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April 20, 2022

All Jordan School District Principals (with bus route students)

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation
Kathy Jones, Transportation Trainer/Risk Coordinator

State Required Bus Evacuations and School Bus Safety 2021-2022

State required semi-annual school bus evacuations have been scheduled for this spring. This applies to those students that ride the bus daily to and from school.

The evacuations will be conducted during the week of:

Monday, May 2, 2022 through Friday, May 6, 2022

Your school’s regular bus drivers will perform this evacuation one day during the week as they drop your students off in the morning. This procedure takes place at your school and is located in your normal bus drop off/pick up zone. All professional school bus drivers that transport students are required to perform evacuation procedures in case of an emergency. Bus evacuation will be through the front door this year. Students will then, under the direction and supervision of the bus driver, evacuate and meet in a safe place approximately 100 feet away from the bus.

Your assistance is welcome but not mandatory to complete this required evacuation drill quickly, safely and effectively.

We appreciate all you do to help us safely transport your students.

April 13, 2022

Principals and Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Legislative Supply Envelopes – Due May 1, 2022

We thought a few reminders might be helpful as you collect legislative envelopes.

1)   Carry-Over of Unused Supply Funds.  Principal approval is required if a teacher would like to carry-over unused funds to the next school year. If approval is given, the principal should sign the envelope in the bottom right-hand box. The Guidelines state that “As a general rule, balances less than $50 should be carried over to the next year.” However, carry-over amounts are at the principal’s discretion. Also, if a teacher has an amount remaining at the end of the year of $5 or less, no return of the funds is needed.

A list of all teachers who have carry-over amounts should be kept so this information can be written on the teacher’s envelope for the 2022-23 school year and added to the amount of the current year funds. As a reminder, if a teacher with a carry-over amount transfers to a different school within the District and the principal allows the teacher to use the carry-over funds at the new school, please communicate this to the administrative assistant at the new school so they can record the information on the teacher’s envelope. If the principal does not approve the use of funds at the new school, the teacher will need to return the unused funds.

2)   Payroll Deductions.  For teachers not approved to carry over unused funds, a payroll deduction will be needed. The request for a payroll deduction should be sent to Sarah Palmer, director of Payroll, and can be emailed to her at: Please provide Sarah with the employee name(s), school location, amount of the deduction, and an explanation about the need for the deduction. Please provide this information by May 10 for the May 25 paycheck or by June 10 for the June 25 paycheck.

3)   Principal Use of Unused Supply Funds.  Unused supply money that is returned to the District via payroll deduction or other means (check or cash) will be made available to the principal to use at his/her discretion. After a payroll deduction is completed, the Payroll Department will provide the Accounting Department with the school location and amount and a journal entry will be done to transfer the funds to the school’s 2000 account.

4)   Teachers that Resign During the School Year.  If a teacher resigns during the school year, please ask for the return of his/her legislative supply envelope before they leave. If there is a balance remaining of unspent funds, this money needs to be returned to the District via a payroll deduction made before the employee receives his/her final paycheck. If your school has a check-out procedure for teachers that resign, it might be helpful to add the return of the envelope to the procedures to insure the legislative envelope and unused funds are returned.

5)   Storing Legislative Envelopes.  After collecting the envelopes on May 1, please keep them in a secure location at the school for a period of four years. The envelopes are subject to random audits by District auditors.

Thank you for your help with legislative supply money. If you have questions, please contact my administrative assistant, Lisa LeStarge, at 801-567-8120 or email:


Attachment:  Helpful Information About Legislative Supply Money (This document has the information listed above, as well as other important information about legislative supply money.)

April 11, 2022

All Certified Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

End of Year SCRAM Detail Report

We are fast approaching our last SCRAM count deadline. It is important that this information be as accurate and current as possible. A SCRAM report that reflects the SCRAM/IEP Services that have been received from your school to date has been sent to resource and self-contained support class (cluster) team leaders.

