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November 26, 2024

Assistant Principals
School Counselors

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Stacee Worthen, School Counseling Consultant

December School Counselor Training & Professional Development

The December school counselor’s training and professional development opportunities can be found on the document below. Please ensure that your school’s counselor(s) are able to attend their respective meetings. Please contact Stacee Worthen if there are any questions.


Carolyn Gough Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Chris Richards-Khong, Associate Administrator of Teaching and Learning

Hiring instructors of asynchronous virtual courses for original credit, grade replacement credit, and credit recovery. Number of instructors will be based on fluctuating student enrollment. See complete Frontline listing for more details (JobID: 11096). Applicants must start an application profile and state they are current employees before they will be able to see the posting.

Date applications close: 12/11/2024

Date positions begin: January 2025

All Administrators

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services

Holiday decorations add a joyous and festive mood to the holiday season, but when holiday decorations are not used properly they can turn from festive to fiery in a split second.

Jordan School District would like everyone to follow a few safety tips when decorating to avoid a tragic holiday and keep everyone safe.

See the flyer below for more information.

All Administrators

Garett York, JAESP Committee Member

Join UEASP's Assistant/Aspiring Principal Conference coming up on December 5th from 8:30-3:00 at the Viridian Event Center in West Jordan featuring Andrew Marotta and Hank Smith. You do not have to be a member of UAESP to attend. Register for the event at



November 20, 2024

All Principals

FROM: Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Brian King, Ph.D., Assistant Director of Special Education
Mike Trimmell, Ed.D., Special Education Administrator

Guidelines for Hiring Paraeducators Working in Special Education

Please see the attached document. The document will be emailed to all administrative assistants.


Carolyn Gough Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Chris Richards-Khong, Associate Administrator of Teaching and Learning

Were you thinking about a mini grant option for your school but were not sure how to fit it into the schedule? We have some creative schools that are doing some fun, flexible things with scheduling their sessions. We would like to share their ideas with you.


Carolyn Gough Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Chris Richards-Khong, Associate Administrator of Teaching and Learning

The Jordan Teacher Leader Fellows is searching for sixteen educators from a variety of teaching experiences. During their 2-year cohort, Teacher Leader Fellows will earn an annual $1500 stipend while engaging in a variety of professional learning experiences focused on teacher leadership skills and educational advocacy. Encourage your teachers to apply today for this exciting new opportunity! See the flyer for more details.


Carolyn Gough Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Chris Richards-Khong, Associate Administrator of Teaching and Learning

The Jordan Credit Center is hiring instructors of asynchronous virtual courses for original credit, grade replacement credit, and credit recovery. The number of instructors will be based on fluctuating student enrollment. Please see the complete Frontline listing for more details.

Date applications close: 11/26/2024
Date positions begin: January 2025

All Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent

Please be sure to provide School Community Councils periodic information about their School LAND Trust budget so they may make determinations on using plan amendments to avoid excessive carryover, which is unallowable for the program. Use the video below as a resource to learn how principals complete the amendment form on the School LAND Trust Website.

Remember that an amendment goes through the same process as a plan and requires Board, District, and USBE approval prior to funds being used for the changes.


When adding an amendment please put down in the comments at the bottom the changes that you made. This makes it easier for those approving the amendment to know what is different and allows for an easier approval process.

Sample Amendment Comment:

Amendment Comment: I met with my SCC on October 10th and we voted on this new amendment. We did not remove any action plans; we just adjusted some estimated cost. I didn't hire as many periods, so teacher budgets changed. I have another grant for my academic tracker. We looked at cost from last year's credit recovery and readjusted. We purchased a different software that cost a lot less. I then was able to add PD, subs for PLC, technology, and travel.


Michelle Love-Day, Director, Language & Culture Services

The Language & Culture Services team is happy to have refugee mentors assigned to each feeder system. These mentors will have 25-30 students that will meet them twice a month to follow up with their interests, involvement in school activities, friends, employment, family life, attendance, and grades.

Weekly collaboration to update tracking spreadsheet, share successes, work through student concerns and training/personal development as the opportunities arise. This will assist schools in gaining a better understanding of student needs and learning so that they can be successful in your school.

Please pass out permission slips to get parent permission and we will begin work with you soon.


Michelle Love-Day, Director, Language & Culture Services

This endorsement program is open to K-12 contracted licensed personnel in Jordan School District.  This does not include substitute teachers or paraprofessionals who are licensed.

IMPORTANT: As of August, 2024, the JSD ESL Endorsement program has been updated to a competency based endorsement that aligns with TESOL standards and USBE requirements. This means the endorsement has undergone some changes and is formatted differently than in previous years. You will earn an endorsement with the Utah State Board of Education. A university credit option through SUU is available at your own expense. Language & Culture Services will not be paying for university credit.

NOTE: Your employee email that ends with  "" will be used for ALL correspondence.

Applicants will be placed in the order in which applications are received.

You can sign up for the endorsement using the link below. For more information, please contact your Language Teacher Specialists.


Michelle Love-Day, Director, Language & Culture Services
LaTrill Loveridge, Chair, Jordan Ethnic Advisory Counsel

The Jordan Ethnic Advisory Committee and Language and Culture Services cannot wait to see you at the annual "What I Wish You Knew Conference: In our shoes." This year the conference will be highlighting and celebrating our teachers making a difference in the classrooms everyday.

