This meeting will follow the format of the November meeting. The agenda and meeting links will be sent out by Monday, November 30, 2020. The meeting will start at 8:00 a.m. and a beverage service will be available beginning at 7:30 a.m.
Category: Elementary Meeting
JELL Principal PLC – November 23, 2020
Please plan to attend a JELL Principal PLC on Monday, November 23, from 9:30 - 11:00. This will be an opportunity to look back at what we’ve covered so far, preview what’s coming up in the December JELL sessions, and collaborate and brainstorm with colleagues. The session will be virtual. The link will be available in the JELL Canvas Course.
In preparation for the PLC, please check that your JELL Action Plan is located in your school planning folder. This will place all school planning documents in one folder and will provide access to your AOS. Instructions for doing this can be found HERE.
Save-the-Date: Principal Meeting December 1, 2020
Principal Meeting will be held on December 1, 2020. Add it to your calendar and more details will be coming.
Mandatory Assistant Principal Meetings for December 2020
The next Assistant Principal meetings will be held on December 3 (1:00-3:30pm), and December 8 (8:00-10:30am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. If you haven't had a chance to sign up for December, please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc that has the sign up sheets. There will be a virtual option. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8186 (x88186). Thank you!
Principal Meeting – November 3, 2020
Please see the schedule below for Principal Meeting. A beverage service of water and soda will be offered beginning at 7:30 am in the entry by the auditorium. Please take note that no coffee, tea or hot chocolate will be offered due to COVID restrictions.
November 3, 2020
8:00 A.M. - Welcome in Level Meetings
LOCATION - ASB Assigned Rooms by Level or Zoom Links below
- Whole Group Link for Time Certain Presentations (8:15 - 9:25)
- Join Zoom Meeting -
Meeting ID: 642 897 3869
Passcode: 282824
- Elementary/Special Ed Principals - ASB Auditorium
Join Zoom Meeting -
Meeting ID: 642 897 3869
Passcode: 282824
- Middle - ASB Presentation Room
- Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 520 851 2121
Passcode: 399526
- High - PDC Room D113 - ZOOM Link
- Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 6441 9775
Passcode: 2kta0n
Please join the Whole Group Zoom and any Level Meeting above virtually
- Teaching & Learning Administrators
- HR Administrators
- Student Services Administrators
- Special Education Dept. Administrators
Join our 2020-2021 WebEx Behavior Groups!
Join us for our WebEx virtual Behavior Training! Classes are created for administrators, school psychologists and counselors, Teacher Leaders and others as appropriate. Build your behavior team and join a group or two! The two groups choices are Behavioral Hurricanes: De-Escalating Severe Behavior and Climate Change in the Classroom: Coaching Effective Behavior Management Strategies. Sign up for a group via email to or ASAP! See attached flyer for more information, instructions and dates/times.
Save-the-Date: Principal Meeting November 3, 2020
Principal Meeting will be held on November 3, 2020. Add it to your calendar and more details will be coming.
December 2020 JELL Sessions
Mark your calendars! Our next JELL Sessions will be in December. The sessions will be through ZOOM but will be smaller sessions. Each school will have an assigned date (see below). We anticipate substitutes may still be an issue and social distancing will still be practiced; therefore, T&L will cover the costs of 3 substitutes per school. You may choose to include the same group from September’s session, rotate leadership team members or cover the substitute costs for additional leadership team members. Add the date to your calendar, reserve your substitutes, and watch for more information.
