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If you haven't had a chance to sign-up please go in and do it today. The count is going to the caterer tomorrow, June 10th!

The assistant principal meeting will be held June 16th at the JATC-S from 8:30-12:30 pm. A beverage service will be served starting at 8:00 am and lunch will be provided. Attendance is encouraged but not required at this meeting. In order to have a count for the luncheon please sign-up by clicking HERE. We hope to see you all there!


All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Additional Dates for Prevention Planning!

Our Health and Wellness team will be offering additional prevention planning parties (also known as workshops) for school leaders and their teams at the ASB Auditorium on the following dates and times. We will be using the District’s prevention planning guidelines to support your school’s planning.

  • May 19th, 8:30-11:00 OR 12:30-3:00
  • May 25th, 8:30-11:00 OR 12:30-3:00
  • June 10th, 8:30-11:00 OR 12:30-3:00
  • August 5th, 8:30-11:00 OR 12:30-3:00

Use this link to sign up

This prevention planning workshop is an opportunity to communicate to your school community all of the great things that your school does to care for your students! The intended outcome of the workshop for attendees will be a completed, concise, clear prevention plan for their school that highlights their unique approach and follows District and State guidelines. If you would like to make alternate arrangements for prevention planning, please reach out to McKinley Withers (801-567-8245

If you would like to do create your school’s plan on your own, use this fillable PDF and planning tool as a resource.


All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Free Parent Coaching & Courses Available for Parents and Employees

Our District has created a partnership with the Cook Center for Human Connection.

As part of this partnership, FREE parent coaching is available to all of our District’s parents and employees. For more information on this resource, please review and share the attached flyers.

In addition to available coaching, there are several free courses in both English and Spanish available for parents to take online. Topics for these courses include “Helping your child when they’re bullied,” “How parents can prevent suicide,” as well as many others! These courses are available at

We hope that parents and students will benefit from this resource.


Administrators: Please share the attached flyer with those in your building who might be interested in becoming a principal.

Apply by August 19, 2022 at the BYU Aspiring Principals Academy page


Workshops focused on the enrichment side of Walk to Reading will be offered in June for teachers in grades 1-6. The workshops are optional. Teachers will be paid three hours at inservice rate for attendance. Space is limited. Register on JPLS. Please see the flyer for dates and times specific to grade bands.

Jordan School District Drought Watering Plan Summer 2022

Date: May 18, 2022

In consideration of our extraordinary drought conditions we are implementing the following procedures:

  • All school irrigation clocks are being adjusted to water only two days per week. Some larger schools require two days to rotate through all of their stations, so people may see the sprinklers on every day, but each station will only be watering two times per week.
  • We will only be watering during the evening and night time hours. On occasion, sprinklers may be running a brief test cycle during the day to check for broken heads or to make spray pattern adjustments.
  • New sod and seed areas will continue to be watered according to recommended schedules.
  • The Custodial Department will continue to work with individual schools to assist with broken sprinkler heads and to correct spray pattern issues.
  • We continue to encourage schools to submit work orders to repair leaking faucets, toilets and drinking fountains.
  • We will continue to follow this drought issue closely and plan to comply with any other State, County or local restrictions.
  • All principals and custodians will be informed of these changes and our plans moving forward.
  • Please continue to call or email us with any water issues that are brought to your attention and we will dispatch our employees to address them.

We hope that this helps you answer questions and demonstrates our commitment to responsible water use during these extreme conditions.

May 20, 2022

Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School Age)
Speech-Language Pathologists

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Updated Extended Year for Special Educator Stipend Days 2021-22

A specific group of special educators were allowed to work up to 4 additional days for the 2021-22 school year. Eligible staff that have days left to work, and did not work all of their allotted days in the fall, are required to complete a survey to be paid for those days. After you have completed working the days, simply click on the link in the attached memo to start the survey. This link will open on June 7, 2021 at 7am and will remain open until June 30, 2022 at midnight. Please remember you cannot enter the days you already worked and were paid for in the fall. Submitted days must be worked between June 7-20, 2022.

Attached is the memo with the instructions and the FAQ sheet.



May 19, 2022

All Principals and Administrative Assistants

June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources

Summer Hours for School Personnel

Please review the schedule of Summer Hours for School Personnel below, with all designated summer school personnel at your location.





May 19, 2022

School Principals and Administrative Assistants

Administrators of Schools

Principal Year-End Check Out Materials for 2021-22

Attached is the list of all forms and items to be completed for principal check out.

  • Items highlighted in yellow will be reviewed at check out with your Administrator of Schools.
  • Items highlighted in green require you to bring the requested items to your checkout.
  • Forms provided by the District for principal check out are included with this JAM.
  • You should turn in one completed copy of each form and keep a copy on file in your school for easy reference as you prepare the check out for the next school year.

If you have any questions, please contact your Administrator of Schools’ administrative assistant.

