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May 19, 2021

Elementary, Middle, High Schools Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

“NEW Behavioral and Mental Health Crisis Resource”

The Utah Department of Human Services has recently created the Stabilization and Mobile Response Team. This is meant to be an alternative to the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT). This resource is available for children and families from 7am-11pm. This resource can be reached by calling 1-833-SAFE-FAM (1-833-723-3326). This resource is meant for any parent or caregiver that is experiencing any of the following challenges with a child: threatens to inflict harm on self or others, is verbally or physically aggressive, uses substances, destroys or steals property, has difficulty in school, often runs away, bullies or is bullied, demonstrates severe changes in mood, experiences depression or anxiety, is withdrawn from friends and peers.

Here is a brief description of how this team will assist with these challenges.

Mobile Response Services

Provided to you in your home or at school to ease an immediate challenge and provide support.

  • Minimize the impact of the challenge on you and your family
  • Create safety plans
  • Connect you and your family to other helpful resources

Stabilization Services

Short-term services may be provided in addition to mobile response to help ensure your family’s long-term success.

  • Teach skills to improve family functioning
  • Create plans that prepare you for and prevent future challenges
  • Prevent the need for out-of-home services
  • Equip you with ongoing resources and support

For more information visit their website and review the attached flyer.

Dear Educators,

We would like to share a new professional learning opportunity with you called Utah Microcredentials. This resource is supported and funded by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and is available to all educators in Utah’s public education system, including teachers, instructional coaches, paraprofessionals, counselors, related service providers, administrators, and other educators.

Microcredentials acknowledge all the different types of professional learning that educators do, both formal, traditional courses and independent, self-directed learning. Realizing that educators are continually honing their craft, Utah Microcredentials provides a way to recognize that learning. Microcredentials represent instructional skills and concepts. A microcredential is competency-based recognition that the holder has demonstrated effective and consistent use of the target skill or concept as a part of their practice. Microcredentials are not earned through seat time, assignments, or tests. They are earned by submitting the required evidence for a specific microcredential on the target skill or concept.

Each Utah Microcredential is worth a 0.5 USBE credit, which may be used for relicensing and for salary changes in certain districts/charters. The cost for each is $20. Earning microcredentials is also a way to demonstrate leadership. Posting earned microcredentials on your webpage, social media, and even outside your door is an invitation to share your skills with others. For more information, you can use these resources:

  • A narrated video that provides an overview of microcredentials,
  • The UEN website for Utah’s Microcredentials,
  • A one-pager of the most frequently asked questions about microcredentials.

You can start earning Utah Microcredentials on MIDAS. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to supporting learning for our Utah students.

Multiple Federal agencies are investigating numerous fraud schemes targeting the unemployment insurance (UI) programs across the United States.  Fraudsters, some of which are transnational criminal organizations, are using the stolen identities of U.S. citizens to open accounts and file fraudulent claims for benefits, exploiting the unprecedented expansion of the benefits provided in response to economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Many victims of this crime have no knowledge that criminals have applied for UI benefits in their name.  You may only discover that you were a victim of this crime upon seeing the following red flags:

  1. You are told by a current or former employer that a UI claim has been submitted with your information;
  2. You did not apply for UI benefits, but you receive a determination letter from your state or another state regarding a UI claim filed under your name;
  3. You receive a notification that you failed the security verification process for your UI claim;
  4. You file a lawful UI claim and you receive a notice that your claim was rejected because the state has already received a claim under your name.

The District Human Resource department is taking immediate steps to address suspected fraudulent claims.  These include:

  • Contacting current employees to verify if the employee filed a UI claim.
  • Immediately notifying the state agency of confirmed fraud claims.
  • Providing impacted employees steps to follow to report fraud.

For more information or if you believe you may be impacted, please visit the following websites for information on reporting fraud and protecting your credit.

Utah Attorney General (

“Unemployment Insurance Fraud Consumer Protection Guide” (,%20Final.pdf)

Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Labor (

Administrators & Program Directors:

As we are beginning to make plans for the 2021-22 school year, we wanted to remind you about the master calendar for the district. You can find it on This calendar is intended to inform Principals, Administrators & District personnel of district events and due dates (it does not include individual school events).

If you would like to copy anything on this calendar to your personal google calendar, simply click on the “see more details” link and then copy it using the 3 vertical dot (options) button.

To search for an item in the master calendar, you can use Command+F (Apple) or Control+F (PC). This will bring up a search bar where you can type a few key words to help you find the information you are seeking.

if you would like to add a district event or make a revision to the master calendar, please contact Lisa LeStarge at 801-567-8186 or

Performance evaluations for part-time ESP employees for the 2020-21 school year are optional. However, the evaluation documents you provide can be crucial in justifying employee terminations and potential unemployment claims.

Please review the included evaluation description memo and the evaluation form for instructions. Please contact Brent Burge at 88224 if you have any questions.

All ESP employees are considered non-exempt and are eligible for overtime and/or comp time if they work over 40 hours in any work week. Please view the included memo which summarizes the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in regards to overtime and comp time. Also included are the procedures for accumulating, tracking and using accrued comp time.

