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APPEL Domains VI and V Requirements for Associate License

Educators who are working toward a professional license through the APPEL program have specific requirements that must be met and signed off. To better assist those educators in collection requirements for the Competencies section a document has been created and added to Perform accounts.

Educators will go to My Folder - Tasks - APPEL Domains VI and V Requirements - Go to Form and write a description of the artifacts they will show or upload into Perform (Indicators 50-62 from the UETS-based Domain Document). Once the educator has completed the description for each indicator and gathered all evidence to show they will submit the form to the supervisor for approval. Approval is completed once the supervisor reviews the evidence and description, selects a rating for each indicator, and then clicks on the Approve button.

The administrator will go to My Staff - Staff and then select Folder next to the form labeled APPEL REQUIREMENTS - DOMAINS IV AND V for the correct teacher. The administrator will not be able to go to the form or view the form until the teacher has submitted it.

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