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2022:

  • Frederico Rowe, staff assistant in Teaching and Learning appointed Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer.
  • Ami Shah, assistant principal at West Jordan Elementary appointed Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Consultant.
  • Amanda Bollinger, staff assistant in Special Education appointed staff assistant in Teaching & Learning, replacing Frederico Rowe.
  • Brian King, principal at River’s Edge appointed staff assistant in the Special Education Department, replacing Amanda Bollinger.
  • Melanie Dawson, assistant principal at River’s Edge appointed principal at River’s Edge, replacing Brian King.
  • Angela Hamilton, assistant principal at Bastian Elementary and Butterfield Canyon Elementary appointed principal at Antelope Canyon Elementary, replacing Tami Bird who is retiring.
  • Jay Eads, assistant principal at Mountain Point Elementary and Westland Elementary appointed principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary, replacing Michelle Peterson who is retiring.
  • Amber Allen, BYU intern facilitator at Mountain Point Elementary appointed assistant principal at Bastian Elementary and another elementary to be determined.
  • Leilani Brecht, assistant principal at Silver Crest Elementary transferred to assistant principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary and Silver Crest Elementary, replacing Angela Hamilton.
  • Nathan Price, assistant principal at Riverside Elementary transferred to assistant principal at Oak Leaf Elementary and Mountain Point Elementary, replacing Jay Eads.
  • Connie Bailey, assistant principal at South Jordan Middle transferred to assistant principal at Riverside Elementary, replacing Nathan Price.
  • Kami Taylor, consultant in Teaching & Learning transferred to assistant principal at South Jordan Middle, replacing Connie Bailey.
  • Brandon Larsen, band teacher at Herriman High appointed assistant principal at Elk Ridge Middle, replacing Shelly Gottfredson who is retiring.
  • Amy Lloyd, assistant principal at Copper Mountain Middle transferred to assistant principal at Sunset Ridge Middle, replacing Tiffany Cooke who is retiring.
  • Matt Lindsey, assistant principal at West Hills Middle transferred to assistant principal at Copper Mountain Middle, replacing Amy Lloyd.
  • Tim Brooks, assistant principal at Mountain Creek Middle transferred to assistant principal at West Hills Middle, replacing Matt Lindsey.
  • Michael Wilkey, school counselor at Herriman High appointed assistant principal at Mountain Creek Middle, replacing Tim Brooks.
  • Sally Wilde, administrative intern at Bingham High appointed assistant principal at Bingham High, replacing Jim Groethe.
  • Stewart Hudnall, assistant principal at Herriman High transferred to assistant principal at Bingham High, replacing Michael Farnsworth.
  • Michael Farnsworth, assistant principal at Bingham High transferred to assistant principal at Copper Hills High, replacing Glen Varga.
  • Glen Varga, assistant principal at Copper Hills High transferred to assistant principal at Riverton High, replacing Glen Richins.
  • Glen Richins, assistant principal at Riverton High transferred to assistant principal at Herriman High, replacing Stewart Hudnall.

We invite you to celebrate and learn about our Asian Heritage and Pacific Islander friends and community. The term “Asian and Pacific Islander” includes all people of Asian, Asian American or Pacific Islander ancestry who trace their origins to the countries, states, jurisdictions and/or the diasporic communities of these geographic regions. The month of May is set aside in the US to observe the groups of people from this community and their contribution to our world. 

Junteenth, also known as June Nineteenth, is a holiday that marks the day in 1865 when Union troops arrived in Texas more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation to tell remaining enslaved African Americans that the Civil War had ended and that they were free. The holiday has been celebrated by Black Americans since the late-19th century.

Juneteenth has been celebrated in Utah for the last 33 years in the African American community. There are events, flag raising ceremonies, picnics, and many more. Please share the information with your school community and students.

A friendly reminder for the Employee-Funded Sick Bank Policy,

  1. Employees are automatically enrolled in the sick bank each year through the annual donation of one (1) annual leave day to the sick bank.

More information regarding the Employee-Funded Sick Bank can be found in policies, DP326NEG -Sick Leave-Educational Support Professionals and DP 324NEG -Sick Leave-Licensed.

For those who wish to opt out of participation in the Employee-Funded Sick Bank, keep an eye out for instructions starting in the July issues of JEM and JAM.

*First Year Educational Support Professionals and hourly employees are not eligible for sick bank, therefore, a sick bank day will not be deducted (if applicable).

May 13, 2022

All Certified Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Year-End Checkout for Special Education

The items listed in the attached memo need attention as you prepare to close out the 2021-22 school year. Any questions or concerns that arise should be directed to your school’s Teacher Specialist for clarification.

Heggerty classes are now available on JPLS for all kindergarten, first-grade, and second-grade teachers who still need the training. 

MSRC classes are now available on JPLS for all third-grade and up teachers who still need the training. 

Really Great Reading training links are available for all kindergarten through third-grade teachers who still need the training. Please contact Sara Henderson to have links sent to teachers. 

Please remind all new teachers to sign up for the training for their grade-level. Teachers can use the search tool on JPLS to find Heggerty and MSRC sections.

Literacy Training Dates

Utah State Senate Bill 150 requires schools to assess students three times per school year (fall, winter, & spring) and inform first, second, and third grade parents/guardians of the testing outcomes. The attached templates can be copied onto school letterhead and sent home with students by June 6, 2022.

EOY On Level (English)

EOY On Level (Spanish)

EOY Below Level (English)

EOY Below Level (Spanish)

It is time to register your school’s STEM educators for the Elementary STEM PLC. This program supports elementary STEM rotations by training teachers/instructional assistants to use the district-owned tech tools and provides professional learning around STEM and Computer Science.

As part of the STEM PLC, your school will have access to a rotation of tech tools and hands-on STEM activities during the school year. We have also purchased licensing for a coding and keyboarding platform (for the 2022-2023 school year), which will be available for your school’s use.

Please review this PDF Summary for details about the program, including attendance requirements. If your school is interested in participating, please complete this Google Form. Deadline to register is May 25, 2022.

Questions can be directed to Kami Taylor