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September 27, 2021

School Psychologists and School Psychology Interns

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

October School Psychologist Guidance Meeting

A meeting for school psychologists and school psychology interns has been scheduled for Friday, October 8, 2021, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Auxiliary Services Building (7905 South Redwood Road). Dr. Alina Fong, neuropsychologist, and Dr. Jaycie Loewen, clinical neuroscientist from Cognitive FX will provide us with a presentation that addresses the needs of students with traumatic brain injuries.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


Here's helpful information that has been provided after the communications discussions held at the principal and  assistant principal meetings.

This is a ten-minute tutorial (unedited) on Snooze Buttons (Mobile/Desktop), Inbox Types, Reading Panes, and Multiple inboxes.

Gmail Snooze, Inbox types, Reading Panes, Multiple Inboxes Tutorial

Jordan School District 2021-22 Dashboard


The Salt Lake County Health Department has been directed to move all COVID reporting and tracking to a county-hosted system. As a result, the reporting form link for Jordan District staff has changed. The new link is below.
Positive Case Reporting Form


Use this link to upload seating charts to your school's folder. Label the document with the teachers ,name, grade level, or subject. Please make sure these are complete, legible, and kept up-to-date. Use first and last names for the students.
Jordan School District 2021-22 Seating Charts


The administrator JAES evaluation (full and interim) is now available for all administrators on Perform. To better assist with the completion of the administrator JAES evaluation, attached are the standards and rubric for rating the evaluation. Please contact the JES office with any questions at (801) 567-8369 or

According to State Law (Utah Code Section 53G-10-406; R277-910 ), all 4th grade students should receive the Elementary Botvin LifeSkills Training lessons. The main goals of the Botvin LST program are to teach prevention-related information, promote anti-drug norms, teach drug refusal skills, and foster the development of personal self-management skills and general social skills. Schools are asked to select at least one 4th grade teacher to attend the teacher training for Botvin LifeSkills. The training is designed to prepare teachers to deliver the curriculum with content and process fidelity. This training increases the effectiveness of the program and assists providers in developing implementation strategies for the program’s comfort and fit in individual sites.

How to Register for the Online Teacher Training:
Step 1: Click here to register on MIDAS--Be sure to go to your cart and “check-out” after registering to ensure that your registration is complete.

Step 2: After registering on MIDAS, participants should complete this survey so that we make sure to send the access code and materials to the correct email address and physical address.

Teacher’s Manuals:
All staff who complete the training will be given access to an electronic version of the teacher’s manuals. Due to the high volume of trainings completed, and due to Covid related issues with the printer, there has been a delay in shipping out the physical copies of the Elementary Teacher’s Manual. Staff who have completed the training and are having difficulties accessing the electronic version of the teacher’s manual can email to regain access.

Stipend & Sub-Reimbursement Update:
Starting September 1st, LEAs may invoice USBE $150 for the following:

  • Sub-reimbursement for teachers who required a sub to complete the training
  • Stipends for teachers who completed the training after September 1st while off-contract

Starting September 1st, invoices can be sent to

(In the meantime, USBE will continue to send the necessary stipend paperwork to off-contract teachers who completed the training through August 31st.)

Instructions for implementing the program in online/virtual settings:
The secure PDF version of the Student Guide and Teacher’s Manual are the recommended materials format for online and/or virtual classes.

Teachers who have completed the training should already have PDF access, and can email if they have any problems accessing the materials.

Teachers who are teaching online should teach the lessons as close to the in-person instructions as possible including providing an opportunity for skills practice (live is preferable.)  

The Botvin LifeSkills Training provider is exploring resources to increase interaction online for LST Elementary for the 2022-2023 academic year.

For more information regarding the required Botvin LifeSkills Training Program:

Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program

Salt Lake County Health Department - Team assisting Jordan School District

Paige Allen-Rife – 801-448-9620,
Candice Briese – 801-859-1939,
Amber Martin – 385-722-0517,
Lara Fields – 801-836-2670,
Mia McDonald – 385-219-5908,

The agenda for the optional training sessions for office and administrative staff of schools and District departments is attached. The September 30th and October 14th sessions will be held in the morning and the October 4th session in the afternoon (same information presented at each session). If you would like to participate in one of the sessions, please send an email to Lisa LeStarge at and let her know which date you would like to sign-up to attend. Attendees of each session will receive an email the day prior to the training with instructions for connecting to the Zoom meeting.