Thursday, December 3 | Tuesday, December 8 | Thursday, December 10 |
Becky and Lisa | Jill | Doree |
Antelope Canyon | Bastian | Blackridge |
Bluffdale | Elk Meadows | Butterfield Canyon |
Columbia | Falcon Ridge | Copper Canyon |
Daybreak | Fox Hollow | Eastlake |
Heartland | Golden Fields | Foothills |
Majestic | Hayden Peak | Herriman |
Oakcrest | Jordan Hills | Jordan Ridge |
Oquirrh | Midas Creek | Monte Vista |
Riverside | Mountain Shadows | Mountain Point |
South Jordan | Rose Creek | Ridge View |
Terra Linda | Southland | Riverton |
West Jordan | Welby | Rosamond |
Westland | CDC | Silver Crest |
Westvale |
Last Opportunity for Office and Administrative Staff to attend the Optional Training by Business and Auxiliary Services Departments – October 15, 2020
The final session of the optional training for office and administrative staff of schools and District offices will be held Thursday, October 15, 2020, beginning at 8:00 a.m. There is space available for an additional 50 attendees. If you would like to participate, please send an email to Jeri Clayton at and let her know you would like to sign-up to attend. Attendees will receive an email the day prior to the training with instructions for connecting to the Zoom meeting. The agenda is attached.
Canvas Trainings for Administrators – October 2020
Come learn how to be a Canvas administrator who is able to work with teachers and students in Canvas. In an effort to support students, teachers, and administrators in online learning, Digital Teaching and Learning will provide training to encourage participation for administrators who are using Canvas. Trainings will occur over Zoom on the following dates and times with waiting room enabled and passcode required:
Wednesday October 7, 2020 @ 8:00 - 9:00 am - ZOOM LINK - Passcode: fn4660
Thursday October 8, 2020 @ 8:00 - 9:00 am - ZOOM LINK - Passcode: EY1WWt
Thursday October 8, 2020 @ 3:00 - 4:00 pm - ZOOM LINK - Passcode: 5pfSuB
If you have questions, please contact Ross Menlove at or 801-567-8192
Update for Mandatory Assistant Principal Meetings for November and December 2020
There has been a change to the process for attending and signing up for the mandatory assistant principal meetings for November and December 2020. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered per month. Both sessions will provide the same information. The dates are the same November 5 (1:00-3:30pm), November 10 (8:00-10:30am), December 3 (1:00-3:30pm), and December 8 (8:00-10:30am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. If you signed up in JPLS for the November meetings I have added your name to the session you had previously signed up for. If you haven't signed up for November, and everyone will need to sign up for December, please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc that has the sign up sheets. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801.567.8186 (x88186). Thank you!
Instructional Coaching Institute (ICI) and T&L Updates Document
Instructional Coaching Institute (ICI)
Supports for Administrators
The Instructional Coaching Institute is intended to create a united vision and purpose in Jordan School District in order to better support teachers. Meetings are held weekly at the ASB from 11:00-1:30 with the exception of a few that will be held virtually due to limited space availability. All district and school instructional leaders are considered part of the Instructional Coaching Institute and attend meetings. This includes:
- Instructional Coaches
- Title I Coaches
- BYU/UVU Facilitators
- T&L Specialists
- T&L Consultants
This weekly communication is intended to inform you about topics and discussions that will be covered in the weekly meetings as well as on updates from Teaching and Learning. If you would like to attend and receive the information alongside your coach(es) you are welcome to do so or can join virtually. Parts of the meetings will be recorded and available after the meeting as well. Links to join virtually or to watch the recordings can be found inside the link below.
Helpful Links
- Weekly Agenda/Zoom Link/Recording
- Weekly T&L Updates
- Assessment
- Online Program
- Literacy
- Math
- Science
- GT
- Other
Title IX Trainings by the Risk Management and Utah Attorney General’s Office 2020-21
The new Title IX regulations require anyone involved with Title IX issues to undergo specific training. Most often, the person involved with initial decisions related to Title IX allegations is the school principal. The Utah Division of Risk Management in cooperation with the Utah State Board of Education and the Office of the Attorney General has planned training for the new Title IX Regulations, with a particular focus on those responsible for initial decisions and for those responsible for the review of those initial decisions, as well as Title IX Coordinators. This training will fulfill the training mandated by the Title IX Regulations.
This new Title IX Regulations training is being offered as a virtual only training from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. with a 1-hour break for lunch, and all principals are encouraged to attend. Please select one of the training dates below.
Please test the event prior to attending by clicking the ‘Test Event’ link in order to minimize the amount of technical issues on the day of the training.
