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If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Memorial Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

Please note: Employees shall not be considered for paid annual leave the day before or after a school holiday more than once during any contract year.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Memorial Day May 29, 2023 April 14 – April 24, 2023

Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-2023

April 6, 2023

Principals and Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Legislative Supply Envelopes – Due May 1, 2023

We thought a few reminders might be helpful as you collect legislative envelopes.

1)   Carry-Over of Unused Supply Funds. Principal approval is required if a teacher would like to carry-over unused funds to the next school year. If approval is given, the principal should sign the envelope in the bottom right-hand box. The Guidelines state that “As a general rule, balances less than $50 should be carried over to the next year.” However, carry-over amounts are at the principal’s discretion. Also, if a teacher has an amount remaining at the end of the year of $5 or less, no return of the funds is needed.

A list of all teachers who have carry-over amounts should be kept so this information can be written on the teacher’s envelope for the 2023-24 school year and added to the amount of the current year funds. As a reminder, if a teacher with a carry-over amount transfers to a different school within the District and the principal allows the teacher to use the carry-over funds at the new school, please communicate this to the administrative assistant at the new school so they can record the information on the teacher’s envelope. If the principal does not approve the use of funds at the new school, the teacher will need to return the unused funds.

2)   Payroll Deductions. For teachers not approved to carry over unused funds, a payroll deduction will be needed. The request for a payroll deduction should be sent to Sarah Palmer, director of Payroll, and can be emailed to her at: Please provide Sarah with the employee name(s), school location, amount of the deduction, and an explanation about the need for the deduction. Please provide this information by May 10 for the May 25 paycheck or by June 10 for the June 25 paycheck.

3)   Principal Use of Unused Supply Funds. Unused supply money that is returned to the District via payroll deduction or other means (check or cash) will be made available to the principal to use. After a payroll deduction is completed, the Payroll Department will provide the Accounting Department with the school location and amount and a journal entry will be done to transfer the funds to the school’s 2000 account.

4)   Teachers that Resign During the School Year. If a teacher resigns during the school year, please ask for the return of his/her legislative supply envelope before they leave. If there is a balance remaining of unspent funds, this money needs to be returned to the District via a payroll deduction made before the employee receives his/her final paycheck. If your school has a check-out procedure for teachers that resign, please add the return of the envelope to the procedures to insure the legislative envelope and unused funds are returned.

5)   Storing Legislative Envelopes. After collecting the envelopes on May 1, please keep them in a secure location at the school for a period of four years. The envelopes are subject to random audits by District auditors.

Thank you for your help with legislative supply money. If you have questions, please contact my administrative assistant, Lisa LeStarge, at 801-567-8120 or email:


Outstanding Education Support Professional Award Applications are now open!

District support staff are among the unsung heroes of the Jordan School District. Each year Jordan District school principals and department heads are invited to nominate one non-teaching/support staff employee for recognition.

All full-time Jordan School District Education Support Professional employees are eligible. Past winners of this award are not eligible for nomination. One nomination per department/school will be considered. Please make sure the Nominee's Department Head or Principal has approved this nomination.

Nominations will be accepted until 11:59 pm, Monday, April 17, 2023.

Nomination form can be found on the JEF website or by clicking this link: 2023 Outstanding Education Support Professional Nomination Form

March 9, 2023

All Building Principals

Kurt Prusse, Director of Purchasing/Warehouse

Large Surplus Sale End of School Year 2023

With the closure of West Jordan Elementary School (WJE), the surplus warehouse will be holding a large public surplus sale at WJE this summer. After schools have a chance to select any items they desire, the public surplus sale for any remaining items will be held. In conjunction with that sale, we would also like to add any surplus items you currently have or will be disposing of by the end of the year. Please note: you do not need to wait for any of the below dates or deadlines to surplus your unwanted items between now and the end of the school year. The surplus warehouse will still make their regular pick-ups after receiving your surplus paperwork.

To successfully do this large of a sale, we ask for your assistance by separating your surplus, including your paperwork, into three categories:

  • Furniture & Equipment,
  • Electronics, and
  • Books

Each category is treated differently. We are working with our electronics and books recyclers to possibly pick-up directly from the schools. But, we cannot make those arrangements until we know the quantities available. However, we can pick-up all your items by the dates indicated below.

