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2020 Flu Clinic Scheduling Form

Community Nursing Services (CNS) will be administering the on-site flu clinics again this year. I have attached the 2020 clinic scheduling form. Dates for clinics scheduled for the District Office and Auxiliary Services Building will be posted as soon as we receive confirmation of dates and times from CNS.

In addition I have included some information about the clinics for your reference

  • CNS will be offering quadrivalent flu vaccine
  • CNS can administer vaccines to children 6 months of age or older and families are welcome
  • CNS will institute all applicable COVID-19 precautions for each clinic (e.g. disinfecting,  social distancing, facial coverings, etc.)
  • Clinics can be scheduled from September 14ththrough December
  • Groups need to schedule clinics at least 2 weeks prior to date of clinic
  • No minimum member threshold for clinic to be scheduled
  • CNS is ready to start accept scheduling forms now
  • CNS will send clinic scheduling confirmation email ~ 3-5 days after request has been received
  • Flu vouchers are available if needed
  • CNS offers 2 walk-in clinics for voucher redemption

If you’re interested in scheduling a clinic and would like to receive the preferred pricing, please fill out the form and send it to Cheryl Matson at the JSD Insurance office.  If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Matson.

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