September 22, 2021

Secondary Principals
Elementary Principals

Shelley Nordick, PhD, Administrator, Teaching and Learning
Norman Emerson, Fine Arts Consultant

Ballet West 2021-22 Student In-Theater Presentations

Ballet West is again providing free presentations of the following ballets in the Capitol Theater:

  • Dracula (Grades 5-12)
  • The Little Mermaid (Grades 1-12)
  • The Nutcracker (Grades 1-12, One and Two-Hour Presentation Available)
  • Romeo and Juliet (Grades 3-12)
  • Choreographic Festival (Grades 5-12)

Each program begins with an educational introduction and is followed by a portion of the repertoire currently being performed for the general public.

Ballet West will be following CDC and SL County guidelines for all of their student offerings. Until further notice masks will be required to attend any presentation.

Please refer to this spreadsheet for the dates, times, and Jordan District seating allotments of the performances. If any of your teachers are interested in having their classes attend any of the performances, please have them contact Susy Peterson at or 801-567-8296.

Please be aware that Ballet West will not be covering the costs of transportation.

September 23, 2021

Employees in the District Office, Auxiliary Services Building, and Transportation Facilities

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Shelley Nordick, Administrator of Teaching and Learning

Halloween Activities

Some departments and buildings have had a tradition of employees bringing their children and grandchildren into the building on Halloween for trick-or-treating. This activity has many merits and benefits to our groups and teams. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to maintain safety for all employees and their family members, we will not be having these types of activities this year.

We know this may be a disappointment to many who look forward to this each year. However, many employees and/or those they go home to each evening have health concerns that make such activities unwise at this time.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the cancellation of these Halloween activities, please communicate them through your supervisor to their Cabinet level supervisor.

Please use these contacting an interpreter for your school procedures when you need an interpreter or a document translated for your school. 

  1. Contact Mirsa Joosten in Equity and Compliance at 801-567-8314 for the language you need to be interpreted at the school. She can also help with the translation of documents. 
  2. If not available or she cannot assist you right away, you may use the number to connect with Commgap. 

Special Notes:
This number is for administrators and office staff to use. Please do not give out to the entire staff. 

When you can use this number: to share good news about a student, an accident, homework clarification, information on signed papers, issues at school, set up a meeting with translator, remind families of the District parent orientations, etc. 

For any clarification, please contact Language and Culture Services. 

Commgap offers on-site, over-the-phone, tele-health and video remote interpreting in over 100 languages. Language and Culture services will pay the invoice on calls made.

We want to assist our parents of second language learners by giving them a virtual tour of the District and resources to our schools. Please share this flyer with your Refugee, immigrant, asylee and EL families. Please fill out this google form, "Contact information for Parent Orientations" on the families behalf if they plan on attending. Interpreters will be provided. If they need assistance with transportation, please have them contact Michelle Love-Day in Language and Culture Services. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

All School Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021-22 Stakeholder Input Survey – Preparation and Administration Details

The 2021-22 Stakeholder Input Survey will be administered to parents, all school faculty and staff, and students in grades K-12 beginning Monday, November 1, 2021, and ending Friday, November 19, 2021. All parents, licensed educators, education support professionals and students should be invited and encouraged to participate in the survey.

The Stakeholder Input Survey is used as part of licensed educators’ annual evaluation, including this year’s JPAS Lite. Survey respondents have the opportunity to take part of the survey for school principals, assistant principals, classroom teachers and licensed support staff (i.e., instructional coaches, counselors, school psychologists, speech language pathologists, library media coordinators, cluster leaders, etc.). Thus, we need to ensure that the survey contains an accurate list of each school’s licensed educators for whom respondents can take the survey.

Principals and administrative assistants will receive staff verification lists via a shared Google Sheet from Ben Jameson that contains a list of licensed educators currently in Skyward. Administrative assistants, under the supervision of the principal or administrative designee, will verify the accuracy of that list, adding or deleting licensed educators as necessary. Staff verification lists will be sent to all schools by Thursday, September 30, 2021. Staff verification lists need to be verified and sent back to Ben Jameson by Friday, October 8, 2021. This will allow enough time to upload the staff lists into the survey. Once the survey begins, we will be unable to add or delete any staff.

