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Valued Licensed Employee:
The Human Resource Department is contacting you with important information regarding upcoming events and opportunities.

Teachers and other educators whose educator license will expire on June 30, 2023, are encouraged to begin the license renewal process starting February 1st by going to the USBE website.  You may begin reviewing the videos; however, license renewals cannot be submitted to the USBE before January 2023. The District HR Department will send you reminders in November, January, and March.  A FINAL reminder will be sent to you in April as a 4th and FINAL NOTICE & NOTICE OF TERMINATION should you not receive your license renewal certification in CACTUS by June 30, 2023.


LICENSED EARLY NOTIFICATION (Resignation or Retirement)
Licensed employees resigning/retiring at the end of the current contract year, who give official early notification in SKYWARD – EMPLOYEE ACCESS, will be eligible for a tiered incentive. To qualify, notification must be submitted on or before the following dates:

  • Jan. 15, 2023: $300.00
  • Feb. 15, 2023: $200.00

The incentive will be paid on the last regular paycheck. Notifications of resignation/retirement received after the dates listed above will not qualify for an incentive. The official District “Notice of Resignation” form is found in Skyward under “Employee Access”. Please see District policy DP318 for more detailed information regarding resignations. If you do not know your Skyward username or password please contact the Help Desk at 801-567-8737.

Licensed employees who do not submit an official “Notice of Resignation” form in Skyward “Employee Access” with at least thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice WILL BE FINED $500, which will be deducted from their final check.  Informing your principal/school administrator either verbally or in writing is not sufficient.  See District Policy DP318 – Resignations - Licensed.

School/District Administrators must submit an official “Notice of Resignation” form in Skyward “Employee Access” with at least sixty (60) calendar days’ written notice WILL BE FINED $500 in accordance with District Policy DP318A – Resignations-Administrators. 

This year, the annual Teacher Transfer Fair is open to all CURRENT JSD teacher/educators AND student teachers, interns and those on a 1-year agreement.  This event is for current Jordan School District teachers/educators seeking a new teaching/assignment opportunity! The transfer fair will be combined for both elementary and secondary teachers/educators.

Please come prepared with:

  • Your JSD ID badge – required to gain entry, AND
  • Copies of your resume available to distribute.

Come explore your options in JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT!

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after President’s Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request

During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
President’s Day February 20, 2023 Jan. 6 – Jan. 16, 2023

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Martin Luther King Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Martin Luther King January 16, 2023 Dec. 2 – Dec. 12, 2022

Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-2023

Jordan School District Board authorizes up to four (4) full-time employees to be selected for leave.

Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical leave provides a 1-year leave for professional study. Educators who have completed at least 7 years of continuous service in JSD may apply. Employees on sabbatical leave receive one-half of their salary. Please read Policy DP333 Neg – Sabbatical Leave for complete information. Applications are reviewed by the Local Professional Improvement Committee and approved by the Board.

Educational Leave
Educators who have worked in Jordan School District for at least three (3) consecutive years may apply for an Educational Leave. Educational leaves are for continued study and must include an outline of studies along with the application. Please read Policy DP332 NEG – Educational Leave for complete information. Educational Leave is without pay.

Applications for 2023-2024 Sabbatical and Educational Leaves are due February 1, 2023. Additional questions can be referred to Chris Westra, 801-567-8657.

DON’T FORGET! OPT OUT OF YOUR DISTRICT PRINTED W-2 by going to Skyward’s Employee Access by Midnight on December 11, 2022

Choose the electronic W-2 by selecting the “I do not need a printed copy”…

Opt out and win one of many prizes! A drawing for the prizes will be held on December 12th. Employees will be contacted. See the flyer below for details.


If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Winter Recess for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request

During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Winter Recess                      (180, 184, 187, 206, 207,  Contracts) Dec. 22, 2022-Jan. 2, 2023 Nov. 7 – Nov. 17, 2022
Winter Recess                      (242, 245 Contracts) Dec. 26, 2022-Jan. 2, 2023

(245 works Dec 27-29)

Nov. 11 – Nov. 21, 2022

Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-23


The Utah State Board of Education has announced the 2022-23 Teacher Salary Supplement Program (TSSP) qualifications and application deadlines. The application deadlines are printed below. Information regarding the TSSP program and qualifications is found at the following Utah State Board of Education (USBE) link:

Educator Incentive Programs (TSSP)

Application Term Dates

An application term indicates a preference of when and how often the educator would like to receive any bonus. Applicants may select one of the following terms before the respective deadline:

Term # of Payments Application Available & Accepted Application Deadline
Annual 1 Saturday, October 1, 2022 6:00 AM Sunday, April 30, 2023 11:59 PM
Semester 2 Saturday, October 1, 2022 6:00 AM Tuesday, January 31, 2023 11:59 AM
Trimester 3 Saturday, October 1, 2022 6:00 AM Tuesday, November 15, 2022 11:59 PM

Department Administrators:

The FTE Audit process is critical in ensuring employees are paid accurately and out of the appropriate budgets. Like last year, the FTE Audit will be electronic. Below is the process we will follow for the audits:

Electronic FTE Audit Process:

  • October 24, 2022 – HR will share with directors and administrative assistants the FTE Audit Report via Google Sheets. Please review the report with your administrative assistant. The report will include verification of faculty/staff, FTE, title and budget code(s). Please refer to the “Instructions” sheet in the document for assistance in completing the audit.
  • November 4, 2022 – DUE DATE for the FTE Audit Report to be completed for HR to process. Check the “yellow” box on the front page to indicate audit completion.
  • THE BEST NEWS OF ALL – All corrections made on the FTE Audit Report will be made by HR upon return. Change forms will not be required; however, new hires not listed on the report will require the submission of a hire sheet to HR in Frontline.
  • If you are interested in meeting with HR to review/assist with your audit, please contact Brent Burge (88224) to schedule an appointment. We ask that you review the audit and come prepared to the meeting with needed changes to your audit.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