Assistant Principal Meeting Details for September and November 2020
The Assistant Principal meetings will be held in the ASB Presentation Room in-person and also virtually. It's expected that you will attend one of the meetings each month. The room will hold 20 people. In-person slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. After those slots are filled please sign up for the virtual slots. This will provide room for a total of 50 people per meeting. The course number is: #101627. There are two section numbers for each meeting. Listed below are the JPLS section numbers for the September and November meetings. The access information for the virtual meeting will be provided for those who have signed up in JPLS before the date of the meeting. If you have any questions regarding signing up in JPLS please call Chris Westra at x88657. Other questions may be directed to Nadine Page at x88186.
September 17, 2020
Assistant Principal Meeting
1:00-3:30 pm
ASB Presentation Room
20 In-Person Slots -- Section # 116444
30 Virtual Slots -- Section #116445
September 22, 2020
Assistant Principal Meeting
8:00-10:30 am
ASB Presentation Room
20 In-Person Slots -- Section #116446
30 Virtual Slots -- Section # 116447
November 5, 2020
Assistant Principal Meeting
1:00-3:30 pm
ASB Presentation Room
20 In-Person Slots -- Section #116448
30 Virtual Slots -- Section #116449
November 10, 2020
Assistant Principal Meeting
8:00-10:30 am
ASB Presentation Room
20 In-Person Slots -- Section #116450
30 Virtual Slots -- Section #116451
Save-the-Date: Assistant Principal Meetings – September & November 2020
Please save these dates for the first two Assistant Principal meetings:
September 17 - 1:00-3:30 pm
September 22 - 8:00-10:30 am
November 5 - 1:00-3:30 pm
November 10 - 8:00-10:30 am
More information will be coming next week in JAM regarding in-person and virtual meetings and how to sign up for a time.
Administrator/SRO Yearly Training – October 2, 2020
Please see flyer below with information regarding the Administrator/SRO, required, yearly training.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Elk Ridge Middle School
Two sessions offered: 10:00-11:30 am or 12:30-2:00 pm
Principal Meeting – September 15, 2020
Principal Meeting is coming up on September 15, 2020. Please take note of the following schedule:
Secondary and Special Schools Principals meet at 8:00 a.m. – ASB Auditorium
Teaching & Learning and all other District Administration housed at the DO or ASB meet at 11:00 a.m. – ASB Auditorium
Elementary Principals meet at 1:30 p.m. – ASB Auditorium
Due to group number restrictions no interns or other guests will be permitted to attend.
A beverage service of water and soda will be offered at all three meetings. Please take note that no coffee, tea or hot chocolate will be offered due to COVID restrictions.
2020-21 Annual Administrative Leadership Conference
July 9, 2020
Jordan School District Administrators
District Administration
2020-21 Annual Administrative Leadership Conference
You are invited to attend the annual Jordan School District Administrative Leadership Conference, “Be Curious, Be Intentional, Be United,” scheduled on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at Copper Mountain Middle, Elk Ridge Middle and Mountain Creek Middle.
We will begin in the auditorium at your scheduled time and location (see schedule below). A grab and go snack will be provided during the break. Space will be limited. If you have an intern you would like to have attend please talk with your AOS before inviting them.
It will be our privilege to hear from nationally recognized generational research consultant, Kim Lear, who will provide us with key insights about how we can all move forward together.
Plan on bringing an electronic device in order to access the agenda and conference materials.
Appropriate dress for the conference is business casual. We, respectfully, ask that everyone follow appropriate safety precautions, including facial coverings and spaced seating. We look forward to seeing everyone, in person, again!
Secondary Administrators
Copper Mountain Middle
12106 Anthem Park Boulevard
8:00 – 12:30 pm
Elementary Administrators & Special Schools
Elk Ridge Middle
3659 W 9800 S
South Jordan
8:00 – 12:30 pm
Department Administrators
Mountain Creek Middle
5325 W Bingham Rim Road
South Jordan
1:30 – 3:30 pm
June 23, 2020 Assistant Principal Meeting – Canceled
The Assistant Principal meeting originally scheduled for June 23 has been canceled.