If you have any questions, please contact Brent Burge at 88224.

FRAUD ALERT. We've received reports of individuals reproducing and presenting these mask exemption cards with the state of Utah seal on them to businesses and schools. These are FAKE. The state of Utah, UDOH, and local health departments do NOT provide mask exemption cards. Mask exemptions and how to obtain them are outlined in the public health orders here: and here (schools):

Many people are aware that computer hardware gets old and becomes unusable in a secure environment. What is not so well known is that computer software also gets out of date, resulting in vulnerability to malicious attacks. These vulnerabilities affect not only the software, but also all data on the machine, and even the network it is connected to. Through monitoring equipment in Information Systems, we see thousands of these attacks occurring on a daily basis.

To keep our district's data and systems secure, Information Systems has performed a district-wide audit for installations of one of the most frequently attacked pieces of software - Microsoft Office. All schools have versions of this software that are out of date and vulnerable to attack. Some schools have only a few licenses that are out-of-date, while other schools have hundreds.

We are informing you of this dilemma now so that you can plan to allocate an appropriate amount of your technology funds to replace older, unsupported licenses of Microsoft Office, and keep your data and machines secure. To find out how many licenses you will need to replace, contact your building computer technician. Microsoft Office for Education licenses currently cost $46.05 each. Please purchase the number of licenses necessary, then let your tech know that they have been purchased. The tech will thereafter update the associated software. To ensure licensing compliance, techs have been instructed to upgrade licenses only after being shown proof of purchase.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to save money, there are free alternatives to Microsoft Office, most notably Google Docs. As with many free offerings, there are advantages and limitations to the use of Google Docs. Nevertheless, it is an alternative that many educators use, and it is free of charge. It is important to realize that even if you choose to use Google Docs, older unsupported versions of Microsoft Office cannot remain installed on machines. In this situation, techs will remove those outdated licenses, and users will be free to use Google docs without purchase or further installation.

Thank you for your concern and cooperation in maintaining the security of our collective computing environment, and the very sensitive data it contains.

Mark Sowa, Instructional Technology Manager

The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program to help households struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, and virtual classrooms.

About the Emergency Broadband Benefit

Emergency Broadband BenegitThe Emergency Broadband Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute $10-$50 toward the purchase price.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.
Who Is Eligible for the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program?
A household is eligible if one member of the household meets at least one of the criteria below:

  • Qualifies for the Lifeline program;
  • Receives benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch program or the school breakfast program, including through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision, or did so in the 2019-2020 school year;
  • Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year;
  • Experienced a substantial loss of income since February 29, 2020 and the household had a total income in 2020 below $99,000 for single filers and $198,000 for joint filers; or
  • Meets the eligibility criteria for a participating providers' existing low-income or COVID-19 program.

When Can Families Sign Up for the Benefit?
The program has been authorized by the FCC, but the start date has not yet been established. The FCC is working to make the benefit available as quickly as possible.

Check out the Broadband Benefit Consumer FAQ for more information about the benefit and please continue to check this page for program updates.

Schools are encouraged to DROP, COVER and HOLD during the statewide earthquake drill on Thursday, April 15, 2021, at 10:15 a.m., or on another date that may be more convenient.

Over 670,000 citizens, businesses and schools have already registered to participate in the drill on 4/15/21 (registration not required):


More Information:

  • The Great Utah Shakeout Website, link:
  • Contact the District Emergency Operations Manager Lance Everill, 801-567-8623,

  1. 2019-2020 WIDA scores will be used for ESL students who did not take this year's test. Please assure parents they do not need to opt out of the program if students were not tested. Thank you for your efforts with WIDA testing this year.
  2. Please complete the monitoring forms for 4th Quarter for levels 5 and 6.
  3. We are having a parent open house for our "Giraffe Club-Culture talk". We have had parents interested to see what we talk about to students in grades K-6. We are providing time for them to log in and learn. Please share the flyer to the event. Thank you!

In continuation of our 19 year tradition of celebrating prevention and resilience in Utah schools, the state-wide program, Resilient Utah and KUTV Channel 2 are proud to host 2021 Resilient Utah Month in May!  Our month-long celebration will feature the 2020-21 Resilient Utah Education Shield Awards, which will be presented to select schools and individuals that have set extraordinary examples in building resilience and spreading hope within their schools, homes and communities.


Here’s an opportunity to recognize efforts in your schools that strengthen and promote resilience in these challenging times!  Each nomination should take less than 10 minutes to complete.  Feel free to nominate in any of the 8 categories.  Nominations are due Friday, April 23, 2021.  Please pass this on to your staff, volunteers or networks. 

Awards will be announced on KUTV Channel 2, in addition to being publicized through social media and education networks. Award recipients will receive an honorary plaque, in addition to a special gift package.

To nominate, click on the following link:

Thank you for all you do to strengthen the lives of Utah families!

