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2021 WIDA Access Data Dashboard

June 10, 2021

All School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021 WIDA Access Results and Dashboard

Results for the 2021 WIDA Access assessment administered in January-March this year are now available on your Tableau Viewer account. School administrators may access the following data:

  • District level data
  • School level data
  • Student level data

School administrators may interact with the data using the following demographic filters:

  • School year
  • Grade level
  • Gender
  • Economically disadvantaged
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Students with a disability

A data analysis protocol has been provided to help school leadership and EL teams examine the assessment data and brainstorm possible responses or implementations to further support the learning of EL students.

As a reminder, if having a group of teachers work with the Tableau dashboards is something principals are interested in, temporary access to the 2021 WIDA Access results may be granted through Tableau. Please contact Ben Jameson for more information.


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