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Early Literacy Software Applications Due by May 25, 2018

Early Literacy Software Applications:

Early literacy software grant applications are now available.  As in the past, Becky Gerber will gladly submit the application on your behalf.  Please email answers to the following questions to her no later than May 25, 2018.

  1.  Which program would you like to use and for which grade levels?
    1. Imagine Learning:             K-1      2-3
    2. iReady:                                K-1      2-3
    3. Lexia:                                   K-3
    4. SuccessMaker is NOT an approved vendor on the grant this year.  If you choose to continue to use this program, the school will be responsible for payment.
  1. How many students per grade level do you anticipate using the program?
    1. Kindergarten _____
    2. 1st grade _____
    3. 2nd grade _____
    4. 3rd grade _____
  1. Do you agree to ALL assurances?

The LEA agrees to the following conditions of participation in the Early Reading Intervention Program:

  1. The LEA has the technical capability to run the software for which licenses are requested.
  2. The LEA agrees to implement the software with fidelity based on the recommendations of the software provider,including minimum number of minutes per week, included professional development for teachers and/or administrators, and technology specifications.
  3. The LEA agrees to report student data on learning gains as measured and recorded by the software by student SSID.
  4. The LEA is submitting a request for licenses to be used at a school where the principal and the K-6 faculty agree to the terms of implementation.
  1.  USBE Personalized Fidelity Pilot for Schools
    We will be running a pilot for schools that are looking to develop their own personalized fidelity measures in 2018-19. This process will support schools using their own data to establish a personalized fidelity measure that offers flexibility from the statewide requirements. We are looking for 20-30 school to sign up for an opportunity to join the pilot. Schools will be selected on first come, first served basis.
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