Submit all SCRAM changes and/or corrections AND the signed SCRAM report to Jen Warkentine through District mail at the District Office or electronically through Move-It. All completed reports and documents must be received by the Special Education Office by the end of the day on Monday, May 6, 2022.

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Memorial Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Memorial Day May 30, 2022 April 15 – April 25, 2022

April 4, 2022

Elementary and Middle School Resource Team Leaders
High School Special Education Team Leaders

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Special Education Resource Instructional Assistants for 2022-23
Special Education Support Class Instructional Assistants for 2022-23

Changes have been made to the way that instructional assistants are to be requested. This memo is designed to explain how special education instructional assistants can be requested and will be allocated to each schools’ special education program(s) for the 2022-23 school year. If you have any questions, please contact your assigned teacher specialist or program administrator. We want to make sure everyone has the support staff necessary to meet student’s individual IEP needs.

Please follow the instructions on the memo and submit all three forms to your assigned teacher specialist by Thursday, April 28, 2022. You will receive a preliminary critical needs instructional assistant allocation by Tuesday, May 10, 2022. Additional Critical Needs may be requested after school starts or if the students in your class or program change significantly.

March 31, 2022

Principals and District Administrators

Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools

Stipend for Department Chairs and Team Leaders

Stipends for Department Chairs and Team Leaders will be paid in May.

  • Elementary Schools may pay $300 for 8 Team Leaders.
  • Middle Schools may pay $500 for 12 Department Chairs or Team Leaders.
  • High Schools may pay $500 for 16 Department Chairs or Team Leaders.

A multiple timesheet roster should be submitted to the Payroll Department by May 3, 2022. All Department Chairs or Team Leaders will be paid out of the same program number from which their salary is paid. Each roster should be clearly marked “Stipend for Department Chair” or “Stipend for Team Leader.”

Kauri Sue, River’s Edge, South Valley, and JATC will be paid as middle schools. If a school houses an additional special education program (cluster program or preschool program), the school will have an additional team leader allocation.

Budget Code
10 xxx xxxx 2216 131

10 xxx 7551 2216 131 (Special Education)

March 31, 2022

All Principals
All Budget Directors

John Larsen, Business Administrator
June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets, & Audits
Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services
Michael Heaps, Director of Information Services
Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll
Kurt Prusse, Director of Purchasing

Year-End Processing Deadlines

Please observe the following critical deadlines, listed in the memo below, regarding the financial year-end processes for the 2021-22 year. Please review these dates as they could have a major effect on your location’s ability to operate.

Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Insurance Services.

Workers' Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools. It is important that this information be accurate and complete.

PTA figures must be separate from other volunteer hours.

Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period of December 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

Please complete this form and return it to Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services, by April 30, 2022.

The district will not be renewing data services to the mobile Internet hotspots in the district’s Loaner Kajeet Program when they expire on June 30, 2022. Instead, these devices will be available for schools to request on a permanent basis. Any school doing so will be responsible for acquiring data services for those devices. It should be remembered that these devices were granted to the district specifically for use by students who do not have adequate Internet service in their homes. If you have an interest in permanently receiving any of these devices for your students, please contact Mark Sowa in Information Systems, at, or at 801-567-8392.

March 22, 2022

High School Principals, Assistant Principals and Counselors

C. Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Stacee Worthen, Secondary Counseling Consultant
Jacinto Peterson, Principal, Valley High School

Critical Dates Regarding 24-credit Diploma through Valley High School

Counselors with students planning to graduate with a 24-credit diploma from Valley High School need to be aware of the following date/deadlines:

May 16, 2022
Names of all students planning to graduate with a 24-credit diploma must be submitted to Jacinto Peterson, Principal of Valley High School.

All students who are planning to walk at Valley High School’s graduation ceremony need to contact Jostens at 1-800-JOSTENS immediately to order the Valley High School cap and gown package. If they have previously ordered from their boundary school, Jostens will help them with the cancellation and reorder of Valley High School colors.

May 23, 2022
Deadline for official transfer of student to Valley High School. All transfer students must have credits complete and transcripts reviewed by their boundary school before transfer is submitted, and student is withdrawn from their boundary school. Valley High School registrar will complete all transfers on May 23rd.

