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JPAS Reminders – October 2021

The following are reminders to keep in mind when completing evaluations. 

Full UETS-based JPAS -- Teachers on a full UETS-based JPAS will upload student performance information (SLO) and stakeholder input in place of completing the interview portion of the JPAS. Teachers can upload the documents directly from their computer by logging into Perform and choosing “My Folder” -- “Evidence” -- “Add Artifact.” Teachers are asked to name the file and can then choose to upload a document from the computer or add a URL. 

  • Student growth can be recorded on the form that was previously sent out in this issue of JAM. Please review the instructions and make sure teachers have the form for uploading. If any other documentation is being used, please  ensure  that the document includes: 
    • The core standard
    • A growth target
    • Pre assessment information (include dates and scores)
    • Post assessment information (include dates and scores)
    • A summary of student growth
  • Stakeholder input could include climate survey information, copies of emails or descriptive phone logs. The intent is to show personalized communication with parents.

Administrators may access evidence by logging into Perform and  selecting “My Staff” -- “Staff” -- the individual teacher’s folder -- “Evidence.”  (No action is required.)

The first cycle for provisional teachers is due December 18, 2021.

Interim --  Teachers on an Interim JPAS will complete a self evaluation and 3 required goals at the beginning of the year and reflect on the 3 required goals at the end of the year. Teachers can access the evaluation by logging into Perform and choosing “My Folder” -- “Tasks” -- “Beginning of Year Interim Form.”  Teachers must click on the “Save and Submit” button once they have completed the beginning of the year form so that the evaluator can access the form for approval.

Administrators may access and approve Interim Evaluations by logging into Perform and selecting “Signatures.”  Evaluations will not be available for approval until after the teacher has “Saved and Submitted.” 

Beginning of the year requirements and approval are due October 31, 2021. 

Teachers on an Interim JPAS will complete an end-of-year reflection by logging into Perform and choosing “My Folder” -- “Tasks” -- “End of Year Interim Form.”  Student growth (SLO) and stakeholder input are uploaded at this time. 

  • Student growth can be recorded on the form that was previously sent out in this issue of JAM. Please review the instructions and make sure teachers have the form for uploading. If any other documentation is being used, please  ensure that the document includes: 
    • The core standard
    • A growth target
    • Pre assessment information (include dates and scores)
    • Post assessment information (include dates and scores)
    • A summary of student growth
  • Stakeholder input could include climate survey information, copies of emails or descriptive phone logs. The intent is to show personalized communication with parents. 

Deadline for completion of Interim Evaluations is May 31, 2022

Information regarding the evaluation of specialized subgroups can be found on the 2021-2022 Evaluation Processes document

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