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Parental Exclusions from State Assessments (Opt-Out) Procedures 2015-16

Parental Exclusions from State Assessments (Opt-Out) Procedures 2015-16

USOE has created an opt-out form for parents who do not want their student to participate in state-mandated assessments.  The USOE opt-out form is titled 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments.  A link to the form has been posted on the Evaluation, Research, and Accountability Department’s webpage: .  An additional link to the opt-out form has been placed on the Jordan School District’s webpage in the “General Information” section under the “Parents and Students” tab.  The General Information link is titled “Parental Exclusion (Opt-Out)”.

Parents or guardians who choose to not have their student participate in one or more state-mandated assessments can download the 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form from either of the above links, complete and sign the form, and return the completed form to the school principal.  The completed form needs to be submitted to the principal before the date scheduled for the state-mandated assessment(s).

A parent’s use of the 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form is not mandatory.  If a parent or guardian chooses to not complete, sign and submit the form, or if the parent/guardian submits a different opt-out document, the principal should contact the parent or guardian to determine which 2015-16 state-mandated assessment(s) the parent does not want their student to participate in.  The principal should then mark the assessment(s) on a 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form.  The principal should make a notation on the form of their conversation with the parent and indicate that the parent chose to not complete and/or sign the 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form.  The principal should attach any applicable documents or email communications from the parent to the 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form and maintain a folder of the completed forms and documents.

Finally, principals need to provide a copy of the completed 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form to the school’s testing coordinator.  The testing coordinator should be directed to 1) make necessary changes in the SAGE TIDE system and 2) inform the Evaluation, Research, and Accountability Department, using the established Google Docs procedure, that the student is being opted out of the specified state-mandated assessment(s).  If the testing coordinator needs help with this Google Docs procedure, she/he can reference the two videos posted on the Evaluation, Research, and Accountability Department’s webpage under the “Testing Coordinators” tab:

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