May 25, 2022 - Mandatory Meeting
All students who are planning to walk during the Valley High School Graduation Ceremony must attend one of the following meetings at Valley High:
12:30 p.m. OR 4:30 p.m.
Each meeting will be approximately one hour. Students will not be allowed to walk with fellow graduates if they do not attend one of these meetings. Caps and gowns will be distributed at the end of this mandatory meeting.

June 1, 2022
Valley High School Graduation Ceremony 10:00 a.m.
Real Salt Lake Training Academy
Zion’s Bank Stadium, Real Academy (14787 Academy Parkway, Herriman, UT)

June 2, 2022
Students who do not wish to attend the graduation ceremony may pick up their diploma at Valley High School.

Please make note of these important dates and ensure they are communicated to students who are planning to use this option.

*Attached are instructions and the application for a 24-credit diploma through Valley High School.


Please take note of the following MANDATORY deadline:

2022-23 School LAND Trust Upcoming School Plan
Completion Deadline: March 25, 2022
Your school's 2022-23 LAND Trust Allocation can be found on the State Website. When you click on the "Upcoming Plan" your "Estimated Distribution for 2022-2023" can be found in the box "Funding Estimates" on the 6th line down. This is your actual distribution.

  • Do not end up with a negative estimated carry-over to 2023-2024.
  • Under "Action Plan Steps and Expenditures", please click on the provided button to input the budget allocations for that goal.
  • Add in what you will do if you have "Funding Changes". Remember that if it's listed here you won't need to do an amendment if you have extra money that you need to spend. (See tips and hints below for some suggested wording.)
  • REMEMBER THE LAST STEP, go into Council Membership & Signature Form and click to send the emails to your SCC members.

I can't stress this enough------please use the correct categories for the expenditures as you add them to your goals. They need to be distributed correctly. Don't put everything under salaries/benefits. Call Nadine Page (x88182) if you have questions of what category it should go under. 

Last Reminder: The 2022-23 TSSA Plan will also be due on March 25, 2022. Your TSSA Plan Link can be found HERE.

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Spring Break for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Spring Recess                     (All 242, 245 Contracts) April 15 and 18, 2022 Mar. 1 – Mar. 11, 2022
Spring Recess                      (180, 184, 187, 207, 206 Contracts) April 15 - 22, 2022 Mar. 1 – Mar. 11, 2022

The final version of the 2022-23 TSSA Plan is due to be completed in your School Planning folder by March 25, 2022. Your budget allocation can be found on the "TSSA Plan" tab.

The JSD Board’s TSSA Framework establishes three priorities schools are to use in developing a TSSA Plan. The priorities include coaching, professional development, and school-based initiatives.

Each school has a personally-created School Planning folder in Google Drive that includes both last year’s and this year’s plans. TSSA Plans and the School Planning Folder can be accessed from 2022-2023 School Planning Tools. Following the School Planning Tool will ensure compliance with TSSA requirements.

The first tab in the School Planning Tool labeled “TSSA Overview and Checklist” provides guidelines and a checklist for completing plans. A quick checklist is provided below. The actual plan is found in the tab labeled “TSSA Plan.” 2022-2023 allocations are pre-loaded into each school’s plan.

Quick TSSA Plan Checklist

  • Share planning tool if desired. (Currently only principals have editing access.)
  • Summarize 2021-2022 TSSA Plan. (Focus on implementation and growth if limited data is available.)
  • Review data. (Review data that is available.)
  • Determine school goal(s) for 2022-2023.
  • (TSI Schools) Complete TSI data review, identify needs, and create goal(s).
  • Record plans and action steps for instructional coaching, professional development, and school-based initiatives.
  • Complete budget.
  • Add in your approximate carry-over in the correct spot.

Reminder that both your School LAND Trust and the TSSA Plan needs to be completed by this date of March 25, 2022.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your AOS.
If you have technical issues, please feel free to contact Nadine Page 801-567-8182 or Chris Westra at 801-567-8657.