June 9
Due date for schools to submit surplus paperwork to AOS

June 12
Due date for surplus paperwork to be received by surplus warehouse in order to guarantee a pick-up for the WJE Surplus Sale

June 12 - July 7
Pick-ups of surplus furniture and equipment from schools

July 10 - July 11
JSD schools may visit WJE and request transfer of surplus items

July 13 - July 14
Other LEA schools may visit WJE and purchase surplus items

July 15
Public may visit WJE and purchase surplus items

July 17 - Aug 4
Pick-ups of surplus electronics or textbooks from schools

If you have any questions, or special requests, please contact Steve Oldham either by calling x88709 or emailing .

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after the mid-spring recess for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Mid-Spring Recess April 24, 2023 Mar. 10 – Mar. 20, 2023

Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-2023

JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT is offering Elementary and Secondary paid administrative internship openings for the 2023-24 academic year. Applications are open now through February 28, 2023 at midnight.

Please refer to the details below:

  • Applicants must select level of preference (elementary, middle or high) and submit only one application.
  • Selected applicants will be interviewed.
  • Assignments are for 1-year only, with no guarantee of a permanent administrative position.
  • Internal applicants, if selected, will be treated as an employee on a leave of absence for the current school year. Internal applicants chosen as an administrative intern will have the right to return to a comparable licensed position at the end of the internship.
  • Applicants must:
    • 1) be enrolled in a university administrative/leadership program, OR
    • 2) have a current in state or out-of-state administrative license, OR
    • 3) be in the JSD Administrative Pool
  • Administrative Interns are paid on a teacher salary schedule – 187-day contract plus 20 additional days for elementary and 10 additional days for secondary. A night stipend will be added according to level assignments.
  • Assignment locations are to be determined.

If you are interested in a full time, paid Administrative Internship Position, click HERE to apply!

Click HERE for a Frontline application tutorial.


The final version of the 2023-2024 TSSA Plan is due to be completed in your School Planning folder by March 24, 2023. Your budget allocation can be found on the "TSSA Plan" tab.

The JSD Board’s TSSA Framework establishes three priorities schools are to use in developing a TSSA Plan. The priorities include coaching, professional development, and school-based initiatives.

Each school has a personally-created School Planning folder in Google Drive that includes both last year’s and this year’s plans. TSSA Plans and the School Planning Folder can be accessed from 2023-2024 School Planning Tools. Following the School Planning Tool will ensure compliance with TSSA requirements.

The first tab in the School Planning Tool labeled “TSSA Overview and Checklist” provides guidelines and a checklist for completing plans. A quick checklist is provided below. The actual plan is found in the tab labeled “TSSA Plan.” 2023-2024 allocations are pre-loaded into each school’s plan.

Quick TSSA Plan Checklist

  • Share planning tool if desired. (Currently only principals have editing access.)
  • Summarize 2022-2023 TSSA Plan. (Focus on implementation and growth if limited data is available.)
  • Review data. (Review data that is available.)
  • Determine school goal(s) for 2023-2024.
  • (TSI Schools) Complete TSI data review, identify needs, and create goal(s).
  • Record plans and action steps for instructional coaching, professional development, and school-based initiatives.
  • Complete budget.
  • Add in your approximate carry-over in the correct spot.

Reminder that both your School LAND Trust and the TSSA Plan needs to be completed by this date of March 24, 2023.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your AOS.
If you have technical issues, please feel free to contact Chris Westra at 801-567-8657 or Nadine Page at 801-567-8182.

Please see the link below for everything you need to know about “TSSA”.

TSSA Program

Please take note of the following MANDATORY deadline:

2023-24 School LAND Trust Upcoming School Plan

Completion Deadline: March 24, 2023

Your school's 2023-24 LAND Trust Allocation can be found on the State Website. When you click on the "Upcoming Plan" your "Estimated Distribution for 2023-2024" can be found in the box "Funding Estimates" on the 6th line down “Estimated Distribution for 2023-2024. Do not end up with a negative estimated carry-over to 2024-2025.

  • Under "Action Plan Steps and Expenditures", please click on the provided button to input the budget allocations for that goal.
  • Add in what you will do if you have "Funding Changes". There are new guidelines from the State Office regarding this portion. Please see the tips provided in the link below.
  • NEW FOR THIS YEAR! Districts are required to distribute their own signature pages. Signatures may be collected on paper or digitally and copies should be provided to LEA leadership prior to approving the School LAND Trust Plans. A copy will need to be sent to Nadine Page ( as there is not a way to upload the signature file. A template is provided below. You can either use the hard copy and have SCC members sign at your meeting or make a copy of this Google Doc to use electronically.

