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2020 WIDA Dashboards

Thursday, May 28, 2020

All Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2020 WIDA Dashboards

Tableau dashboards containing the 2020 WIDA Access 2.0 results for second language learners are now available in your Tableau Viewer account.  School administrators may access these dashboards here: - /site/benstableau/workbooks/1626641/views
Explore > WIDA Access 2.0 Analysis > 1-WIDA Access Results, 2017-2020 - /site/benstableau/projects/126785
Explore > WIDA Access 2.0 Analysis > [Your School] 2020 WIDA Student Results > 2020 WIDA – Student List

There are three dashboards that school administrators should peruse:

2020 WIDA Composite and Reporting Category Proficiency:
This dashboard will allow school administrators to compare their school’s proficiency levels and progress with that of other demographically similar schools within the district.

WIDA School Report:
This dashboard will go into more detail on the number of students who participated in the test, students reaching proficiency, proficiency levels for composite and reporting category scores, and scale score progress to proficiency all from 2017 to 2020.

2020 WIDA – Student List:
This dashboard comes equipped with multiple filters allowing you to drill down to individual student data.  This list will be useful as you begin making plans for remediation and support of second language learners for the 2020-21 school year.

For the 15 elementary and middle schools who administered the WIDA themselves, there are also dashboards containing a comparison of scores between those who, because they administered the test themselves, were able to spread the testing out into smaller time slots to prevent test exhaustion and the other schools where district testers administered the test all in one sitting, as has been done in years past.

Please contact Ben Jameson if you have questions about these dashboards or if you would like to discuss these data further.

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