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Transportation Concerns 2016-17


There are two issues that are causing great concern related to Transportation where we need your help.

First, there is a very serious disregard for the safety of our kids by motorists who are illegally failing to stop for our buses when the red lights are flashing and the stop arm is out. Last week we did a one day survey of stop arm violations and witnessed 61 motorists in one day passing our buses when students were loading or unloading and the red lights and stop arm were deployed. Of those 61, three were on the right (loading) side of the bus. Would you please make every effort to educate your patrons about this serious issue. We do not want our precious students injured by one of these careless motorists.

Second, we need your assistance keeping parents out of the bus loading/unloading zone at your school when buses are present. We are placing our bus drivers and buses in a dangerous situation where cars are blocking their unobstructed ingress and egress at your school. Please help us out by restricting cars from your bus pickup/drop off zones until the buses have a chance to leave.

Your support is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact Transportation Services 801-567-8840.

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