I can't stress this enough------please use the correct categories for the expenditures as you add them to your goals. They need to be distributed correctly. Don't put everything under salaries/benefits. Call Nadine Page (x88182) if you have questions of what category it should go under. 

Last Reminder: The 2023-24 TSSA Plan will also be due on March 24, 2023. Your TSSA Plan Link can be found HERE.

Please see the link below for everything you need to know about “Land Trust”.

School Land Trust Program

The School LAND Trust program Final Report for 2021-2022 is now available for entry on the State website. Reports must be submitted on the School LAND Trust reporting site no later than Wednesday, February 28, 2023.

Final Report Expenditures will not be entered by the principal but will be displayed for response and explanation by the principal.

The 2023-24 Upcoming Plan cannot be submitted until the final report is completed, submitted, and finalized by the District Office. We will finalize reports as quickly as possible as you submit them.

Teachers and other educators whose educator license will expire on June 30, 2023, are encouraged to begin the license renewal process by going to the USBE website. You may begin reviewing the videos and completing your renewal form; however, the following information has been given to us by USBE regarding licensure renewal:

We have discovered that the renewal feature of USIMS that was released this week is not working properly. We have turned off the feature and are working to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. We hope to have renewals up and running early next week.

Please refrain from directing your educators to renew until the feature is confirmed to be working properly and turned back on. We have updated the notification banner on USIMS.

We apologize for the inconvenience; we know that educators are anxious to complete this important task. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

The District HR Department will send you reminders in November, January, and March. A FINAL reminder will be sent to you in April as a 4th and FINAL NOTICE & NOTICE OF TERMINATION should you not receive your license renewal certification in CACTUS by June 30, 2023.


Prior to the TEACHER TRANSFER FAIR on February 13th, principals may post available positions for the 2023-24 school year on a Google Form. Please click here to advertise your transfer openings for teachers and other licensed employees. This will allow teachers to view your postings prior to the Teacher Transfer Fair.

Teacher Transfer Fair Link 

Licensed employees resigning/retiring at the end of the current contract year, who give official early notification in SKYWARD – EMPLOYEE ACCESS, will be eligible for a tiered incentive. To qualify, notification must be submitted on or before the following dates:

  • February 15, 2023 $200.00

The incentive will be paid on the last regular paycheck. Notifications of resignation/retirement received after the dates listed above will not qualify for an incentive. The official District “Notice of Resignation” form is found in Skyward under “Employee Access”. Please see District policy DP318 for more detailed information regarding resignations. If you do not know your Skyward username or password please contact the Help Desk at 801-567-8737.

Licensed employees who do not submit an official “Notice of Resignation” form in Skyward “Employee Access” with at least thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice WILL BE FINED $500, which will be deducted from their final check. Informing your principal/school administrator either verbally or in writing is not sufficient. See District Policy DP318 – Resignations - Licensed.

School/District Administrators must submit an official “Notice of Resignation” form in Skyward “Employee Access” with at least sixty (60) calendar days’ written notice WILL BE FINED $500 in accordance with District Policy DP318A – Resignations-Administrators.

February 8, 2023

Elementary School Principals

Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation
Kathy S. Jones, Trainer/Risk Coordinator of Transportation

“Safety in the Schools” – Bus Safety Video

Utah State Standards for school buses require students to receive annual bus safety instruction.

Bus safety instruction and awareness for students in grades K-6 will come in the form of a video entitled “Bus Safety”. This video is available via YouTube for each individual teacher to present to his or her class.
Link to the “Bus Safety” video

Grades K-1 are also required to watch the Winnie the Pooh video at the following link:
Winnie the Pooh Video

When every teacher in grades K-6 has shown the video to his or her students, please send a quick e-mail confirmation to indicating that your school has completed this process.

Feel free to contact Tammy Spearman in the Transportation Training Department at (801) 567-8807 with any questions you may have.

We would like to have this completed and turned into the Utah State Board of Education by April 28, 2023.

Thank you for helping Jordan School District achieve “Safety in the Schools”.

Valued Licensed Employees:

The Human Resource Department is contacting you with important information regarding upcoming events and opportunities.

Teachers and other educators whose educator license will expire on June 30, 2023, are encouraged to begin the license renewal process starting February 1st by going to the USBE website.  You may begin reviewing the videos; however, license renewals cannot be submitted to the USBE before January 2023. The District HR Department will send you reminders in November, January, and March.  A FINAL reminder will be sent to you in April as a 4th and FINAL NOTICE & NOTICE OF TERMINATION should you not receive your license renewal certification in CACTUS by June 30, 2023.

