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2022-23 School LAND Trust Final Report – Important Guidelines to Follow!

Final Report Expenditures are displayed at the top of the Final Report. You can see where you did or didn't spend your allocation. As the principal you need to account for these expenditures.

If you have expenditures listed on the right side under "Actual Expenditures" and there is a $0.00 listed on the left side under "Planned Expenditures" you need to explain why you incurred those expenses and how they tie into your plan. There is a box at the bottom of the report "Final Report Comments". You can explain these expenditures in that box.

If you have expenditures listed on the left side under "Planned Expenditures" but you have $0.00 on the right side under "Actual Expenditures" you need to mark a "No" on the question "Were the Action Steps (including any approved Funding Changes described below) implemented and associated expenditures spent as described? A box will then open up and you can explain why you didn't spend that money.

Please make sure these explanations are taken care of so your Final Report can be approved as quickly as possible. Reports are due by February 26, 2024.

This is what is looked for when approving Final Reports:

● The report clearly states how School LAND Trust funds were spent to support the academic goals and student achievement
● The expenditures match the LEA’s financial records for SLT OR an explanation of any discrepancies is outlined in each applicable goal
● There is no negative carry-over in the report
● There is no student or personal data listed in the report
● There are no unanswered questions

The 2024-25 Upcoming Plan cannot be submitted until the final report is completed, submitted, and finalized by the District Office. We will finalize reports as quickly as possible as you submit them.

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