor of Pi Day! This is a unique opportunity to celebrate math and explore its impact on our world.

Event Details:

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025 PI DAY
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM (Please be seated by 4:30)
Location: ASB District Office, 7905 South Redwood Rd. Entrance A. Auditorium
Register using the link in the attached flyer below or click HERE. Space is limited, and we're inviting neighboring districts, so be sure to secure your spot soon!

​About the Film:
Counted Out delves into the crucial role math plays in shaping our society. It explores how math influences everything from the news we see to the jobs we obtain. Through personal stories and expert interviews, the film reveals the importance of numeric literacy and challenges us to rethink how we view math.

Watch the Trailer:
Experience a glimpse of the film’s insights by watching the Counted Out trailer.


Contact Amy Kinder at

We can't wait to celebrate math with you!

Administrators Completing Title III Compliance

Michelle Love-Day, Director, Language and Culture Services
Kim Lloyd, Director, Special Education

At this time, Skyward does not have the functionality to indicate when a bilingual school psychologist has participated in the evaluation of a multilingual student. As a result, we are currently unable to process requests to update this section.

For your Title III Compliance, as long as you have listed the student ID numbers of those missing a bilingual psych on the LPL report, that is all you will need to do and you will be considered in compliance. Please do not fill out the bilingual psych's request link. It's fine if you already have filled out the form, but please understand that this request cannot be completed at this time.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

March 13, 2025

All Principals
All Licensed Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Melanie Dawson, Program Administrator of Behavior

ETT: Cultivating Classroom Management Skills

Effective Teacher Training (ETT) is available for a spring cohort! Seats are capped at 50 and fill quickly, so learners need to register on Canvas Catalog as soon as possible.

Direct registration link: ETT Spring 2025
Or search “ETT” at

See attached memo and flyer for more information.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Elementary School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Assessment, Research and Accountability 

Research Project

The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.

Project Title: Development of a Narrative Language and Reading Comprehension Program for Students with or At Risk for Language and Literacy Difficulties

Applicant: Sandra Gillam, Utah State University

The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee.  The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to solicit your participation in a survey.  Participation in the study is at your discretion.  If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243. 

This is a two-year study where teachers and researchers will co-develop model intervention lessons and then teachers will implement the intervention lessons and then assist in evaluating their usability, feasibility, and efficacy.

Thank you for your assistance.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Elementary School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Assessment, Research and Accountability 

Research Project

The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.

Project Title: Elementary Teacher Beliefs About Curricular and General Autonomy:
Exploring the intersection of belief and praxis

Applicant: Laura Wheeler

The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. Participation in the study is at teachers’ discretion. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243. 

The project will involve a survey that is sent to elementary teachers. Teachers may choose to participate in the survey and may also opt into a follow-up interview.

Thank you for your assistance.

All Administrators
Administrative Assistants

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Brian King, Ph.D., Assistant Director of Special Education
Mike Trimmell, Ed.D., Special Education Administrator

Attached is the Special Ed Newsletter for March 2025.

Elementary Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants

Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

The goal of the Teacher Recruitment Scholarship is to increase the number of teachers in Wasatch Front schools whose backgrounds could best support underrepresented students in the K-12 school system. This scholarship supports students from a broad range of backgrounds to become teachers and return to their communities as educational leaders and mentors for future generations. Through the Jordan Education Foundation and SLCC, students can receive tuition assistance, books paid for, and funding towards a 4-year university after completing coursework through SLCC. Application deadline is March 31st.


Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Jared Covili, Consultant in Teaching & Learning

Check out the links below for the latest updates from Teaching & Learning for March. Learn tips and tricks, sign up for upcoming PD, and learn about important updates from the T & L team.


Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Jared Covili, Consultant in Teaching & Learning

Need help with Canvas and Mastery Connect as you assess students in your classroom? Digital Teaching and Learning would like to invite you to attend an optional PD training to help you use Canvas and Mastery Connect to its fullest potential.

Please bring your device and your questions to learn along with DTL and Instructure.

What: Assessing Students with Canvas and Mastery Connect: Optional PD Training
When: 1 - 3 p.m. on Mar. 14
Where: Herriman High Tech Atrium
Who: All Teachers Interested in Canvas/Mastery Connect