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2021 Student Data Privacy Resource Review Process

September 29, 2021

Building Principals
District Department Directors
Financial Secretaries
Administrative Assistants

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Kurt Prusse, Director, Purchasing
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Student Data Privacy Resource Review Process

As explained in the September Principal and Assistant Principal meetings, Utah law (53E-9-301, 53E-9-303) requires local education agencies (LEAs) to create a publicly available metadata dictionary that contains a listing of:

  • All personally identifiable student data collected and shared by the LEA
  • A comprehensive list of all recipients with whom the LEA has shared personally identifiable student data, including the purpose for sharing the data, the justification for sharing the data (including if the sharing was required by federal law, state law, or local directive), and how the sharing is permitted under federal or state law.

This means that any third-party resource that receives personally identifiable student data from the District must be cataloged and, where necessary, reviewed for compliance with USBE data privacy expectations.

Rollout to Staff
Building principals are responsible to rollout the process to faculty and staff. The rollout consists of a six-minute video and a handout that were made available at Principal Meeting. Questions that the principal cannot answer may be forwarded by the principal to Caleb Olson in Planning & Enrollment. When the rollout has been completed, principals must indicate their school’s compliance on the reporting form.

Purchasing Changes
Prior to September Principal Meeting, Purchasing staff would hold school and department requisitions for resources that used personally identifiable student data and facilitated the process of gaining the necessary review and/or a student data privacy agreement. This review will now be handled through Planning & Enrollment, and until appropriate clearance is given by Planning & Enrollment to Purchasing, the requisition will not be processed.

A form has been created for school staff to submit a review request to Planning & Enrollment prior to entering a requisition in Skyward (please note that this form is different from the form teachers will use to request a review of classroom resources). This form should be completed by the individual or team that is requesting the purchase; administrative assistants may enter completed information as part of the requisition process but should not have responsibility for vetting the privacy practices of the requested resources. A fillable PDF form is available for individuals or teams to gather the necessary information so that another staff member can submit the form.

Teachers with specific questions about the process should be directed to your location’s digital coach. Administrators and administrative assistants with specific questions about the process may contact Caleb Olson (x88251).

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