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Procedures for the 1st Medicaid Random Moment Time Study of 2021-2022 School Year

October 1, 2021

All Medicaid Time Study Participants
Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Aides, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapist Aides, School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, Elementary School Social Workers, Audiologists, Speech and Language Pathologists and Assistants, RNs, LPNs, Augmentative/Assistive Communication Teams, and all Special Education Staff and Assistants Providing Direct Services

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Kami Ridd, Coordinator - Health Services Department

Procedures for the 1st Medicaid Random Moment Time Study of 2021-2022 School Year

Friday, October 1, 2021
and continue through the end of the day
Friday, December 31, 2021

You have been identified as a participant in the Medicaid Time Studies during the 21-22 school year.

This year, the State of Utah has transitioned to a new way of completing the time study. Instead of entering codes for activities that you are doing for a 5-day week, for 3 different times during the school year, we will be using a model called “Random Moment Time Study”.

This model will ask you what you are doing for a 15 minute “moment” in your work day. Our vendor will randomly select a participant from our district participant list and send out an email asking simple questions about what you were doing during the “moment” selected.

If you are randomly selected, you will receive an email notification 24 hours prior to your selected moment in time. The emails will come from

The email notification will provide you with a link to access the on-line Random Moment Time Study form. The hyperlink to respond to the moment will be included in the email. Email notification will be sent 24 hours before the moment and again at the exact time of the moment.

Notifications for completion will continue to be sent at 24 hours, 48 hours, and again at 68 hours after the moment has passed. After the 3rd reminder notice you will only have 4 hours to complete the study. Failure to complete the time study within the 3-day timeframe eliminates our ability to include that portion in our time-study reimbursements.

The first-time study window is from October 1 through December 31, 2021. You may be chosen multiple times or not at all. You will receive a randomly generated time study email anytime during this window. Please check your email each work day during normal work hours. 

We are excited that this new method for required participation is available and more conscientious of your time and hope that it will ease the burden that has existed in the past. We so appreciate all your efforts to document these crucial services to students. Your efforts assist us in helping to secure beneficial funds for our students and programs. Thanks again for all you do.

Questions – please reach out to Kami or Ruth in the Health Service office:

Kami Ridd

Ruth Hendriksen

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