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2023-24 School Wellness Representatives

May 25, 2023

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

2023-2024 School Wellness Representatives

The wellness team is excited to announce the continuation of our Wellness Reps Program that is intended to support employee health and wellness. The Educator Wellness Representatives will primarily be responsible for supporting faculty/staff wellness efforts within your schools.

Wellness Reps Information:

  • Duties include:
    • Will attend quarterly in person retreats and monthly Zoom meetings
    • Promote wellness initiatives at the District and school level
    • Lead and support faculty/staff wellness efforts at your school throughout the year
    • Maintain a connection with District Wellness Specialists
    • Model educator wellness for the school community
  • How are they selected?
    • Principal nominates ONE educator wellness representative for each school using this form.
    • Must be a licensed, non-administrative, non-mental health team staff member. Also, we recommend they work with a leadership team or social committee at your school.
  • Principals may work with their current reps to see if they’re interested in doing this important work again for the upcoming school year.
  • Eligible chosen individuals will receive a stipend.
  • Action Items for administrators:
    • Please nominate your Educator Wellness Representative by August 25, 2023
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