The Resilient Utah Team



April 8, 2021

Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Administrators of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Updated Process for Non-Transferred Student Records

This memo supersedes previous memos on the handling of non-transferred student files (commonly known as “dead files”).

The approved retention scheduled for non-transferred student files (GRS-1497) does not require these files to be advanced to the high school and transferred to the State Archives for permanent retention. Rather, it requires the files to be retained for three years after separation prior to their destruction.

To comply with this retention schedule, please follow the updated procedure below to process non-transferred student files:

Grades K-8:

  • At the end of each year, separate non-transferred files from active files. Mark the files with a destruction date three years after the student left the school.
  • Non-transferred files should not be advanced with their age cohort. Retain the files at the school of origin.
  • On a regular basis, check non-transferred files against the UTrex database. If the student is active at another Utah location, contact their new school to ask the school to request the file.
  • When the three-year retention has elapsed, check files in UTrex one final time before destroying. Follow the procedures on the “Records Maintenance and Retention” document (April 2021 revision) from Planning & Enrollment to appropriately destroy the files.

Grades 9-12:

  • If the student did not earn credit, follow the process listed in the “Grades K-8” section of this memo.
  • If credit WAS earned, the transcript becomes the official record and is retained with other transcripts for the age cohort. The cumulative folder materials are retained with the age cohort and destroyed as outlined in the “Records Maintenance and Retention” document (April 2021 revision) from Planning & Enrollment.
  • On a regular basis, check non-transferred files against the UTrex database. If the student is active at another Utah location, contact their new school to ask the school to request the file.

April 8, 2021

Assistant Principals
Administrative Assistants
Secondary Attendance Secretaries
Secondary Registrars

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Administrators of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Processing Record Requests and Subpoenas

There has been an increase in recent months in the number of parent/guardian requests for records and in subpoenas for student records. Please follow the guidelines below when responding to these types of record requests (subpoenas regarding employees should be directed to Human Resources).

Per District Policy AS61 – Student Records and Transcripts, the principal is the custodian of student records at the school level. This means that record requests and subpoenas for student records directed to the school should be filled at the school. Planning & Enrollment will assist schools when subpoenas involve records housed at multiple locations.

Record requests must be from a parent, legal guardian, or the student. Requests must be made in writing. When the identity of the requestor cannot be confirmed locally, the request must be notarized. Once received, the school has 45 days to respond to the request. If the requestor is a non-custodial parent, a courtesy call to the custodial parent should be made. Additional guidelines can be found at by searching for “Request to Access/Amend Records”.

An official subpoena will be sent by an attorney or court official and does not necessarily require a judge’s seal. Subpoenas must be answered within 10 business days of receipt. The individual whose records have been subpoenaed must be notified by the school and given a window of time in which to pursue (if desired) court action to prevent the disclosure of records. This notification should be logged and kept with a copy of the subpoena and the records requested.

When complying with subpoenas or record requests, only records that currently exist may be accessed. Records and reports may need to be generated and printed in Skyward but schools should never create new sources of data in response to a request. Schools should only provide the records requested and should not volunteer or create additional information.

Records requests and subpoenas should be answered in the manner they were received or in the manner requested. When sending files via email, records must be transmitted via MoveIt. Records sent via the mail must be sent as certified mail with a delivery receipt.

Planning & Enrollment staff are also always available to consult with school staff on filling record requests or subpoenas and can consult on questions schools may face when working with these types of documents.

April 8, 2021

Assistant Principals
Administrative Assistants
Secondary Attendance Secretaries
Secondary Registrars

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Administrators of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning and Enrollment

New Records Retention Schedule

A revision to the records retention schedule has been prepared and is now available from Planning & Enrollment. The new document includes information on record maintenance and state requirements for record destruction. Changes have been made to the retention requirements of certain types of documents to align with current retention requirements from the State Archive.

The new document is available at the Planning & Enrollment website ( on the “School Resources” page of the “Resources/Forms” tab. It can also be accessed by searching “Records Retention” on the Planning & Enrollment website.

If school staff cannot find a specific record or report on the new retention schedule, they may contact Planning & Enrollment for direction and to have the report added to the schedule. As the list of reports may change, school staff should refer to the report electronically rather than printing a hard copy.

With District and Health Department approval, beginning April 14th, 2021, JSD Nutrition Services will transition from our current meal service as follows:

  • Discontinue the use of hinged Styrofoam containers (except curbside/door-side meal service and ‘grab and go’ meals offered to virtual learners and students who are not able to eat in the school cafeteria.)
  • School cafeterias will return to a pre-COVID meal service utilizing serving lines.
  • Meals will return to an offer vs serve format, where students may choose or refuse some menu choices. Menu items that students choose/pick up themselves must be wrapped or in a portion cup with a lid.
  • Nutrition Workers will monitor students in serving areas, so students touch only the item(s) they are choosing.
  • Manual meal counting will continue for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year (No registers will be in use.)
  • Elementary schools will return to serving lunches on washable trays.
  • Secondary schools will return to serving meals on disposable plates, boats etc.
  • Cafeterias will maintain current district social distancing guidelines.