The fourth and final notification of expiring licenses was sent to 224 licensed employees on April 20, 2018. This final letter serves as a notification of termination if they choose not to complete the process by June 30, 2018. We requested your assistance in notifying the employees, securing their signature and returning the form to HR by May 11, 2018.
To date, HR has received 102 of the 224 letters sent out to licensed employees with expiring licenses. According to CACTUS, there are 113 educators that have not yet completed their license renewal, 19 of which have not yet begun their background check process. Principals will be receiving an email with status details for those educators in their building who still haven’t completed the license renewal process.
If educators still have questions after reviewing the instructions contained in previous notifications, they should contact Jill or Stacy immediately for assistance.
- Stacy 801-567-8215 (Elementary)
- Jill 801-567-8227 (Secondary)
Please provide encouragement to your educators to act quickly to avoid termination, as licensure is a condition of employment. HR needs the form returned by all who received it regardless of their current renewal status. Thank you in advance for encouraging those in your building with expiring licenses to take care of this as soon as possible.