LICENSED EARLY NOTIFICATION (Resignation or Retirement)
Licensed employees resigning/retiring at the end of the current contract year, who give official early notification in SKYWARD – EMPLOYEE ACCESS, will be eligible for a tiered incentive. To qualify, notification must be submitted on or before the following dates:

  • February 15, 2023        $200.00

 The incentive will be paid on the last regular paycheck. Notifications of resignation/retirement received after the dates listed above will not qualify for an incentive. The official District “Notice of Resignation” form is found in Skyward under “Employee Access”. Please see District policy DP318 for more detailed information regarding resignations. If you do not know your Skyward username or password please contact the Help Desk at 801-567-8737.

Licensed employees who do not submit an official “Notice of Resignation” form in Skyward “Employee Access” with at least thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice WILL BE FINED $500, which will be deducted from their final check.  Informing your principal/school administrator either verbally or in writing is not sufficient.  See District Policy DP318 – Resignations - Licensed.

School/District Administrators must submit an official “Notice of Resignation” form in Skyward “Employee Access” with at least sixty (60) calendar days’ written notice WILL BE FINED $500 in accordance with District Policy DP318A – Resignations-Administrators.

February 1, 2023

Special Education Staff
School Secretaries

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Special Education Budget Closeout for the 2022-23 School Year

Please note that Special Education purchase orders/requisitions for the 2022-23 school year must be received by Monday, March 6, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m. Please remember the following:

  • Budgets are not carried over from one year to the next.
  • Remember to deduct any previously submitted amounts from your Special Education budget (so that you know your balance) before submitting new orders. This includes reimbursements submitted through your school. No orders will be processed that exceed your budgeted allocation.
  • Please check with your school secretary to make sure all Special Education reimbursements have been submitted to the Special Education Department by the March 6th deadline. We will soon be providing each school secretary with a sheet of currently recorded purchase/reimbursement totals for the special education department at your school up through January 31, 2023.
  • When ordering supplies, follow Skyward procedures.
  • Be sure to follow the ordering guidelines outlined in the attached budget information page, as you close out your current year budgets.

Staff will be notified of the new budget allocation amount prior to the start of the new school year. Keep in mind that new purchase orders/requisitions will not be processed until late July when all of the current year’s budgets have been closed out.

As you close out your budgets for the current school year, please note the following:

  1. All purchase orders/requisitions, should be routed through Amanda Hamblin in the Special Education Department.
  2. Use the following codes for Purchase Orders/Requisitions, P-Cards, and ECHECKS submitted through the year.

Coding for P.O.s/Requisitions, NPOs, P-Cards, ECHECKS:

10 E (School #) 1295 1090 Use object code

If you have questions regarding your Special Education budget, please contact Amanda Hamblin at (801) 567-8177.

Please review the Special Education Budget information that is attached below.

Prior to the TEACHER TRANSFER FAIR on February 13th, principals may post available positions for the 2023-24 school year on a Google Form. Please fill out the Teacher Transfer Fair link to advertise your transfer openings for teachers and other licensed employees. This will allow teachers to view your postings prior to the Teacher Transfer Fair.

Each year, the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals (UAESP) gives the Jordan Association of Elementary School Principals (JAESP) the opportunity to celebrate elementary principals for the great work they are doing in their schools. Principals may be nominated for awards in the following categories:

  • Rookie of the Year
  • Innovator of the Year
  • Community Leader of the Year
  • Student Advocate Principal of the Year
  • Instructional Leader of the Year
  • Principal Mentor of the Year

Recipients of the National Distinguished Principal of the Year and Assistant Principal of the Year have already been chosen and will be recognized soon.

If you feel that a principal has done exceptional work in one of these areas, we invite you to nominate them for an award through this survey.

All nominations are due Feb. 10, 2023. Please remember this is for elementary principals only.

The following principals are ineligible to be nominated because they have received an award during the last three school years:
Garett York, Theresa Christensen, Tiffany Smith, Ross Menlove, Megan Cox, Cherie Wilson, Odette Desmarais, Buddy Alger, Shauna Worthington, Courtney Titus, Bobbie Nixon, Jennifer Ludlow, Ann Pessetto, Laurie Goodsell, Suzie Williams, Ken Westwood, Aaron Ichimura, Amanda Edwards, Nick Hansen, Joel Pullan, Ronna Hoffman

After all nominations have been received, the JAESP board will present the awards to each recipient at their own school. Recipients will then be eligible for state-level awards in the same category through UAESP.

Thank you for taking the time to nominate exceptional elementary principals!