  • Where: Riverton High High
  • Time: 9 a.m. -12 p.m.
  • Date: Jan.21, 2025
  • What: What is working to enhance student leadership to sustain a culture of belonging in school.

November 12, 2024

Principals and Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Michelle Reyes, Attendance/Prevention Specialist, Student Services

Thanksgiving Break Resources to Communicate with Families

Emphasizing the Value of Regular Attendance

The 2024-2025 school year is well under way with the holiday season rapidly approaching. Although we are seeing less interruptions from serious illness, than in recent years, schools are still struggling with high levels of chronic absence (missing 10% or more of school for any reason). Some students and families are still redeveloping the routine of regular attendance following the Pandemic, making it more important than ever to support the rhythm of attendance through the holiday season. We can take advantage of every opportunity to emphasize the lifelong value of regular attendance for student’s learning, social and emotional development and achievement while also offering empathy and support to students and families.

Schools that use a series of actions that promote the habit of regular attendance to help students avoid absences leading up to and following our seasonal breaks experience better attendance results. The following actions will assist in your attendance efforts this holiday season:

  • Send out a letter (Spanish) to families prior to Thanksgiving and again in the weeks leading up to the winter recess (Spanish).
  • Let families know the dates for the break and when school will resume. Use the resources below to get the word out using email, social media, school and teacher newsletters, and Parent Square.
  • Plan special events for the last day before the break and/or the first day after the holiday break to welcome students back to school. Utilize teachers to message families on Parent Square and remind them of when school will resume.

Premade Resources to Communicate with Families

Questions? Contact Michelle Reyes at or 801-567-8205.

Chang, H. (n.d.). Holiday messaging. Attendance Works.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Elementary School Administrators
Middle School Administrators
High School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Assessment, Research and Accountability

2024-25 Stakeholder Input Survey Response Counts

School administrators may view the response counts for the 2024-25 student, parent and faculty Stakeholder Input Surveys using the links below. Please note that the response counts for each of the links are updated live as survey responses are submitted.

Choose either the Elementary or Secondary document below depending on your school level.

November 14, 2024


John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting and Audits
Jaime Barrett, Accounting Administrator

2024-2025 Updated Department Budget Code Book

Understanding the proper budget code to utilize when coding payroll for employees has been a struggle for staff. Our current function and object codes are numerous and confusing. In an effort to simplify and streamline our budget codes, Accounting has updated function and object codes. Please see the following attachment:

• JSD Budget Code Book 2024-2025

The attachment is also posted on Accounting’s website:  Click HERE. Please review these adjustments and contact Jaime Barrett (801) 567‐8315 with any questions or concerns.

November 14, 2024

School Psychologists and School Psychology Interns

Dr. Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

December School Psychologist Guidance Meeting

A meeting for school psychologists and school psychology interns has been scheduled for Friday, December 6, 2024, from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Jordan Applied Technology Center South (JATC-South) located at 12373 Park Avenue (2080 West) in Riverton. We will start at 12:00 p.m. with a pot-luck lunch. Ben Springer, Ph.D., NCSP will provide us with a presentation titled Optimistic Teaming: Coordination Strategies for the Toughest Student Situations.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


Thursday, November 14, 2024

High School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Assessment, Research and Accountability

2024 Graduation and Dropout Rates

The state recently released a preview of the 2024 graduation and dropout rates as a way for districts and schools to prepare communication with community members. These results are embargoed until the public release scheduled for the first week of December.

Administrators may access graduation and dropout rates over time for the district and each high school in this Tableau dashboard. Viewers may use the filters to view graduation rates for various demographic populations including economically disadvantaged, ML, and minority students as well as students with a disability.

Administrators may also compare graduation and dropout rates by student groups using this student group dashboard.

Finally, administrators may find it useful to examine the various categories within the dropout rate such as the actual dropout rate compared to the withdrawal, pending, adult ed and unknown rates. Thus, administrators are encouraged to check out this line graph.

For questions about these dashboards, please contact Ben Jameson or Brooke Anderson in Assessment, Research & Accountability.


Carolyn Gough Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Chris Richards-Khong, Associate Administrator of Teaching and Learning

Our new website features a variety of graduation credit services offered to JSD students including: original credit, grade replacement, credit recovery and options to demonstrate competency for credit. Check us out by clicking HERE.

All Administrators

JSD Cabinet Members

The Administrator of Schools (AOS) is a member of the Superintendent’s Cabinet and is responsible to provide leadership and direction in all matters pertaining to both the District programs and to all schools in the assigned administrative area. The Jordan School District is currently posting two (2) Elementary Administrator of Schools positions and the qualifications to be considered are as follows:

  • A minimum of five (5) years of administrative experience is required
  • Principal experience is required
  • Elementary Principal experience is preferred
  • Current references are required, not letters of recommendation

This application will close at midnight on November 24, 2024 and interviews will be held on December 2, 2024. Both internal and external candidates are encouraged to apply in Frontline at the following link:

Apply Here

The following is a new administrative assignment:

Transfer effective January 2, 2025:

  • April Gaydosh, elementary level Administrator of Schools, transferred as Administrator in the Human Resources Department, replacing June LeMaster who is retiring.

Two elementary level Administrator of Schools positions will be available as of January 2, 2025. Each AOS will supervise approximately 13 elementary schools. Watch for the application to open next week and interviews will be held on December 2, 2024.