Please take note of the following MANDATORY deadlines:

2020-21 School LAND Trust Final Report
Completion Deadline: February 28, 2022
Note: The column labeled "Amended Expenditures (entered by the school)" CANNOT be changed. Please ignore this column. The actual expenditures were provided by our Accounting Office to the State according to what you spent during the 2020-21 school year. Please complete this report, by the listed deadline, so the plans can be approved in a timely manner. After which you will be able to submit the 2022-23 Upcoming Plan.

Principal Assurance for 2021-22
Completion Deadline: February 28, 2022
This wasn't working in the fall so some of you may have completed this back in October, others have not. Please go into the "Council Membership & Signature Form" and check to see if you selected the date when the training was completed and then did the digital signature. If yours is not finished, please add in the date and your digital signature.

2022-23 School LAND Trust Upcoming School Plan
Completion Deadline: March 25, 2022
Your school's 2022-23 LAND Trust Allocation can be found on the State Website. When you click on the "Upcoming Plan" your "Estimated Distribution for 2022-2023" can be found in the box "Funding Estimates" on the 6th line down. This is your actual distribution.

New Information: You cannot submit your 2022-23 School LAND Trust plan until after your 2020-21 Final Report has been finalized. The final reports will be finalized as quickly as possible to enable you to get the 2022-23 Upcoming School Plan submitted. 

  • Do not end up with a negative estimated carry-over to 2023-2024.
  • Under "Action Plan Steps and Expenditures", please click on the provided button to input the budget allocations for that goal.
  • Add in what you will do if you have "Funding Changes". Remember that if it's listed here you won't need to do an amendment if you have extra money that you need to spend. (See tips and hints below for some suggested wording.)
  • REMEMBER THE LAST STEP, go into Council Membership & Signature Form and click to send the emails to your SCC members.

I can't stress this enough------please use the correct categories for the expenditures as you add them to your goals. They need to be distributed correctly. Don't put everything under salaries/benefits. Call Nadine Page (x88182) if you have questions of what category it should go under. 

Last Reminder: The 2022-23 TSSA Plan will also be due on March 25, 2022. Your TSSA Plan Link can be found HERE.


Please note that Special Education purchase orders/requisitions for the 2021-22 school year must be received by Tuesday, March 1, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. See the attached memo for details.

Please remember the following:

  • Budgets are not carried over from one year to the next.
  • Remember to deduct any previously submitted amounts from your Special Education budget (so that you know your balance) before submitting new orders. This includes reimbursements submitted through your school. No orders will be processed that exceed your budgeted allocation.
  • Please check with your school secretary to make sure all Special Education reimbursements have been submitted to the Special Education Department by the March 1st deadline. We will soon be providing each school secretary with a sheet of currently recorded purchase/reimbursement totals for the special education department at your school up through January 31, 2022.
  • When ordering supplies, follow Skyward procedures.
  • Be sure to follow the ordering guidelines outlined in the attached budget information page, as you close out your current year budgets.

JSD Triennial Wellness Policy Assessment

Administrators, please fill out this triennial wellness survey that is required by USBE and Federal Mandate. The survey is in regards to Jordan School District’s Wellness Policy and its implementation throughout the district. For additional information, please refer to JSD policy AA446 - Wellness Through Nutrition and Fitness. Online survey responses are due by February 28th, 2022.

Click Here: Wellness Survey Form


January 7. 2022


Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Kristin Norris, Teacher Specialist-SLP/A, ESY Coordinator

Extended School Year (ESY) Qualification Procedures and Timelines

Please read the attached memo and qualifying document for updates and current information.
Data for ESY should be current from this school year and reflect ongoing needs of the student.
The 2022 ESY Memo and forms are now available on the Special Education Forms website.

If you have questions you can talk with your Teacher Specialist or reach out to Kristin Norris at

We are looking for both teachers and paras that would be interested in working our ESY program to make it successful for our students who attend. Please share the Employee application found on the forms page with the paras you work with and contact Kristin with questions.

Thank you.