October 7, 2022

All Special Educators and Related Service Providers

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Important Deadline--Please Read Immediately
SCRAM Data Due by the end of day Monday, November 7, 202
Updating SCRAM for December 1 Funding Count

We are fast approaching our December 1 SCRAM count deadline. Resource and Cluster Team Leaders will soon receive a SCRAM report via district mail that includes all students who are currently receiving services through your school’s special education program(s). All team members and service providers need to verify each student on this list as either correct, changed, exited/moved, and/or incomplete. Please check that the names, entry dates, scram school, service patterns, weekly minutes and providers are correct for each student on the printout. If a correction needs to be made, a new scram document should be submitted. 

All Corrections and SCRAM reports are Due:
By 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 7, 2022
to Jen Warkentine at the Special Ed Office

Special Education funding and, therefore, school staffing/assistant allocations, etc. are contingent upon the accuracy of this data. Your timely and accurate response is critical! Thank you for all your efforts to get us the correct information in a very short time period.

September 14, 2022

All Principals, Jordan School District

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Jordan District Nurses

CPR/First Aid/AED Certification

Jordan School District requires that at least 3 employees in each building be certified in CPR and First Aid. Most certifications are valid for 2 years. It is also recommended that employees who will have direct responsibility for student health and safety be CPR/First Aid certified. This may include front office staff, playground aides, hall monitors, P.E. teachers, etc. It is also recommended that you keep a list of current CPR/First Aid certified staff members by all main phone lines where calls for emergency help may originate. A template is attached.

CPR, First Aid, and AED training and certification is now available to district employees in an online format through the National Safety Council (NSC). The attached document will outline the steps necessary to complete the online portion of the course. Information can also be accessed by going here: CPR & First Aid. The cost of the course is $29.95 and should be paid by the employee at the time of registration. Schools may provide reimbursement for the course, if funds are available, by following appropriate pre-approval and reimbursement procedures.

Once the online course is completed, employees may sign up to complete their certification by attending a 2 hour skills check session with our district nurses. To sign up for a skill check, you will need to register with JPLS under CPR/First Aid/AED skill check. All skill checks must be completed within 45 days of sign-up for the online course. The dates and times for the skill check sessions are listed on the attached flyer.

Please complete the attached CPR/First Aid certification form and return it to the Nursing Services office (Nadine Page) by November 16, 2022.

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Fall Recess for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to 

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Fall Recess

(All 242, 245 Contracts)

October 27-28, 2022 Sept. 12 – Sept. 22, 2022
Fall Recess

(180, 184, 187, 207, 206 Contracts)

October 24-28, 2022 Sept. 9 – Sept. 19, 2022

Annual/Personal Leave Taken Before or After a Holiday 2022-2023


As outlined in the August 10, 2022 JAM, all employees, with the exception of minor students, are required to complete the Crucial Policy Review by November 1, 2022.  We ask for your continued assistance in notifying employees who have yet to complete the required training.

Please review August 17, 2022, JEM for instructions on how to complete the training.

Please review the August 10, 2022 JAM for assistance in running employee completion reports in Skyward. If you or any staff members need technical help, please call the help desk at 801-567-USER (8737).

Principals received both an email and an announcement in the New Teacher Induction (NTI) CANVAS course. This access allows you the ability to preview what your new teachers will view tomorrow, August 12, 2022, which contains important information regarding their employment.

Please remind your new teachers that the NTI CANVAS course is to be completed prior to the start of school for students.

Jordan School District Employees are responsible for knowing and adhering to all District policies and procedures. The crucial policy review is available to District employees in Skyward through “Online Forms.” As a condition of continued employment, all employees (i.e. Licensed, ESP, Substitutes, Coaches, Miscellaneous adults, etc.), with the exception of minor students, will be required to complete this training. We ask your assistance in notifying your employees of this required training and ask that this training be completed by November 1, 2022.

A message will appear upon login of Skyward Employee Access for the employee to complete an “Online Form.” Employees can complete the steps at that time or can return to the review at another time by selecting “Online Forms” under “Employee Information.” Attached is a tutorial to assist in completing the review.

Reports of completion will be available through Skyward so you can verify that your staff members have completed this process. A tutorial is attached for your reference. If you or any staff members need technical help, please call the help desk at 801-567-USER (8737).

Licensed and Education Support Professionals,

Welcome to the 2022-2023 contract year! An annual reminder, in accordance with DP326 NEG and DP324 NEG, participation in the Employee-Funded Sick Leave Bank requires an employee to annually donate one day of accumulated annual leave into the Sick Leave Bank. The Employee-Funded Sick Leave Bank is not intended to be used for in-and-out absences, elective medical procedures or other medical care that could be scheduled during non-contract time.

Employees wishing to opt out of participation in the Employee-Funded Sick Leave Bank must annually complete the appropriate online form in Employee Access no later than September 1st for current employees and October 1st for first-year employees, including administrators. This opt out request must be submitted annually.

*First year Education Support Professionals and hourly employees are not eligible for sick bank, therefore, a sick bank day will not be deducted (if applicable). Please be aware that policies and eligibility requirements for Licensed (DP324 NEG) and Education Support Professionals (DP326 NEG) employees are different. These and other District policies are available for review at