The staff verification list should contain ALL licensed educators:

  • Principal
  • Assistant principals
  • Counselors
  • Teachers
  • School psychologists
  • Speech language pathologists
  • Library media specialists/coordinators
  • Cluster leaders
  • Instructional, technology, literacy, Title I or any other licensed academic coaches (non-licensed or athletic coaches need not be included unless they fill one of the above listed roles)
  • Any other licensed and certified educators at your school

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Elementary School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Rebecca Smith, Consultant over ALPS/Gifted and Talented

Universal CogAt Testing of 6th Grade Students Training and Test Administration

Principals, please share the memo below with your school test coordinator and 6th grade teachers.

September 16, 2021

All Jordan School District Principals (with bus route students)

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation
Kathy Jones, Transportation Trainer/Risk Coordinator

State Required Bus Evacuations and School Bus Safety 2021-2022

State required semi-annual school bus evacuations have been scheduled for this fall. This applies to those students that ride the bus daily to and from school.

The evacuations will be conducted during the week of:

Monday, September 27, 2021 through Friday, October 1, 2021

Your school’s regular bus drivers will perform this evacuation one day during the week as they drop your students off in the morning. This procedure takes place at your school and is located in your normal bus drop off/pick up zone. All professional school bus drivers that transport students are required to perform evacuation procedures in case of an emergency. Bus evacuation will be through the front door this year. Students will then, under the direction and supervision of the bus driver, evacuate and meet in a safe place approximately 100 feet away from the bus.

Your assistance is welcome but not mandatory to complete this required evacuation drill quickly, safely and effectively.

We appreciate all you do to help us safely transport your students.

September 15, 2021

All Principals
All Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Brian King, Principal, River’s Edge School

ASPEN Training for Special Education Personnel 2021-2022

ASPEN training will continue to be required for all licensed special education teachers, SLPs, school psychologists, elementary school counselors, and for all instructional assistants in SEB and Autism self-contained support classrooms during the 2021-2022 school year. First year staff and staff that have not completed the full certification ASPEN training should register for the training on JPLS. Training dates and times are attached to this memo.

Although not required, instructional assistants working in any other special education setting may choose to attend ASPEN at the discretion of their building administrator.

If you have more than one teacher or instructional assistant that needs to attend, please consider having them attend on separate days in order to maintain adequate coverage in your school. The Special Education Department will cover the costs of substitutes for licensed special education teachers that will be attending the full certification under budget code 1292. Instructional assistants will be asked to use True Time to record their typical workday hours on the day of the training. Any additional hours spent in the training above their typical workday will need to be recorded on a timesheet.

Class sizes for the full certification will be limited based on the location of the training in order to promote physical distancing. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in the physical skills associated with ASPEN at the end of the class.

Staff that participated in a full certification or recertification ASPEN training during the previous school year should plan on taking an ASPEN recertification class that will be offered online. Staff should register on JPLS for the recertification class. After they are registered, participants will receive an invitation within two working days to participate in the online course. Participants will have two weeks during which they can complete the course work at their own pace. This course is expected to take approximately 3 hours. Dates for the online sessions are attached to this memo. Participants that successfully complete the course will be compensated for 3 hours of work (licensed- inservice rate, classified- hourly rate).

Mandt training will continue to be required at Kauri Sue Hamilton and River’s Edge School. Personnel at these schools do not need to attend ASPEN. Others wishing to keep their Mandt training current may do so; however, participation is not mandatory and teachers and instructional assistants will not be compensated for their attendance.

For questions please contact:
Daveed Goodrich at

Optional training will be provided by the Business and Auxiliary Services Departments on September 30, October 4, and 14 via Zoom. This training opportunity is for school or department personnel including principals, assistant principals, administrative assistants, clerks, aides or others with responsibilities correlating with the Business or Auxiliary Services Departments. The draft agenda is attached.

If you would like to participate in one of the sessions, please send an email to Lisa LeStarge, at and let her know which date you would like to sign-up to attend. The total number of participants in each session will be capped at 80 (plus presenters). Because we want the sessions to have the same interactive environment as in-person sessions, attendees will be able to submit questions via ZOOM Chat. Attendees will also be provided with a link to hand-outs provided by the presenters so they can be viewed during the training or downloaded for future use.

We hope you will take advantage of this training opportunity.