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Annual Facility Self-Inspection Survey

The Annual Facility Self-Inspection Survey for 2016-17 from the State Office of Risk Management is now available online at “Due to policy change, no extensions will be given and agencies not meeting the deadlines will be enforced with a premium penalty.” So, it is imperative that each school complete and submit the Facility Self-Inspection Survey no later than Friday, April 14, 2017.

Each school principal is the “Surveyor” and the person ultimately responsible for completing this survey.  Appropriate sections of the survey may be delegated to the department head, nutrition manager, custodian, etc. as seen fit, but the principal remains accountable.

As in previous years, if an issue is noted, you will be prompted to fill in a corrective action plan. Please specify Work Order #, date submitted, who will follow through from your school, a target completion date, and any other important information pertaining to specific questions.

When the survey is finished, the lock button at the end of the survey must be pressed to report that it is completed.

Please feel free to call or email us with any problems or questions:

Ron Boshard, 801-567-8876 (x 88876),

Peggy Margetts, 801-567-8753 (x 88753),

You will receive reminder notices from

Thank you for your support.

The “License Renewal 4th and Final Notice – Notice of Termination” letter is due to HR on or before  Friday May 6, 2016.  This letter is for those educators whose license will expire on June 30, 2016 but have not yet renewed their license. These letters were sent via district mail to you on Tuesday April 26th and you should receive them today or tomorrow.

Please meet with the educator and explain:

  • That licensure is a condition of employment and they will need to have their licensure completed AND posted by June 30, 2016.
  • That the steps of relicensure or upgrade are included on the letter.
  • At this point in the year, they will need to make this a priority if they are to complete the process and have their license posted by June 30, 2016.
  • This is the fourth (4th) license renewal reminder from HR. (They have received reminders from USOE as well)
  • That this is their thirty (30) day notice of termination should they fail to obtain adequate licensure by June 30, 2016.
  • If they have begun the process please thank them but still complete the form – as their license is not yet posted.

Both you and the educator will need to SIGN and DATE the letter (use blue ink please).

Return the signed letter to HR (you should keep a copy and give one to the educator) on or before Friday May 6, 2016.

Administrators on an Interim Evaluation should have the Beginning of Year activities completed in JPLS. Administrators on a Full Evaluation will want to review the standards and consider evidence that can be used.  All administrator evaluations are to be completed on JPLS. Those administrators scheduled for an Interim evaluation should log into JPLS and complete the Self-Evaluation and Professional Growth Plan before leaving for the Holiday break. Administrators scheduled for a full evaluation have the year to work on their self-evaluation.  Several documents are provided as resources and include: